How to add a mp3 file in iOS simulator? - ios

I can add images, videos in iOS simulator by dragging them into the window and those are saved in simulator photos app. But when a mp3 file is dragged on it can be played in Safari but there is no option of saving it.
Is there any way to save a mp3 file so that later I can pick the file from an app?

It's still not allowed to drag and drop and save mp3 to iPhone simulator.

Its not supported in iphone simulator.We have to drag the music files into our project.then we can access from it.Refer this link also


Want to disable Camera features in iOS device : It is an IONIC App

I Want to disable Camera features in iOS device, as in android it won’t display the camera option when I use input type file HTML tag : It is an IONIC App
I have used this below HTML code in my ionic app for the upload image, word, excel or pdf file.
<input #fileInput type=“file” (change)=“uploadAndProgress($, fileInput);” />
iOS disable camera option
In android it ask to select the file from file photo library as expected and no camera selection. But when I see in iOS device it asks me for three option from where I have to select the one to upload the image or file. I have attached the below screenshot.
I want to remove the Take Photo or Video option from the iOS device. But, unble to find any source to do it. Can anyone please help me out with the any solution that How can I remove the “Take Photo or Video” option? In Android this option is not coming. I want only 2 option in iOS Photo Library and another one is Choose File.
I want to remove the Take Photo or Video option from the iOS device.
You can't. That is how the native OS works.

How to add music file in iOS simulator for Xcode 6?

I want to add music file into my ios simulator. I am trying to drag & drop music file to simulator but that does not add the music. Please tell me how can I do this?
The music library is not currently supported in the iOS Simulator. If you feel it is necessary, please file a radar explaining what you need it for at

Changing video quality based on device using MPMoviePlayer

I used an MPMoviePlayer to play an .mp4 video within my app, which works fine. I tried my app on an Android device using Apportable but the video wasn't playing till I later realized that it was because the video quality was too high for the device. Is it possible to change the video quality (of an .mp4) based on the device running the app using MPMoviePlayer? If yes, how can this be done?
If you simply have one video that plays on iOS and one that plays on Android via Apportable, you could opt to simply have two files of the same name where one file is added to the project and attached to the iOS build target and the other is attached to the Apportable build target.

Saving new songs to iPod Library on iOS

I would like to save audio tracks, generated in my MonoTouch application, to the iPod library, so that they appear in the iPod App, and are synced back up to iTunes.
Can anybody point me in the right direction for achieving this?
It is not possible to save songs into the iTunes storage space on iOS.

