Updating a property in a struct inside an array - ios

In my app I download a load of JSON.
I then store that as an array of structs and use that to populate a UITableView.
One of the properties of the struct is an NSURL for an image. Another property is an optional UIImage.
The struct has a mutating function downloadImage which uses the URL to download the image and store it in its property.
Like this...
struct SearchItem {
// other properties...
let iconURL: NSURL
var icon: UIImage?
mutating func downloadImage() -> Task<UIImage> {
let tsc = TaskCompletionSource<UIImage>()
NSURLSession.sharedSession().downloadTaskWithURL(iconURL) {
(location, response, error) in
if let location = location,
data = NSData(contentsOfURL: location),
image = UIImage(data: data) {
self.icon = image
tsc.setError(NSError(domain: "", code: 1, userInfo: nil))
return tsc.task
The problem I'm having is this. (and I have been stumped by this in the past).
I have an array [SearchItem] that I use to populate the tableview.
In cellForRow I have the code... if let searchItem = items[indexPath.row]...
It then checks if the image is nil and downloads...
if let image = searchItem.icon {
cell.imageView.image = image
} else {
searchItem.downloadImage().continueOnSuccessWith(Executor.MainThread) {
_ in
tableView.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .None)
But this never goes through to put the image into the cell. This is because the SearchItem is struct and so pass-by-value. So the search item that I am downloading the image for is not the same SearchItem as the one stored in the array.
How can I ensure that the image that is downloaded is then stored into the SearchItem inside the actual array?

Use classes.
You're getting a copy of searchItem in your cellForRow method. Whatever you do to this, will be done only to that copy. What you actually want is for the changes you make to that copy to be applied to the version in the array.
Therefore you want reference semantics, therefore use classes.
You could dance around re-inserting the updated copy into the original array if you liked, but what does that gain you besides a line of extra code and probably some other problems.

Structs are lightweight data objects that are not passed by reference, but instead copies itself as needed when you a) pass it to a new function, b) try and access it in a block. Arrays in Swift also work slightly differently than their Obj-C counterparts. When you have an Array of class objects the array will be a reference type, and you'll be able to achieve what you're trying to achieve here. But on the other hand if the Array is of Structs the array looses its reference semantics and uses copy-by-value instead.
This difference is really powerful when used appropriately, you can greatly optimise your code, make it run faster, have less errors produced by mutable object references having changes happen in multiple parts of your code, etc. But it's up to you as a developer to see where the gains of these optimisations are useful or where it makes sense to use objects instead.


Tableview reload not accurate

I have a controller, that allows the user to type in a TextField.
Every time the user types a character, the string in that textfield is compared to an array of strings. If there is a match, the resulting array is displayed in a uitableview.
Here's the code:
func searchAutocompleteEntriesWithSubstring(substring:String){
let SUBSSTRING = substring.uppercased()
for thisSchool in schoolArray{
if(thisSchool.name?.uppercased() .contains(SUBSSTRING))!{
Basically, this works fine. BUT!
If the user types rather fast, the autocompleteTableView displays one or more (empty) rows than there actually are strings in the autocompleteStrings array.
I tried encapsulating the above code in DispatchQueue.main.async {}, but that made things even worse.
I guess it has something to do with NeedsLayout or NeedsDisplay, but I've never really understood the mechanism behind it, and how/where to apply these.
I hope you can advise me
Try this code
func searchAutocompleteEntriesWithSubstring(substring: String) {
let filtered = schoolArray.filter() { ($0.name ?? "").uppercased().range(of: substring.uppercased()) != nil }
autocompleteStrings = filtered.map() { $0.name! }
Maybe you need a lock?
1.in a async queue.
2.lock locks.
3.matching and array appending
4.lock unlocks.
5.reload in mainqueue

