I have tried
rails s -p $PORT -b $IP
I am getting no error but getting the help message each time. I also checked if any other server was running but no other process was running. Even then I tried
killall ruby
but no use.
Help message I am getting
I setup Nginx for listening to lockalhost:3000 than I launch rails command bundle exec rails server webrick -e production. I found that I can launch rails server as daemon simply adds the -d flag to the command, so the command becomes a bundle exec rails server -d webrick -e production. My problem is that after server reloads or app is crushed - that a dead-end, I can't found info about how should I create "rails as a daemon with auto relaunch".
webrick in production?
Please please please refrain from doing anything like that. Use puma or unicorn or any similar app server for your purpose.
And for the process monitoring part, you can use systemd, or monit for better control.
Personally, I prefer monit as it gives me crash logs and downtime alerts.
When running rails server on cloud9, I get: No application seems to be running here! I tried removing the workspace, cloning it from a repository on github, and nothing works.
The solution that works for me is:
to start the server, do not simply type
rails s
but instead
rails s -b $IP -p $PORT
I'm trying to start the web server for a rails app on a Cloud9 IDE workspace and I'm receiving this error message:
`require': cannot load such file -- rack/handler/server (LoadError)
This is the code that I am running:
rails s -p $PORT -b $IP server
I'm very new to Ruby on Rails so my apologies if this pretty simple.
You're running
$ rails s -p $PORT -b $IP server
when it should just be
$ rails s -p $PORT -b $IP
You probably added an extraneous server because you're used to running rails server, but rails s is just a shorthand for the former.
It looks like the extra argument to rails is causing it to look for a file named server in rack/handler, and when it doesn't find a file it throws an error.
I'm running bundle exec thin -p 4000 -e sandbox start 2>&1 and I get:
>> Using rails adapter
It just hangs there and I don't think that my Rails adapter is running. Does thin have a log or something I can see to find out what's going on?
look at this site
it has the info you need to log the adapter
Turns out I had to use foreman to start things up and running.
I'm running Teambox (a Ruby on Rails app) and have the server running with:
script/server -e production
Knowing absolutely nothing about Ruby on Rails I just wandered how I could restart the server to get it to update changes I've made to the config?
If you ran it with that command line it's probably running actively in the console, just CTRL+C.
If you ran it daemonize you will need to find the process and kill it.