App struck in splash screen or launch screen in ios - ios

Sometimes app is working fine, but sometimes it will get stuck in the launch screen.
I tried many things like changing the provisioning profile, restarting my Mac, quiting Xcode, and quitting the iPhone Simulator.
Xcode version is 7.3.0, macOS 10.11.4
I don't know what to do next. Please help me with this issue.

If your app hangs at launch, you should check your AppDelegate's didFinishingLaunching and the initial view controller's viewDidLoad.

Seems it might be taking some time to appear.
Check the code what you are running in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.
Any Server calls making it to take that much time.
Try the way by debugging from AppDelegate to viewDidLoad method of initial viewcontroller.


Black screen on launch when migrating to SwiftUI application flow

I have done all of the refactoring to migrate from SceneDelegate to using a SwiftUI App and Scene with WindowGroup. I noticed that when the app is updated from the previous version, the app launches to a black screen, and you can't do anything with it. No matter how many times you quit and relaunch the app, nothing is navigable. I can log something in the init function of the App struct, but not in the onAppear modifier.
Uninstalling the app and installing it fresh works fine, but I don't want users to have to do this (I verified that this issue also happens when updating from my released app to a TestFlight beta).
The best way to get around this seems to be to leave the info.plist configuration that tells it to look for the SceneDelegate class (UISceneDelegateClassName), but delete the scene delegate. This will cause warnings in the console on launch, but the black screen issue will stop happening.

How can I make sure that the iPhone simulator in Xcode will move past the the startup screen every time I use it?

When I run the iPhone simulator, sometimes it doesn't move past the opening screen, and sometimes it does.
What I am calling the opening screen is the screen which has the app tittle on it.
I have tried closing and re-opening it. But it doesn't seem to solve the problem, as it still comes back.
I am using the new Xcode beta but this problem also happens to me often in Xcode 6.
The simulator in my opinion is a little buggy to me. This seems to happen to me a lot the first time I run the simulator. After that it seems a little more stable.
This happens to me too sometimes. Simply stop and directly press the "Run" button again.
You can also try to change the Device or uninstall your app on the selected device.
Also try to close the Simulator and open it again and try to run your app after that
My answer is you cannot make sure about that, since it is just a simulator.
This happen to me to when i use xcode6 sometimes, but when i use xcode 5.1.1 it is working perfectly.
I think xcode6 do not stop the current running app before running the other instead it just override the current "same" running app. here is my theory as i observe it.
Assuming simulator is running.
in XCode 5.1.1:
Stops the currently running app > Compile > Run
but in XCode 6:
Compile > Override the same running app
But you dont want to worry about that so much, as long as it doesn't appear in actual device it is all good.

ios applicationDidBecomeActive stuck on splash screen

I'm experiencing a phenomena that after a long time the app was in the background (and probably was ejected from the memory) - after running applicationDidBecomeActive (I see logs from it on the device log) it stays on the splash screen and stays there until I kill the app and restart it
Happens on an iPhone4 with iOS 7.1.2 (don't know about other devices, or if it happens on iOS8 as well)
Is there something I need to do in applicationDidBecomeActive to get the entry screen going?
There is a facebook [FBAppEvents activateApp]; invoked - I don't know if it is relevant or not... is really depend on the app ,the device and how you are using you device.
test it. try to create a new view controller and present it.
if it is presented, i assume that all your view controller were release from memory .

App stays in splash screen in iOS 7.0.3

Recently in iOS 7.0.3, my app stays in the splash screen and was not going into the app at all.
If i kill the app and launch it again it opens up without any issues.
Can anyone help me on this issue?. I think the application -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions was not returning yes.
Note: I have a lot of stuffs like deleting database, initializing a dozen of buttons in appdelegate init function.
I know that it is a bad practice to have things in init but since its been there for more than 4 years and was working fine with previous OS versions i didn't find a good reason to change it.
Also this issue is not happening all the time.
My app size is 40 MB.
The iOS Guidelines say that you should not include anything which holds the Splash screen for much time its better if you do all the process in background so that splash screens loads up and user can play with app. But as you said your issue is not all the time so Try to reset the app and also quit simulator. Hope this helps.

Splash screen still displayed although I removed the Default.png

I don't want any more the splash screen, I have removed the Default.png from the resources file, also I have removed the sleep function. However, when I run the app, the splash screen is still there, can you help me to figure out why it still displayed? Thanks in advance :)
Did you clean the targets after you removed the image? Xcode sometimes requires a clean between builds in order to notice changes to your images. And if that does not work, uninstall the app from the simulator and rebuild.
Try cleaning the targets (Cmd+Shift+K), and if this doesn't work try to delete the app from the simulator/device and to reinstall it.
iOS always displays a "splash screen", AKA launch screen. When you don't provide an image, it initially shows a black screen. When the quits the app, iOS takes a screenshot just after your code return the applicationDidEnterBackground: and uses it as the new launch image (as long as your app doesn't quit).
I experienced the same issue and none of the cleaning activities nor uninstalling the app from simulator helped.
From my point of view there was a bug in xcode 3.x which is now properly fixed in V. 4.x
