Safari on iOS doesn't work with media queries - ios

My problem is that I cannot get media query to work on iPhone 5s iOS 9.3.2 Safari. I have a full screen video on my page what I'd like to change into an image on mobile. I have followed this tutorial to make it happen.
I have specified the viewport like this:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
I have included !important tag in every css entry I need to be changed when being 640px, like this:
#media only screen and (max-device-width: 640px) {
html {
background: url('image.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed !important;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
#video {
display: none !important;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
/*also tried with background:transparent !important*/
I decided to use 640px as it is the exact amount of pixels what gets rendered on iPhone 5s according to this source.
I have specified that the background should be transparent as it seems to be the only option to work around the default template style. Meaning when background becomes transparent the background image shows up.
I have read this and this. I have applied the suggested solutions to my problem but none of them worked.
NOTE: I don't have the Mac machine to test this issue via iPhone's web inspector. Making a VM on Windows seems to be not a one hour job.
I have tested my code in Chrome 50.0.2661.102 m (64-bit), Mozilla 46.0.1 and Edge on Windows Phone everything works fine.
I have tried to work with Safari 5.1.7 (the last version released for Windows), but it seems to be very outdated (as expected).
I have also cleared the cache with Ctrl+Shift+R and tried to use Incognito mode.
UPDATE: if I specify the color (for the sake of testing) before the image I will be then able to see the specified color in Safari, but no image:
background: green url('image.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed !important;
Any idea how to solve this?

While waiting for help I've found a workaround just for my case. Thanks to #daemeron's answer.
So instead of implementing separate styleheets for different devices it is just possible to hide the annoying Play button on the background by:
*::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none
This works great on iPhone and Windows 10 mobile. Exactly what I was looking for.


Safari on mobile - computed style is different than given

I am writing an Angular (v.9) web application which contains few tiles on the scrolling panel. When given option is out of order I set blurred grey background with text on it. It works fine on desktop chrome/firefox/edge and mobile chrome/firefox. However when I test it on iOS with Safari text becomes too large for the tile. Even though I set font-size property on the "p" element itself:
<p style="font-size: 14px">
sometimes computed style says 21px.
As you can see, I marked that with red rectangles. Moreover, the issue does not appear on all tiles - as you can see blue one looks fine - font size is 14px. Unfortunately the presence of the issue on the particular tile seems to be totally random.
I use BrowserStack for testing, problem appears only on all iPhones (checked 8, 10, 11, 12) with Safari. Running Chrome does not produce issue.
It is not possible to expand "font-size" tree so I have no idea where that value come from, I haven't set 21px anywhere.
Do you have any ideas how can I force Safari to use given font-size? I've already tried multiple tricks like using !important, changing size based on some properties or even set different font size on click - works on all browsers but Safari.
Try this (only for iPhones)
#media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
and also make sure your code has the correct device meta tag
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0;" />
This is the mixin that I use for the Safari browsers
#mixin safari-only {
#supports (-webkit-marquee-repetition: infinite) and (object-fit: fill) {
You can use that in your .scss file as follows:
#include safari-only() {
// your CSS

Responsive website works fine on Firefox responsive mode, but not in Chrome or Device

I built a website for myself which I believe is responsive as per my testing with Firefox's responsive mode. I tested all the pages with the iPhone resolution (375*667) both landscape and portrait mode and it worked great.
However when I try to open the same site in Chrome, it does not display properly. It also shows the same effect when viewed from an iPhone.
This is my site -
The background images in used in section 2 and 3 are missing whereas it is working fine with Firefox (also in responsive mode). I can't see the background in my device as well.
Also the site content looks very small when viewed in Chrome and device. But it looks just fine when viewed in Firefox.
Please tell me if the way I have built the site is right or not ? Or if something that I have missed which messes up the site on Chrome and devices.
You're heading in the right direction.
Problem #1, Background Images
Your background images don't appear because you are using the background-attachment property with the value fixed. It sets the background in relation to the viewport (browser window). You're basically pinning the background image to the top of the page and by the time you get to your 2nd and 3rd sections you've scrolled past the background image.
You have set background-attachment via the shorthand background property. Remove fixed from the background property.
background: url( '../img/aboutme.jpg' ) no-repeat center;
Problem #2, Text size
You need to use a responsive meta tag. Here's one that I use:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
The problem seems to be here:
.s2 {
background: url(../img/aboutme.jpg) no-repeat center fixed;
I removed the fixed and the background displayed in chrome
s2 {
background: url(../img/aboutme.jpg) no-repeat center;

Chrome iOS not using retina background-image

I'm on an iPhone 5... I started updating my website, to use retina images. Everything works perfectly in Safari. For some reason, my background-image for the body isn't using it, and its super blurry. Any ideas? Is this a bug? This is what I have for the media query for retina displays:
body {
url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat,
url(style/images/dark/bg5.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat,
url(style/images/dark/bg5_repeater.png) repeat bottom;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 15px 10px, top, bottom;
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) {
body, #header {
background: url(../images/dark/bg5_repeater#2x.png) repeat;
background-size: 70px 70px;
Here is the link to the file and code line, on my bitbucket:
Here are some screenshots too between Safari and Chrome on iOS 7.1.1.
Thanks so much
Could be that the image was not saved as a progressive image. When saved as progressive, it fixes the issue.
Chrome renders pages with Safari's engine (the only browser engine Apple allows on iOS), so this must be a difference between in-app Safari (UIWebView) and actual Safari.
But my answer is that you should not be implementing a retina tax. Are double-resolution images really worth doubling the user's mobile data usage, or doubling your page's load time?
(If work on the Network Information API continues, maybe we'll get media queries for bandwidth...)