Issue with setting didSet

I am getting image from a url using SDWebImage and assigning it to an array like so...
let imgUrl = arrProduct?[indexPath.section].images[indexPath.row].url
let placeholderImage = UIImage(named: "appLogo.jpg")
options: []) { (image, error, imageCacheType, imageUrl) in
Now I just don't want to add to an array like this. Instead, after adding the image to arrayOfSelectedImages I want to update this array value in didSet and empty the arrayOfSelectedImages array so that every time the array gets a new value, it updates that value in didSet and & arrayOfSelectedImages is emptied. So finally my array in didSet will have all the images I need and I can pass those images on to some other view...How can I achieve this..?
Not entirely sure if this is what you want, but didSet will fire on a property that is an array if you modify the array, not just if you assign the array. Here is an example:
struct A
var anArray = [1, 2, 3]
print("Hi, there!")
anArray.remove(at: 0)
var a = A()
// Prints Hi there!
// prints [2, 3, 4]
The task is quite straight-forward to accomplish. You need a valid criteria to compare appended objects and, what's important, criteria you apply before appending object to an array, not after that. Using didSet to verify appended object and delete it if unsuitable, is bad design.
If your UIImage objects are not encapsulated within any other object or struct to uniquely id these objects and if you don't have an option whether or not particular image should be downloaded at all (which is the best and most proper practice), you can compare two UIImage objects by comparing underlying image data. This could previously be accomplished by obtaining PNG representation of an image and comparing that data, but now there's a good simple method.
Comparing Images
The isEqual(:) method is the only reliable way to
determine whether two images contain the same image data. The image
objects you create may be different from each other, even when you
initialize them with the same cached image data. The only way to
determine their equality is to use the isEqual(:) method, which
compares the actual image data. Listing 1 illustrates the correct and
incorrect ways to compare images.
if !arrayOfSelectedImages.contains(where: { $0.isEqual(image) }) {

Swift keep pointer/reference to object or another a pattern?

I am converting a project from another tool and language:
Suppose I have a
singleimagecache: UIImage;
I now pass this to a structure which does
var myimage: UIImage = singleimagecache;
Now, this struct is passed to a function that does some work.
This function determines another image should be cached. In my original code, it would simply use myimage and assign its content some other image-bitmap data. Since the object-reference itself was not changed (only its content) singleimagecache would still point to valid fresh new cache data.
However, this is not possible in Swift since UIImage requires to be reconstructed like this:
myimage = UIImage(...)
But doing that would leave singleimagecache with wrong data
So that leaves me the following options:
Any support in Swift for keeping references in sync?
Any support in Swift for keeping pointers to objects (that themselves possibly can be nillable)
Wrap UIImage inside another object that is persistant and use that.
There is no built-in Swift support for what you wish to do. I would just make a wrapper class with 2 UIImage properties. One would be myimage and the other would be singleimagecache. You could then use the didSet property observer on myimage to achieve the desired synchronization so that singleimagecache will always be up to date with myimage. didSet will be called everytime a new value is stored/set in the property.
class imageCache
var myimage:
= UIImage() {
didSet {
singleimagecache = myimage
var singleimagecache = UIImage()

Use Realm with Collection View Data Source Best Practise

I'll make it short as possible.
I have an API request that I fetch data from (i.e. Parse).
When I'm getting the results I'm writing it to Realm and then adding them to a UICollectionView's data source.
There are requests that take a bit more time, which run asynchronous. I'm getting the needed results after the data source and collection view was already reloaded.
I'm writing the needed update from the results to my Realm database.
I have read that it's possible to use Realm's Results. But I honestly didn't understood it. I guess there is a dynamic and safe way working with collection views and Realm. Here is my approach for now.
This is how I populate the collection view's data source at the moment:
var dataSource = [Realm_item]()
where Realm_item is a Realm Object type.
Looping and Writing
override func viewDidLoad() {
for nowResult in FetchedResultsFromAPI
let item = Realm_item()
item.item_Title = nowResult["Title"] as! String
item.item_Price = nowResult["Price"] as! String
// Example - Will write it later after the collectionView Done - Async request
// Example - Will write it later after the collectionView Done - Async request
//After finish running over the results *Before writing the image data*
try! self.realm.write {
After I write the image to Realm to an already created "object". Will the same Realm Object (with the same primary key) automatically update over in the data source?
What is the right way to update the object from the data source after I wrote the update to same object from the Realm DB?
Model class
class Realm_item: Object {
dynamic var item_ID : String!
dynamic var item_Title : String!
dynamic var item_Price : String!
dynamic var imgPath : String?
override class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "item_ID"
First I'm checking whether the "object id" exists in the Realm. If it does, I fetch the object from Realm and append it to the data source. If it doesn't exist, I create a new Realm object, write it and than appending it.
Fetching the data from Parse
This happens in the viewDidLoad method and prepares the data source:
var query = PFQuery(className:"Realm_item")
query.limit = 100
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (respond, error) -> Void in
if error == nil
for x in respond!
if let FetchedItem = self.realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Realm_item.self, key: x.objectId!)
let item = Realm_item()
item.item_ID = x.objectId
item.item_Title = x["Title"] as! String
item.item_Price = x["Price"] as! String
let file = x["Images"] as! PFFile
RealmHelper().getAndSaveImageFromPFFile(file, named: x.objectId!)
try! self.realm.write {
Thank you!
You seem to have a few questions and problems here, so I'll do my best.
I suggest you use the Results type as your data source, something like:
var dataSource: Results<Realm_item>?
Then, in your viewDidLoad():
dataSource = realm.objects(Realm_item).
Be sure to use the relevant error checking before using dataSource. We use an optional Results<Realm_item> because the Realm object you're using it from needs to be initialised first. I.e., you'll get something like "Instance member * cannot be used on type *" if you try declaring the results like let dataSource = realm.objects(Realm_item).
The Realm documentation (a very well-written and useful reference to have when you're using Realm as beginner like myself), has this to say about Results...
Results are live, auto-updating views into the underlying data, which means results never have to be re-fetched. Modifying objects that affect the query will be reflected in the results immediately.
Your mileage may vary depending on how you have everything set up. You could try posting your Realm models and Parse-related code for review and comment.
Your last question:
What is the right way to update the "object" from the Data Source after i wrote the update to same object from the Realm DB?
I gather you're asking the best way to update your UI (CollectionView) when the underlying data has been updated? If so...
You can subscribe to Realm notifications to know when Realm data is updated, indicating when your app’s UI should be refreshed for example, without having to re-fetch your Results.

