I need to know when the mouse (pointer) exits and enters the map area.
The API only lists 'pointermove' as one option, which stops responding when the mouse is outside the map. How do I detect when the mouse exits and enters the map area?
Is it possible to intercept the trackpad events from the magic keyboard (with trackpad) in an iOS app and process them myself while hiding the pointer and not sending these events to the UI, or is that not possible?
Think about a game for instance where the user would move their finger around on the trackpad to move a character around on screen, but you wouldn't want to show the pointer circle and the location on the screen doesn't matter or if/where they click, you are just using the change in position as they move their finger on the trackpad.
How do we capture mouse events on iPadOS using Swift? EX: Mouse click, scroll, move[x,y position] ,etc..
I 've seen a plenty for macOS but not for iPadOS . Can some one please help throwing some light on how to capture mouse events on iPadOS devices ?The requirement is that I will have to connect mouse to an iPad over bluetooth and I should be able to programatically track the mouse movement, click events and scroll events.
Mouse clicks are passed in via touchesBegan as a UITouch with a type of .indirectPointer. Add UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents to your Info.plist file to receive these.
Mouse scroll can be detected by adding a UIPanGestureRecognizer with allowedTouchTypes set to an empty array, and maybe allowedScrollTypesMask set to .all. The event information is sent to the target and selector you assign to the gesture recognizer, the gesture state stores the trackpad state, and translation(in view: UIView?) provides the scroll offset.
As far as I'm aware mouse position, and therefore mouse move, cannot be captured directly.
How do I track a person's finger moving on the surface when using XNA?
I have managed to get all the touch points and record them but I don't know how to check if a person moved their finger or released the press and pressed again somewhere nearby.
I searched for TouchPoint.Id which looked promising but I don't know how it works and documentation is lacking.
I need this in order to handle proper button input (wherein if a person moves their finger out of the button bounds after pressing down on it then that doesn't count as a press).
The ID will be the same for a given finger until that finger is lifted up. IDs get recycled so you need to look at every input frame to know when a finger was lifted.
There is an "interaction framework" sample in the Surface SDK that implements concepts like input capture and skinnable button/list controls with XNA
I am developing an iOS game in Flash CS6.
I have a basic movement test that I put in an Event.MOUSE_DOWN handler.
What I'm expecting/wanting is when I held my finger down on the button, that the player would keep moving until I stop touching the screen.
What happens though, is I have to keep constantly tapping to keep the player moving - rather than just hold my finger on the button and the player keeps moving.
What code should I use to accomplish what I want?
To accomplish this, you'll need to run a function continuously in between MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN and Event.MOUSE_UP as MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN will only get dispatched one time per press.
Here is a simple script to do just that:
function mouseDown(e:Event):void {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,mouseUp); //listen for mouse up on the stage, in case the finger/mouse moved off of the button accidentally when they release.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,tick); //while the mouse is down, run the tick function once every frame as per the project frame rate
function mouseUp(e:Event):void {
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,tick); //stop running the tick function every frame now that the mouse is up
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,mouseUp); //remove the listener for mouse up
function tick(e:Event):void {
//do your movement
As an aside, you may want to use the TOUCH events, as it gives more flexibility with multi-touch control. Though if you're only ever going to allow one item to be pressed at any given time, it's not an issue.
TO do that, just add Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT in your document class, then replace your MouseEvent listeners with the appropriate touch event:
MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN becomes: TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN
MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP becomes: TouchEvent.TOUCH_END
i have a direct x c++ game. i use my own mouse icon and capture the mouse and keyboard when the game initialises but the problem is that if i minimise the game and select another window, for example to skip a song media player when i go back to my game screen the mouse no longer works.
as far as i understand it i need to re capture the mouse handler every time the application gets focus but how do i do this.
can i simply re use the same mouse code from the initialisation and if so where do i put it to make it run when the application regains focus.
fyi my game runs in both windowed mode and full screen would this make a difference.
thank you
First of all, I would advise to use the Windows cursor API instead of drawing the mouse yourself. It will be much more responsive (not suffering from low fps etc.) and it is much easier to handle. You can use animated cursors this way too.
For capturing the mouse, you can only really capture it while a mouse button is pressed. If no button is pressed and the mouse is moved outside the application window, you lose the capture.
Why do you even need to capture the mouse? You get WM_MOUSEMOVE messages etc. when the mouse is not captured.