How are printing functions made? - printing

I am making my own programming language, and how can I print characters on screen?
When I try to print using video memory (0xB8000) program crashes...

Erm, no don't do that. This is how an operating system can print stuff to the screen, but I doubt it would allow you to do the same without some kind of segmentation violation.
If you just want to print text to the screen, and assuming you are on a UNIX like system, either use the write[1] system call, or just open the standard output file (stdout, assuming your language allows you to open files) and write there.
[1]: This is the signature for write: ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes);. For more information, read this


how to redirect the trace window output to a file in CANoe

i would like to get all the data present in the trace window to my text file, even log recording can help but it can't display date and time in that file, so i've a plan to copy entire trace window to file.
i've tried to do ctrl+a and paste in notepad, but it is just copying some sort of area only not all.
i would like to know is there any chance to redirect how trace window is printing like that i can see in text file, or at least is there any way to copy entire file and paste in text file.
The trace windows just display the data, you configure it in the Measurement Setup.
But be aware that this will be only a part of the data anyway. There is a buffer where CANoe stores the data for the Trace window. You can configure the type of this buffer (memory or hard disk) and its size. Go to Options -> Measurement -> Data History to change your settings.
You can also configure the size of the visible data range there. But even with a very long range and a large 200 GB buffer, there might be a possibility that some data will not be available, because the Trace works as a ring buffer deleting the old data on overflow.
If you need the complete data, you should enable the Logging in the Measurement setup. Yes, the data files will be not human-readable. You will then need to open them in the Offline Mode in CANoe to analyze them. The timestamps will be of course logged, so you can easily use them for your analysis.
You could pretty-print it to the write window using CAPL:
on message *
int i;
write("[%07.3f] %03X", this.time / 100000.0,;
for (i = 0; i < this.dlc; i++)
writeEx(0, 0, " %02X", this.byte(i));
And then export it to a file.
Or you write it directly to a file.
Hi I would suggest logging the necessary data into a CSV and then analyzing using Excel. You can make use of the File Access CAPL functions like openFileWrite for the same

Detect if Cycript/Substrate or gdb is attached to an iOS app's process?

I am building an iOS app that transmits sensitive data to my server, and I'm signing my API requests as an additional measure. I want to make reverse engineering as hard as possible, and having used Cycript to find signing keys of some real-world apps, I know it's not hard to find these keys by attaching to a process. I am absolutely aware that if someone is really skilled and tries hard enough, they eventually will exploit, but I'm trying to make it as hard as possible, while still being convenient for myself and users.
I can check for jailbroken status and take additional measures, or I can do SSL pinning, but both are still easy to bypass by attaching to the process and modifying the memory.
Is there any way to detect if something (whether it be Cycript, gdb, or any similar tool that can be used for cracking the process) is attached to the process, while not being rejected from App Store?
EDIT: This is not a duplicate of Detecting if iOS app is run in debugger. That question is more related to outputting and it checks an output stream to identify if there's an output stream attached to a logger, while my question is not related to that (and that check doesn't cover my condition).
gdb detection is doable via the linked stackoverflow question - it uses the kstat to determine if the process is being debugged. This will detect if a debugger is currently attached to the process.
There is also a piece of code - Using the Macro SEC_IS_BEING_DEBUGGED_RETURN_NIL in iOS app - which allows you to throw in a macro that performs the debugger attached check in a variety of locations in your code (it's C/Objective-C).
As for detecting Cycript, when it is run against a process, it injects a dylib into the process to deal with communications between the cycript command line and the process - the library has part of the name looking like cynject. That name doesn't look similar to any libraries that are present on a typical iOS app. This should be detectable with a little loop like (C):
BOOL hasCynject() {
int max = _dyld_image_count();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
const char *name = _dyld_get_image_name(i);
if (name != NULL) {
if (strstr(name, "cynject") == 0) return YES;
Again, giving it a better name than this would be advisable, as well as obfuscating the string that you're testing.
These are only approaches that can be taken - unfortunately these would only protect you in some ways at run-time, if someone chooses to point IDA or some other disassembler at it then you would not be protected.
The reason that the check for debugger is implemented as a macro is that you would be placing the code in a variety of places in the code, and as a result someone trying to fix it would have to patch the app in a variety of places.
Based on #petesh's answer, I found the below code achieved what I wanted on a jailbroken phone with Cycript. The existence of printf strings is gold to a reverse engineer, so this code is only suitable for demo / crack-me apps.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
int main ()
int max = _dyld_image_count();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
const char *name = _dyld_get_image_name(i);
const char needle[11] = "libcycript";
char *ret;
if ((ret = strstr(name, needle)) != NULL){
printf("%s\nThe substring is: %s\n", name, ret);
return 0;
As far as I know, Cycript process injection is made possible by debug symbols. So, if you strip out debug symbols for the App Store release (the default build setting for the Release configuration), that would help.
Another action you could take, which would have no impact on the usability of the App, would be to use an obfuscator. However, this would render any crash reports useless, since you wouldn't be able to make sense of the symbols, even if the crash report was symbolicated.