Handle large JSON files in TableView

I'm trying to parse a large JSON file (approx: 1000 rows containg a tuple with 8 strings) and display this in a UITableView. What I already have is working but I am looking for a more efficient way of displaying them.
At the moment my code looks likes this:
public func GET(request: String, callback: (result: JSON?, response: NSHTTPURLResponse?, error: NSError?) -> Void) {
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let url = NSURL(string : "SOMEURL")
let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url!){
(data, response, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
callback(result: nil, response: response as? NSHTTPURLResponse, error: error!)
} else {
callback(result: JSON(data : data!), response: response as? NSHTTPURLResponse, error: nil)
This does parse the data using SwiftJSON (see JSON(data : data!)), then when it comes to actually filling an array i use a class containing two attributes (one for the Main text in table and one for detail text)
class SomeClass {
let MainText : String
let DetailText : String
init(MainText : String, DetailText : String) {
self.MainText = MainText
self.DetailText = Detailtext
Now in the UITableView i have a .swift file and in the
override func ViewDidLoad() {
I use a loop to get the data from the result callback in the GET method to append to an array of
var rows : [SomeClass] = []
This is very CPU intensive but I did not find another way to deal with this problem. I tried only displaying 50 rows in the table and only creating 50 class items for the rows. But none of that matters, what I fear is that the SwiftyJSON way of dealing with this problem is not the right one but i thought that maybe I am overlooking something.
If I understood your problem, you are worried about CPU / Energy Efficiency.
What you should consider, if it's not how your app already works, is implementing the parsing process in the background thread, make your [SomeClass] array observable and update the table when it changes (aka when the background parsing added an new value to it).
So first make your parsing function run in background (for instance with the Async GCD wrapper) :
func callback(JSON?, response: NSHTTPURLResponse, error: NSError?) {
Async.background {
//Do your JSON parsing stuff here, XXX is a SomeClass object
rows <- rows + [XXX]
You might have noticed the unusual syntax for the array appending method. That's because making your array "observable" is part of the solution. I advise you to get the Observable-Swift library to make it easier to observe.
Once added to your project, change your array declaration :
var rows = Observable([SomeClass]())
Now implement the method that will be called when your callback parsed a new item (for instance in your viewDidLoad:)
rows.afterChange += { self.table.reloadData() }
where table is your table view
If you want to implement a power-friendly runtime, you might want to update the table every time 50 or 100 objects are added to the array. This can be done so (if you want to do so do not implement the method right above):
rows.afterChange += { if $1.count / 100 = 1 { self.table.reloadData() }}
where 100 is the value of new object required to be added in order to update the table. With Observable-Swift, $0 represents the array before it was updated and $1 the array after its update.
One last thing : the rows array is no longer of type [SomeClass] but Observable<SomeClass>. If you want to access the [SomeClass] value, just replace rows by rows.value
Hope I didn't misunderstood your question. Anyway if I did, I think that can still help providing a better implementation of JSON parsing.
You should not be worried about how much of data you have to display in TableView.
TableView class handles everything for you as long as you pass the json object properly as a Tablesource.
It's actually a pretty good concern about how you use the resources. Normally, we will go with pagination if you don't want to query back whole amount of data from a request. Then, you will implement some proper logic based on the skip and limit in order to get further data.
As for the UITableView, there is nothing to worry about. Because, it's developed in an efficient way. The total number of cell in memory is the total number of cell visible. The UITableView will help populating the data via delegation methods. It's not like: you have 500 rows of data, then it has 500 UITableViewCell. It's reusability.
