MFSideMenu Landscape Mode issue - ios

my app is using MFSideMenu script to push a view from right and i have set it to auto open the left menu if the app is opened in landscape mode , the problem is whenever i try to open app in landscape mode it shows black screen and i have noticed as i even slightly dropdown the notification bar it shows the rightmenu fine . The problem just happens in landscape mode and one its done it has no problems even when i rotate the app it works absolutely fine , just the opening app in landscape part is create issue for the first time .

I was facing same issue of rientation.
Use Another Option MMDrawerController. Usage is similar to MFSideMenu
MMDrawerController is a side drawer navigation container view controller designed to support the growing number of applications that leverage the side drawer paradigm. This library is designed to exclusively support side drawer navigation in a light-weight, focused approach while exposing the ability to provide custom animations for presenting and dismissing the drawer.


Delay in navigation while using SWRevealViewController in Simulator

I am using SWRevealViewController in Objective-C for drawing side navigation menu. It works fine on real device, but when I test the application in simulator, transitions among the screens from side menu are very slow. It takes more than 10 seconds to go to another screen from navigation menu. Has anyone faced this issue before?

Fitting content to iPhone screen

I'm developing a kind of home automation app for iOS. I'm currently running into a spacing problem that I want to have a nice solution to.
The app is always showing a navigation bar and a tab bar, which is quite space consuming. This is a big problem on the current page I'm implementing, which is the Graphs page. In portrait, the spacing is decent, but in landscape mode, I feel like the graphs should be bigger and take up more space than in portrait mode, which is simply not possible with the tab bar and navigation bar.
So my initial thoughts here are if it's "allowed" to hide either the tab bar or navigation bar when in landscape mode (and keep them in portrait mode). What will Apple's reviewers think of this and what will the users think? Will they be confused? Do you guys have any other possible solutions to this?
I'm developing on a iPhone 4C which is quite small. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem on the iPhone 6, but these small screens needs to be supported.
Thanks for some input on this.
It's absolutely no problem to hide bars in one mode and show them in another, there are a lot of apps that do it, especially when showing graphs.
Alternatively you could hide the bars after a few seconds, and show them again when the user taps the screen or scrolls around (see Safari mobile for an example).

Is there a way to get slide-in menu in ios app while using iPad on the landscape mode?

Currently I am calling a popover segue to the menu which does not be slid-in or out with swiping action.
We're currently using, there are some other libarries that we've tried but this one works best on various screen sizes and both portrait/landscape modes. It is pretty easy to customize the transitions too.

Status bar and UI orientation didn't match

I have a problem in iOS. It's support all interface orientations. But when orientation-locked modal controller is presented (by calling [self presentViewController:UIViewController animated:YES completion:nil]), sometimes the UI orientation is messed up.
Here are the steps:
Orientate the device so it's in portrait mode (doesn't matter portrait or upsideDown).
Present view controller as modal controller. This controller only support landscape mode. The UI orientation obviously rotated to landscape. Keep the device in portrait (since the controller is forced to landscape, the UI will still show a landscape UI eventhough the device is in portrait).
Dismiss the modal controller. Now the main UI is in landscape mode. The problem is, this main UI is supporting all orientations (like stated above).
After doing some interaction (without changing the device orientation), the device orientation suddenly back to portrait, but the UI does not follow suit.
Here's how the final screenshot:
My current thought is that this is iOS bug. I want to look for another opinions regarding this bug. I've search around the net (bing and google) and found nothing.
I often saw this in apps, sometimes even in iOS itself (on homescreen etc)..
I think it's an iOS bug and we as developers can nothing do about it, just write bug reports.

Customized navigation bar buttons freezing after stand by

I am having a strange problem.I have used customized navigation bar(for which I have used another ViewController separately) in my project which has ofcourse navigation buttons.
As the device becomes active after stand by,it normally becomes active in portrait mode by default. And if we have held the device in some other orientation,it rotates to that orientation and every thing works fine. Even the navigation bar buttons.
Now here is the problem. If the device is held in Portrait mode after stand by,it freezes the navigation bar buttons. As far as I have concluded,this is because the application gets active in portrait mode by default and since the device is also held in Portrait mode,it can not find any orientation to rotate and hence freezes the buttons.Except navigation bar buttons,everything works fine.And if I rotate the device,like I have said,Everything works fine.
Dont have any idea,why this is happening.Can someone explain?