How to trigger a DMA operation on PCI sound card

I'm a newbie to driver development in Linux. I want to trigger a DMA read operation at specified target address, but I have no basic concept about how to do it. Should I write a new driver for my sound card? Or just invoke some APIs(if any) provided by current sound card driver?
I can imagine that what I want looks like this (from LDD3 Ch15),
int dad_transfer(struct dad_dev *dev, int write, void *buffer,
size_t count)
dma_addr_t bus_addr;
/* Map the buffer for DMA */
dev->dma_dir = (write ? DMA_TO_DEVICE : DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
dev->dma_size = count;
bus_addr = dma_map_single(&dev->pci_dev->dev, buffer, count,
dev->dma_addr = bus_addr;
/* Set up the device */
writeb(dev->registers.command, DAD_CMD_DISABLEDMA);
writeb(dev->registers.command, write ? DAD_CMD_WR : DAD_CMD_RD);
writel(dev->registers.addr, cpu_to_le32(bus_addr));
writel(dev->registers.len, cpu_to_le32(count));
/* Start the operation */
writeb(dev->registers.command, DAD_CMD_ENABLEDMA);
return 0;
But what should this be, a user-space program or a module? And where can I grub more device-specific details in order to know which and how the registers should be write?
You have several questions buried in here, so I will take them one at a time:
Should I write a new driver or invoke some API function calls?
If the existing driver has such a function accessible from userspace, yes you should use them - they will the easiest option. If they do not already exist, you will have to write a driver because you cannot directly access the kernel's DMA engine from userspace. You need a driver to help you along.
Should this be a userspace program or module?
It would have to be a module so that it can access low-level kernel features. Using your included code as an example, you cannot call "dma_map_single" from userspace or access a PCI device's device structure. You need to be in kernel space to do that, which requires either a driver module or static kernel driver.
Where can I get more device-specific details?
(I assume you meant Grep.) You will have to get a hold of a programmer's guide for the device you want to access. Regular user's manuals won't have the level of detail you need (register addresses, bit patterns, etc) so you may have to contact the manufacturer to get a driver writer's guide. You also may be able to find some examples in the kernel source code. Check for a searchable, up-to-date listing of the entire kernel source. If you look in /drivers/, you may be able to find some examples to get you started.

Difference between writing data in memory directly and using asm instruction

I am reading the Linux kernel. I am curious about the way to write data in memory.
In some part of drivers, they use the writel() function defined in asm/io.h and in definition of that function, they use the movnti instruction - actually I don't understand what this instruction means except it is a kind of mov instruction.
Anyway, when writing data in memory, what's the difference between using writel() and directly writing in memory, e.g. **address = data;.
Here is the case:
static inline void __writel(__u32 val, volatile void __iomem *addr)
volatile __u32 __iomem *target = addr;
asm volatile("movnti %1,%0"
: "=m" (*target)
: "r" (val) : "memory");
and this is another case:
*(unsigned int*)(MappedAddr+pageOffset) = result;
writel looks like it's intended for memory mapped IO, there are a few things to support this, first the use of the volatile pointer (which prevents optimization such as reordering calls or optimizing them out among other things) and the non-temproal instruction (IO writes/reads shouldn't be cached) and of course the iomem annotation seems to support this too.
If I understand this correctly then using the moventi instruction will minimise the impact on the processor's data caches. Using *(unsigned int*)(MappedAddr+pageOffset) = result; instead leaves the the compiler free to choose whichever move instruction it likes, and its likely to choose one that causes the cache line to be pulled into the cache. Which is probably not what you want if you're interacting with a memory mapped device.

What is the correct way to clear sensitive data from memory in iOS?

I want to clear sensitive data from memory in my iOS app.
In Windows I used to use SecureZeroMemory. Now, in iOS, I use plain old memset, but I'm a little worried the compiler might optimize it:
code snippet:
NSData *someSensitiveData;
memset((void *)someSensitiveData.bytes, 0, someSensitiveData.length);
Paraphrasing 771-BSI (link see OP):
A way to avoid having the memset call optimized out by the compiler is to access the buffer again after the memset call in a way that would force the compiler not to optimize the location. This can be achieved by
*(volatile char*)buffer = *(volatile char*)buffer;
after the memset() call.
In fact, you could write a secure_memset() function
void* secure_memset(void *v, int c, size_t n) {
volatile char *p = v;
while (n--) *p++ = c;
return v;
(Code taken from 771-BSI. Thanks to Daniel Trebbien for pointing out for a possible defect of the previous code proposal.)
Why does volatile prevent optimization? See
UPDATE Please also read Sensitive Data In Memory because if you have an adversary on your iOS system, your are already more or less screwed even before he tries to read that memory. In a summary SecureZeroMemory() or secure_memset() do not really help.
The problem is NSData is immutable and you do not have control over what happens. If the buffer is controlled by you, you could use dataWithBytesNoCopy:length: and NSData will act as a wrapper. When finished you could memset your buffer.
