UITextField Not Responding UIScrollView Xcode 7.3 - ios

I Have a UIScrollView in my ViewController and ContentView in UIScrollView.
There are various other Views in the Content View to make understanding of the used labels and textfields more readable
Here is a screen shot to help you understand the hierarchy of the viewcontroller
All the Constraints are set properly I can see the views as they are aligned in storyboard on all size of devices, userInteraction is enabled on all the textFields and UIViews (I triple checked) still I'm not able to edit text on the textfields that are not immediately visible on the screen when the view controller is launched.
i.e. If the first three UItextFields are visible when the viewController is launched (4.0" device) they can be edited or if the first Five UItextFields are visible when the viewController is launched (5.7" device) they can be edited while the rest do not respond to user interaction
I've checked if they are in any case are overlapped or not by changing the background color of all the Labels, TextFields and Views. Nothing is overlapping anything, all are where they should be.
Content Size is set for scrollView in viewDidLayoutSubviews
-(void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
[self.scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width, 1724)]; }
The Height 1724 will never change no matter the size of the device on which the code is running

Please check your contentview size or setbackground color for scrollview and contentview. Contenview size is not increasing i think.


UITableView inside UIScrollView - Cell not clickable

I have a problem with a UITableView not detecting touches.
In an iPhone-only app, I have a UIViewController, which containts:
UIView (let's say a content view)
Some labels
UITableView (last)
The labels have a dynamic height, because they contain some text that I must retrive from the web, so I'm using auto layout.
I'm setting the content size of the UIScrollView inside the viewDidLayoutSubviews method, and I'm doing this by summing UITableView.frame.origin.y and its height.
Here comes the problem: when the labels contain only some words and the UITableView does not exceed the iPhone screen size, everything works ok. But when they grow, and the UITableView gets pushed down, when I scroll down I can't click on the cell anymore. Also, if when loading the view the table is half visible and half not, I can click the visible cells, but if I scroll down, I can't click the others.
I'm using swift 2 and Xcode 7.
Here is an example:
Do the following thing:
yourView.clipToBounds = true
Now, if UITableView does not appears means your UIView is not same bigger to hold down UITableView.
Make sure that your UIView height is bigger to hold the contents in it and then try to tap on it.
If you are using AutoLayout, then do the following thing.
Give the fix height to UIView
Take the outlet of height constraint of UIView
Now, in viewDidLayoutSubviews change the constraint of UIView to UITableView contentSize height.
self.heightConstraint = self.tableView.contentSize.height
Let me know, if this helps!
Adding some info to the #Rémy Virin's answer here:
From Apple Documentation, you shouldn't embed a UITableViewinside a UIScrollView.
Important: You should not embed UIWebView or UITableView objects in UIScrollView objects. If you do so, unexpected behavior can result because touch events for the two objects can be mixed up and wrongly handled.
Addition:Solution Since you want to scroll the content above table also, the one solution is place a Header View for the Table and place the Content over there to make it Scroll along the Table View.
If you use Autolayout, no need to specify contentSize to UIScrollView as it will automatically expand by taking the height of its subview.
In your case, increase the height of the Base UIView (content view as mentioned by you) which holds the tableView when the tableView height increases.
UITableView becomes unresponsive when it extends below its container view.

Content in UIScrollView is being cutoff early

I have several UIViews within aUIScrollView and I want them to scroll all the way to the bottom of the UIScrollView before cutting off (See Image #2).
Background on the scroll view:
I created the UIScrollView itself is a subclass of a customUIView. I put the view in a UIScrollView so the auto layout in storyboard creates the correct frame for the device.
In the view controller attached to the storyboard UIViewController I created anIBOutlet to theUIView, and in the viewDidAppear function I called a function attached to the view that populated the UIScrollView.
In the storyboard I gave the view a blue background so I could tell its frame. Here is the what the storyboard looks like:
Then this is what it looks like on my phone:
Notice how much space exists between where the view cuts off and where the bottom of the screen is. It does this on all devices.
I have tried adjusting the bottom content inset. It is currently at 0.0 but I tried to make it -20 and that did not help.
How can I fix this?

UITextView not scrollable - text changes when resized

I'm having a problem with UITextViews, in particular I would like to have a textview which is not scrollable (only showing text), but the content that is shown changes when the textview resizes:
In both images the textview is the same size (frame) but for some reason it cuts properly after it is resized post-load.
Some background:
1) this problem only occurs in nested views (it the textview is directly in the view controller it is fine)
View controller
-> Custom subview
----> text view
Here is the code for the custom subview to reproduce the issue:
The problem was that I was not calling [textView sizeToFit] when I set the frame the first time (but I did every other time).

UIView at bottom UIScrollView does not appear

I'm trying to get an UIScrollView working with my Storyboard. It works but the UIView at the bottom that I use with a gesture tap for getting back is not showing. How can this be?
So everything works expect that. This are the things that I did:
Set freeform in Storyboard
Disable auto layout for the Storyboard nib
Changed the freeform dimensions to X:320 Y:800
Dragged some labels and stuff in the Scrollview
Created an outlet for the ScrollView
Enabled scroll programmatically
Enabled Contentsize CGMakeSize() programmatically;
So I normally did everything, why isn't my UIView showing up at Y:750. The only thing I do with the UIView is setting the Background/CornerRadius.
It would be if your UIView is no included in the calculation for the content size. Other than that I cannot see anything obvious.

iOS 7.1 Why is my UIScrollView scrolling away on showing keyboard?

I have a UIScrollView designed with IB.
If I tap on the text field the view scrolls away towards the upper left corner of the screen before the keyboard is appearing. The space above the keyboards remains empty. I can scroll back the view if I drag in this empty space.
I have googled around, but found only postings where users want to scroll UIScrollView. I want the view to stay where it is.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Here's what happened.
You designed the whole thing in Interface Builder.
The scroll view was not scrolling, so you set its contentSize in code to the size of the scroll view's primary subview (what I like to call the content view).
The scroll view was still not scrolling, so you munged the content insets - and this caused the problem that brought you here.
Your mistake was (3). Instead, you should have thought more about (2), i.e., why isn't my scroll view scrolling even though I have given it a nice big content size?
The answer is that, in a storyboard or xib that has auto layout turned on, that's not what you do. What you do is use constraints from the content view to its superview (the scroll view), on all four sides. Set the constant for all four constraints to zero. This causes the content size to match the size of the content view, automatically.
