How could I enable YouTube Content ID API? - youtube

According to What is the YouTube Content ID API?, comes from YouTube official page, only a Youtube partner can see YouTube Contend ID API in the Google Developers Console. However, I have become a YouTube partner but still cannot see the YouTube Content ID API from the console. Could anyone tell me what's the root cause? Thanks!


Is there a reason my youtube app gives me access to one youtube channel but not another?

I created a youtube app in that has the youtube data, youtube analytics and youtube reporting apis enabled. I also have access to multiple youtube channels that I'm hoping to automate some reports. several youtube channels I can login to with my app with no problem, but one in particular returns a message saying "Google has disabled this app" and I don't know why. It works will all channels but one, is there some permission that needs to be set in this particular one?

Youtube content owner API returns 403 forbidden error

The API Explorer returns 403 forbidden with fetchMine=True
Used Google OAuth 2.0 and API key. Is it compulsory to be a a partner to gain access to the data?
directly from the documentation page.
ContentOwners: list
Note: The YouTube Content ID API is intended for use by YouTube content partners and is not accessible to all developers or to all YouTube users. If you do not see the YouTube Content ID API as one of the services listed in the Google API Console, see the YouTube Help Center to learn more about the YouTube Partner Program.
you need to be a YouTube partner to access this method.

Who to contact for YouTube Content ID API for the purpose of developing new web tools?

I am aware of the partnership program in order to gain access to the YouTube Content ID API, but I'm not interested in monetization. I'd like to work with the API to develop a web tool. Is there any way to do this? I'm having a hard time trying to contact YouTube about it. Any help would be appreciated.
You can contact them through here.
The YouTube Content ID API is intended for use by YouTube content
partners and is not accessible to all developers or to all YouTube
users. If you do not see the YouTube Content ID API as one of the
services listed in the Google Developers Console, see to learn more about the YouTube Partner

Getting YouTube Content ID API

YouTube Content ID API is not showing up on my api console, I already made sure my channel was partnered, I also linked it the CMS account, everything is setup correctly but, when I go to the API console it does not show it. The channel I'm uploading the videos to is a brand account of the main email, is that the problem? if so how can I fix it. Thanks.
To get access to YouTube Content ID API you first need to apply here.
You must be a partner to apply.

Youtube - Content ID

I've been reading a lot recently about the Content ID that youtube provides. As how it works and how to use it from the Youtube provided interface is clear, I did not find any API reference for this.
Could some one point me to the portion of the Youtube api that deals with this ?
I have to mention that I'm intending to be a copyright owner and I would like to use the youtube api, if possible, to manage rights and find the content which other people have uploaded. Content which by copyright is owned by me.
Thank you very much.
First of all, your channel must be a partner channel, then you must enable the ContentID API from the console\services:
Google Developer Console
After that you can refer to the online documentation at:
YouTube Content ID API
But please be noted that you cannot see the "ContentID API" directly on the console, you must contact the Youtube for it, and this what happened with us.
We were developing an automated tool that uses Youtube Data API & Youtube ContentID API.
