iOS App Store search url scheme - ios

I am looking for a way to open the App Store app on iOS and search for a query term from a URL.
The closest I have gotten so far is getting the app open and query field filled, but the query is filled incorrectly. Instead of being filled with virtual reality, the search box gets filled with ( "virtual reality" ), and the app says no results. The URL works to open iTunes with a search for virtual reality.
I am not looking for the JSON Search API and all URLs I have found do not work anymore (most links I found claiming to do this mention iOS 6 or are at least a year old).
Not working:
http ://
https :// (opens Mac App Store on OS X, iTunes Store app on iOS)
https :// (opens correct search results on OS X iTunes but opens iTunes Store app on iOS)
Is there a way to open the App Store and search for a query from a URL?

Use "itms-apps://" url scheme to open the App Store app on iOS directly:
So the example for your use case is:
Easiest way to test this is with a Mac and the Notes app with iCloud sync.


Appstore Preview link display connecting on browser

While opening the iOS app store link in a browser I am redirected to the mac app store app and the browser displayed only connecting text instead of displaying application information. It would be beneficial if anyone could guide me on this, and where I can make the change.
Note: The app is available on the app store and the app store account also is working
I found the issue that the Support Destination Option (Mac) was missing in the Xcode that's why the information of the app was not displayed in the browser.

Google app indexing ios search result

I have implemented Google app indexing sdk in test project and able to deep link from google search result URL to respective page in app. But google search results displayed in normal search result style without app icon like app pack style. Is it because I am testing in a test app? Will search result displayed in app pack style once I submit app in app store then downloaded and installed?
In iOS I am passing itunes id to google app indexing sdk.So My gut feeling is app packs will displayed in google search result only for itunes app not the test app.
Appreciate the help.
App icon will display only for itunes app integrated with google app indexing sdk.

Is there a way to get the search result i get in the App Store app on the iOS device? ( How to get the ipa file of "App Store"? )

Updated on 2015-11-1:
One solution I am trying is to start App Store using Applium, so that I can record/monitor iOS UI elements. just like what we did Selenium.
Let's treat App Store as a standard iOS app, is it possible to:
uninstall App Store from my iphone.
get the ipa file of App Store
unzip the ipa file and get the app bundle
run Appium with App Store's app file
Is it possible to get App Store 's ipa file?
I want to know the position of my apps when I search on the App Store. When I use the iTunes Search API. I notice the result returned from the iTunes search API for a specific search term are different from the result on the iOS App Store app.
I found This Question is also about this, the owner of that has find out the reason about this condition.
But there is no answer to solve this problem.
Actually I've been trying to build the search request, but it cames that the iOS Appstore is using the HTTPs request, so I don't know what to do with this.
Hope someone can help, I'll be very appreciate.
There is at this time no way to specify that you want the results you would get from an iOS device.
The most obvious solution that comes to mind is to build a search request that appears as I it came from ios in your app code.
I'm sure its possible to determine that by basically proxying an actual iPhone using say your router on your home network to log the traffic from an iphone.
Once you have that you can then basically reverse engineer the call in your app code.
As you can refer from Apple's guidance: Search API, there are too many ways of parameter combination.(Parameters includes:term, country, media, entity, attribute, callback, limit, lang, version, explicit, etc.) So it's almost impossible to find out the way of combination that App Store is adapting so as to get the same search results as users get directly from App Store.
You might want to see if you can get this to work:
In Mac OS X:
Launch iTunes
Under Library menu, click on [Apps] menu.
The iTunes will display all installed app
Right-click on one of those apps
Then click “Show in Finder” option
An alternative to this is simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path: User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications
This probably only works with apps you downloaded, but it is worth trying.
It's possible to listen in on https connections by installing a trusted ssl certificate on the device and running traffic through a proxy - basically performing a man-in-the-middle attack on yourself. I've previously used Charles Proxy to do this - here's the guide how to set this up. That way you should be able to see exactly what request the App Store app is sending and what response it is getting. And thus it should also be possible to spoof this request and parse the results elsewhere.

List apps in the App Store that can support a given file type

I am working on a app which needs to open/preview a file using UIDocumentInteractionController. One of the clients requirement is that, in case there is no installed app which can support a given file type, then the app should redirect the user to the App Store, displaying a list of apps which can open the file.
Is that possible? If yes, could you give me a step-by-step approach ?
The app store does not have any list of apps can open a given file type.
You will have to build the list yourself.

How does DataManPro AppWatch get info about installed apps

How does AppWatch feature in DatamanPro show the icon of the installed apps?
The dataman shows icons of the app that have used data in the certain interval. I believe using sysctl its able to figure out which process is using data, but how does it get the app icon?
I originally believed that its getting the icon from iTunes AppStore search url, but I found out that it does get icon for non-app store apps as well, which means that it is somehow getting that app icon locally from the iOS.
