Facebook Instal Tracking like Google AdWords in iOS - ios

One of my clients asked me to add the conversion tracking of Google Analytics AdWords, and they send me this link:
We use Google Analytics to track everything in our app and we are not interested in use the Facebook SDK to track the same (or almost the same) we track on Google Analytics, so I have been looking for a way to use the Facebook Pixel in a similar way Google does.
In Google I just have to call this URL (this is the example of the link above):
If I get a 400 response the URL is not well formed and if I get a 200 response everything is ok, is pretty easy and in accordance with our development.
Is there a way to do something similar with the Facebook Pixel? I have look a lot on the web and everything I can find tells me to install the Facebook SDK in my iOS project.
Thanks to all in advance for the help.


Xamarin google login

I'm trying to log the user into google and get a UserCredential for the youtube Api. I've made many research but all the informations i've found are outdated or arn't working on xamarin. Can somebody send a link to an updated documentation whitch work on xamarin android, an exemple (like a github) or describe here how to do it.
Thanks for reading.

disallowed_useragent with Google Drive SDK

I am trying to implement Google Drive SDK in my project but nothing seems to go well, i wanted to upload images and create folder on Google Drive but i am stuck with the error ,which i don't know how to get through, as i found nothing related to the following error.
I have strongly followed this link for code
Google has updated its security restrictions for OAuth flow. They are not going to allow native web-views to initiate OAuth flows. You will need to use the OS browsers to do so.
Modernizing OAuth interactions in Native Apps for Better Usability and Security
You may have to wait for google to update the sample code or figure out how to do it yourself sorry i am not an IOS developer so cant be of any help.
The issue is already logged on the issue forum for Google drive 4919

Receiving information from social media into iOS

As the title suggests I want to add Social media extensions into my iOS application, I have seen multiple tutorials on how to publish to an external source e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc... which seems easy enough.
Now my question is it possible to do the reverse and instead retrieve information from these external factors? For example if I set the application to look directly at my Facebook profile when loaded and retrieve my Facebook status's.
I've heard of the concept of a Facebook Graph API which I plan on learning of the next couple of weeks. I'm looking for any resource materials or videos which I can use to learn from. I'm currently looking through Facebook's developers options but any additional information would be great.
You're going to want to use their official API. These links are a good starting point.
Facebook SDK for iOS
Twitter SDK for iOS
Instagram support for iOS

Get Facebook's iOS browser reading GA parameters (for discounts) or how do you give feedback to Facebook?

We've noticed that Facebook's built-in iOS browser won't read Google Analytics parameters - we use GA's campaign parameter to offer discount codes to fans during checkout (on our website).
This works in every other browser except when fans try to get the discount via Facebook's app.
Does anyone know away around this or know where you can submit feedback to Facebook about their app - we're having a bit of trouble penetrating Facebook's wall of bureaucracy!

Google Analytics Reporting SDK for iPhone?

Upon exploring new ideas for apps, I stumbled on one that seemed pretty easy to do once nailed down to the right SDK, etc. I want to use Google OAuth authentication system to report Google Analytics data into my app, from the users account.
A couple days of researched turned up pretty much nothing but on how to add Google ANalytics to YOUR app to track YOUR views, etc.
Where should I begin? Does Google have Sample Code for this?
Google has a complete API for accessing the Google Analytics data. See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/
There are several iOS apps out there that already use this data to provide graphical and numerical data on your GA account.