Adding images or videos to iPhone Simulator

I am trying to use UIImagePickerController with UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary, but it says, "No photos". Where does the simulator get the images from? Where should I copy the images so that they are displayed in the simulator?
Explain step by step of Airsource Ltd's answer for adding image to simulator:
Drag it to simulator, then Safari opens
(or browse to the Image in the internet using Safari)
Hold your click on the image
When the pop-up appears, choose Save Image and enjoy ;)
Update: for iOS Simulator 4.2, do these steps twice to get it work. Thanks kevboh!
Update: This also works for iOS Simulator 6.1
The simplest way to get images, videos, etc onto the simulator is to drag and drop them from your computer onto the simulator. This will cause the Simulator to open the Photos app and start populating the library.
If you want a scriptable method, read on.
Note - while this is valid, and works, I think Koen's solution below is now a better one, since it does not require rebooting the simulator.
Identify your simulator by going to xCode->Devices, selecting your simulator, and checking the Identifier value. Or you can ensure the simulator is running and run the following to get the device ID xcrun simctl list | grep Booted
Go to
~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/[Simulator Identifier]/data/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
and add IMG_nnnn.THM and IMG_nnnn.JPG. You will then need to reset your simulator (Hardware->Reboot) to allow it to notice the new changes. It doesn't matter if they are not JPEGs - they can both be PNGs, but it appears that both of them must be present for it to work. You may need to create DCIM if it doesn't already exist, and in that case you should start nnnn from 0001. The JPG files are the fullsize version, while the THM files are the thumbnail, and are 75x75 pixels in size. I wrote a script to do this, but there's a better documented one over here(-link no longer work).
You can also add photos from safari in the simulator, by Tapping and Holding on the image. If you drag an image (or any other file, like a PDF) to the simulator, it will immediately open Safari and display the image, so this is quite an easy way of getting images to it.
3 Simple Steps
Drag & Drop image onto simulator
- this will open a browser with your image
Click & hold image
- this will open options
save image
- this will copy image onto simulator
Watch YouTube Video ( add images to iphone simulator)
With iOS 8.0, we added the ability to just drag and drop images into the iOS Simulator. You can drag a bunch of images into the window, and they should be imported into the photo reel for that simulated device. You can also do this with the simctl command line tool. 'xcrun simctl addphoto '
Since Xcode 6 you can use the command line tool xcrun simctl.
Usage is very simple; to add a photo to the currently running simulator you use the booted placeholder.
xcrun simctl addmedia booted ./MyFile.jpg
To add it to any other simulator, you use its device id, which can be found by running xcrun simctl list.
xcrun simctl addmedia E201E636-CE6C-11E5-AB30-625662870761 ./MyFile.jpg
Its simple. Just follow these steps :
Drag and drop image onto Simulator
Now image opens into Safari browser (file://.../ImageName). Tap-and-hold on the Image.
This displays actionSheet with Save, Cancel option (Also copy in case of iOS 7 simulator).
Save the image. The image gets added into Library.
I just stumbled upon how to bulk upload images on the iOS Simulator. (I've only confirmed it on 6.1.)
Backup the folder:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Media
Copy all your images into the folder:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
Move or delete the folder:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Media/PhotoData
Restart iOS Simulator
Open the Photos app
The simulator will restore all the images from the 100APPLE folder!
For iOS 7 I did the following:
copy photos to these two folders:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.0/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
delete these 4 files only (to avoid duplicates on relaunch):
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Media/PhotoData/Photos.sqlite-shm
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Media/PhotoData/Photos.sqlite-wal
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.0/Media/PhotoData/Photos.sqlite-shm
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.0/Media/PhotoData/Photos.sqlite-wal
Just drag images to the iPhone simulator.
This is MUCH easier with the new iOS Simulator that comes with Xcode 6+ (iOS Simulator 8.1 and above.) Now all you have to do is drag one or more photos onto the iOS Simulator window, and instead of opening Safari, the Photos app opens, and instantly adds all dragged-in photos to the device.
Method 1 (Easiest Way): If you have your image on Mac
You can drag an image from the Finder on your Mac to Simulator, and it is saved to the Saved Photos album.
Method 2: If its on any URL
To save an image from a webpage to the Photos app
Place the pointer on the image you want to save, and hold down the mouse button or trackpad.
When the menu appears, click Save Image to save the image to the Photos app in an iOS simulator.
The image is saved to the Saved Photos album in the Photos app.
Incase someone looking for Apple Documentation regarding Copying and Pasting in Simulator.
If you can not drag and drop your files because you experience the error:
One or more media items failed to import: : The operation couldn’t be completed. (PHPhotosErrorDomain error -1.)
Move your files into the Documents folder and then drag them into the simulator. This will trigger the simulator to ask for permissions to access your files. Having them inside the Downloads folder, will not.
None of the answers had the exact solution that I needed.
The steps I've found for myself working on iOS 5.0 and above simulator are as follows:
Close the simulator if it is running xcode project.
Run simulator from the dock by clicking on it.
Drag & drop the image into simulator.
Tap and hold the image (opened in safari) and select the save option.
You are done.
For iOS 5.1 this is further changed to new path
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
As of iOS 8, you can just drag all your photos onto the simulator window and they'll save to camera roll automatically. You can do as many at a time as you want.
None of the answers above worked for me on iOS 15.
I simply opened Files app and dragged and dropped the image there. It automatically imported the image to the Photos app and I was able to use everywhere through my simulator.
If you need to import more than just one or two photos then take a look at this article that I wrote. It describes an easy way to perform a bulk import of photos and works for iOS 4.x.
For iOS 8, If there is no need to retain photo capture date and location, just drop photo files to the simulator.
To retain photo meta data, do the following:
Copy photo files to: /Users/{USER}/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/{UDID}/data/Media/DCIM/100Apple
Remove (or rename) folder: /Users/{USER}/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/{UDID}/data/Media/photoData
Relaunch Simulator
Note: You need to replace {USER} with your user name and {UDID} with the UDID of the simulator. To find UDID for your simulator, from Terminal, run 'xcrun simctl list'.
quit the simulator.
Run simulator from the dock by clicking on it.
Drag & drop the image into simulator which you want to add.
it will open image in safari .
tap and hold the image and click the save option.
then open gallery and you will see the image which u had saved recently.
Adding an image to the Iphone Simulation running IOS 8.0 is even easier.
Drag your image to the simulator
IOS opens the Photo app and your image is now part of your collection.
No need to deal with Safari anymore
In OS X Catalina with Xcode 11 you have to do this differently.
First you MUST start the simulator. If you want to copy, say a photo to MULTIPLE simulated devices. Start all of them up. Then Right Click on a SINGLE (Multiple images will fail. ONLY does a single file.).
Share -> Simulator
A 'share sheet will pop-up. You must choose an active simulator in the combo box and hit send.
It will send one to many but NOT many to many of selected photos.
I hope this helps folks. Drag and drop was supported in the last versions of Xcode and OS X but not with OS X Catalina and Xcode 11.
While this IS in the directions it currently IS NOT working.
What DID work for me was to first import my images into iPhoto on OS X and then DRAG/DROP them from my OS X iPhoto and drop into the simulator. It would appear the drag/drop for photos into the simulator is CURRENTLY only working from OS X iPhoto. :-(
For iOS 4.2 I had to go and create the 100APPLE folder and restart the simulator, then it worked.
try this app I've made. download the code and run it in simulator
For iOS 8.0,the answer is out of date.I found the media resource in the following path:
Using your pc just Send the image via your email
Open the IOS-Simulator then open the email and download the image
just click and hold the mouse on the image, and from the options that will be displayed
Then, it will be automatically saved to your iOS-Simulator's photo gallery
Just Drag and Drop image into iphone simulator. browser will open to show your image.
press on image until you not receive options to save Image. then Save image.
thats it :). you will see your image in to Photo app in your simulator....
I wrote a bash script to do this.
Check the link[1]
# Imports pictures into all iOS simulators.
mkdir -p /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/{5.0,5.1,6.0,6.1}/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/
find ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/ -type d -name '100APPLE' -exec cp /Users/$(whoami)/$path_to_pic/* {} \;
[1] :
Just to tell you : KONG's solution also works on iOS 7 beta.
His solution was:
Drag the image to simulator, then Safari opens (or browse to the Image in the internet using Safari)
Hold your click on the image
When the pop-up appears, choose Save Image and enjoy ;)
I just needed some random images for testing, so this is how I did it.
I have the simplest solution in the world. Just open Safari in the simulator, go to Google images (or your own web or Dropbox URL), view an image, hold down the mouse button for 2 seconds, and you'll see "Save Image" - it will save right into the Photos library. Rinse and repeat.
an even easier way, is :
open safari on simulator > tap
search for random photos "nature"
open each image, press on it and save it.
