Google maps api from where we get? - ios

I want to use google maps in my ios application can anyone tell me that from where I will get google maps framework so that i can implement it in my application.
Is is free or any cost i have to pay for google map library.

Yes, you can find here in and also find below github links

Go to the Google Maps API page, and check out the iOS section for further information .
Cost depends on the sort of use I think, whether you want a premium access or not. Check the link for further details.


Can't enable Google Slides API?

When I was trying to enable Google Slides API, the instruction tells me to go to the below address and enable the Google Slides API, but I can't find it among other Google Apps API. Does anyone know other ways to enable Google Slides API, or where I can find the Google Slides API on this console? Thanks!
You should be able to find it in the library under this URL:

Does google maps need api key for IOS application (and why)

I saw in this link
Mr. Chris uses a google map without a key.[I've tried it and it's working]
but, when i enter google developer
they say [get a key].
(why should i do it? i got confused)
if it's required to run it in my app, how can Chris did it?
pre-Thanks ^^.
Yes Google map needs API key, without API key your request will be failed.
WHY: Every app is unique with its bundle ID, API key provided by google is used to identify the app uniquely.
There are so many paid services are offered by google to used in our app, App id used to manage your account based on request to API made/ package selected by you.
It also helps you to analyse use of google API through your app, which may may help you plan out your furthuer updates/usage to your App.

Facebook Instal Tracking like Google AdWords in iOS

One of my clients asked me to add the conversion tracking of Google Analytics AdWords, and they send me this link:
We use Google Analytics to track everything in our app and we are not interested in use the Facebook SDK to track the same (or almost the same) we track on Google Analytics, so I have been looking for a way to use the Facebook Pixel in a similar way Google does.
In Google I just have to call this URL (this is the example of the link above):
If I get a 400 response the URL is not well formed and if I get a 200 response everything is ok, is pretty easy and in accordance with our development.
Is there a way to do something similar with the Facebook Pixel? I have look a lot on the web and everything I can find tells me to install the Facebook SDK in my iOS project.
Thanks to all in advance for the help.

Can i link google maps from within my application without paying fees?

When i use the Google Maps API from within my commercial application, i have to sign-up for an API key and i have to pay fees for the usage of the Google Maps API.
What happens if i just use a link that opens a new browser window in my app?
Do i have to pay fees for this, too?
Thanks in advance,
No you do not have to pay for such usage.
In addition, using the Google Maps API can also be free, if your Maps API implementation is generally accessible to users without charge. (Google Maps API Terms of Service)

yahoo messenger sdk

I've set my mind on writing a plugin for yahoo messenger, but I can't find a sdk anyware , and from the information I gathered it seems that the sdk has been removed by yahoo. Is there a way I could accomplish this ?
thankyou !
You should be able to find what you need within the open source yahoo client Gyachi
