iOS 9.3 Interactive pop gesture corrupts navigation bar - ios

I have an iOS app with interactive pop gesture enabled by default, however when I play with it sometimes it comes to corrupt navigation bar but popping by tap on back buttons works good, any ideas?


iOS 10 - Black navigation bar when first transitioning to WKWebView

I am experiencing weird bug on iOS 10.0 Simulator.
I am using 8.0 beta (8S128d).
I have some places in my app where I use WKWebView in order to present a web page. For some reason, first (and only first) transition to those views makes navigation bar black. I can see the transition starting and freezing for a moment, then a black navigation bar appears. When I go back and go to that view again, everything works.

Top navigation bar get corrupted and application crashed on continues tapping on menu items- iOS, Swift

I have a slide out menu in my application and when I quickly tap on menu items, the navigation bar get corrupted. That is the back button in one of the screen is getting overlapped with Hamburger menu button. When tapping the overlapped combination application get crashed. I tried with making animation 'false' in the self.navigationController?.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: false), but the issue still exist.
Note: The crash comes when running in device not in simulator. Everything is fine in the simulator.
I just added a screen shot of the problem below.

Doesn't show the back button in navigation bar in ios 9

I have updated ios 9 in my phone. After that I have installed my app in my phone. I have faced the problem for doesn't show the back button in navigation bar. but show the back button in navigation bar in ios 8.
what is the problem for that? How can I resolve that problem?

UIActionController appears behind UIToolbar

Converting to UIActionController with style UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet in my iPhone app, I find that it appears BEHIND the UITaskbar I have at the bottom of every window, hiding the "Cancel" menu entry. UIActionSheet works correctly. This happens in the simulator and on the phone.
The taskbar is "owned" by the main window and appears in all pushed views. I was having similar problems with other windows until I changed the UIToolbar to opaque (translucent = NO).
iOS version 8.1.
Any help will be appreciated.

MFSideMenu Landscape Mode issue

my app is using MFSideMenu script to push a view from right and i have set it to auto open the left menu if the app is opened in landscape mode , the problem is whenever i try to open app in landscape mode it shows black screen and i have noticed as i even slightly dropdown the notification bar it shows the rightmenu fine . The problem just happens in landscape mode and one its done it has no problems even when i rotate the app it works absolutely fine , just the opening app in landscape part is create issue for the first time .
I was facing same issue of rientation.
Use Another Option MMDrawerController. Usage is similar to MFSideMenu
MMDrawerController is a side drawer navigation container view controller designed to support the growing number of applications that leverage the side drawer paradigm. This library is designed to exclusively support side drawer navigation in a light-weight, focused approach while exposing the ability to provide custom animations for presenting and dismissing the drawer.