Jquery Mobile phonegap vertical content limited to viewport on IOS

I have a fairly strange issue that I'm experiencing with jquery mobile / phonegap and IOS.
I've created a web app with html / css and so far it works exactly as expected on android, (The content scrolls vertically in the viewport) however on ios (my test platform is an iphone 4s), the page is limited vertically to the viewport. It scrolls just fine, but all content that sits below the viewport vertically get's cut off, IE the only content that will display is what I see in the upper half of the page, nothing below the viewport will display.
an excerpt from my css file:
html, body {
body {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
and my html page, in the head section:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1; maximum-scale=1 minimum-scale=1; user-scalable=no" />
Here's a couple screenshots of the problem in action:
As you can see from the screen shots, the gradient "should" fill the whole page (ie, expand with content), and it doesn't as there seems to be a hard cutoff at the viewport edge, so any more than a single page of content is not getting displayed. While it's not visible in these screenshots the vertical scrollbars are appearing as they should and the scrolling works fine, just no content is displayed "below the fold".
I am not using iScroll or any other scrolling scripts, just fyi.
I'm not sure if this is some sort of height issue, as I have a min-height:100%; set on the html and body of the page, or if it's some sort of width-device-width issue in the meta tag? I also do not believe I have any overflow-y:hidden set, as that would have limited the content on other platforms, and they work perfectly.
I feel like I must be missing something really basic, as I'm sure it's got to be some sort of css setting somewhere that's limiting the content to the viewport only, and an exhaustive google search could find no similar issues.
Check if your apps default orientation is set to portrait instead of landscape, or if it even supports the portrait orientation. It almost looks like its displaying the app as if its in landscape mode while its clearly in portrait. You can find the available orientation in the Target>General tab, or in the info.plist.
So I've fixed it, and the weird thing is, I'm not exactly sure what I did to fix the issue.
I moved the .ui-page selector from the jquery-mobile file to my own css file, removed the min-height from the html selector and killed the overflow-x from the html, body selectors and boom, it now appears to be working as intended. Wacky... but hey, a win is a win. :)

How to fix iOS Viewport Bug(s)?

Imagine the following setup:
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=yes, width=640" />
Default CSS:
body { width: 100%; }
CSS change on some element (let's call it button-X) click:
body {
margin: 0 0 0 -webkit-calc(100% - 100px);
min-width: 640px;
overflow-x: hidden;
What does this do in desktop browser?
It shifts entire body almost 100% to the right. Horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear. You only see left part (100px) of the body positioned to the very right of your screen.
What does this do in iPhone 4S iOS 6.0.1?
There are two behaviors actually:
INCORRECT: If you just run Safari and click button-X it will start displaying your website at like 1200px instead of 640px.... shifted body will make entire viewport have 630px of blank space + body width = ~1200px. Even if body has position: absolute; or position: fixed; which in theory should allow positioning elements outside viewport but it doesn't. iOS makes viewport so large that your elements that are supposed to be off the screen are on the screen.
CORRECT: I wouldn't ask this question because maybe that's how it works and it can't be changed BUT there is fix for that so I assume it's a bug of iOS. If I run Safari and I tap it with 2 fingers and move them together (like to zoom out) and then click button-X it works perfectly. This action of tapping with two fingers doesn't change anything to viewport. Since viewport is set to 640px it will remain 640px after releasing fingers so literary nothing changes... but it starts working perfectly fine after this simple action.
The question is - how to perform this action (2) programmatically? I've tried:
-webkit-transform-origin: 0px 0px; -webkit-transform: scale3d(1,1,1); zoom: 1;
How do I reset the scale/zoom of a web app on an orientation change on the iPhone?
Interesting: it will make viewport ~1200px even if you set user-scalable: no
This didn't change anything. Basically I want absolutely positioned elements (or with overflow: hidden;) to be off the viewport like in desktop browsers.
Have you tried initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no? Also, I think you are trying to fix it backwards. What is exactly the thing you want to do? Not the behaviour of the viewport or DOM elements, but the result website/webapp.
Anyway - in general, viewport is body. It's weird to make the body wider than the viewport and expect the body to clip itself. Try setting the body at a fixed width (not minimum, because this way it can get as much wide as it wants), and putting a div container inside the body, and apply your margin CSS change to the div, not the body - body should have the width set and overflow-x:hidden.
