Pod updation take too much time and did not get any respone - ios

I updated my cocoapod version to 1.0.0.In my podfile containing many libraries and I want update libraries using pod repo update command.After running this command i got the message like this
Updating spec repo master Performing a deep fetch of the master
specs repo to improve future performance.
Then i did not get any response.Its hanging that message.
I am using terminal in Mac OS X EI Captian version 10.11.1
How to solve this issue? Please help me.


Xcode Cloud No such Module Cocoapods library

I have a project using a Cocoapods as dependency manager and I am trying to create an Xcode Cloud workflow for it, everything look simple to configure and I added the ci_post_clone.sh to run the pod install command before start building.
Based on the logs all the dependencies are downloaded but whenever it starts building I have the No such Module X error, I am not sure what i did wrong but it looks like xcode Cloud misses the step of Building targets in dependency order and it starts building the main project before building the dependencies
Did anyone face this problem and how did you fix it
Thank you for your help
I found a temporary solution by adding the pod folder to my repository, this is not what most people are willing to do but for now it is working
do you have a screenshot for how you set this up? Because the script file ci_post_clone.sh needs to exist in a repository named ci_scripts that is at the same level as your workspace / xcode project. You also need to be sure to mark that file as executable
then you can brew install cocoapods and run pod install on that script. cheers! just got this working this morning by following notes found here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/making-dependencies-available-to-xcode-cloud

Flutter pod: An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile

The problem is that when I run a flutter app after having installed a plugin (firebase_core in this case) I get an error:
An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the
undefined local variable or method `continue' for
#<Pod::Podfile:0x00000001099e67b8 #defined_in_file=#Pathname:/Volumes/Coding-IT/Coding/Projects/flutter_37hours/ios/Podfile,
label=Pods>, #post_install_callback=#<Proc:0x0000000109a07e40
#clean=true, #deduplicate_targets=true, #deterministic_uuids=true,
#integrate_targets=true, #lock_pod_sources=true,
#disable_input_output_paths=false, #preserve_pod_file_structure=false,
#incremental_installation=false, #skip_pods_project_generation=false>>
continue if xcframework_file.start_with?(".") # Hidden file, possibly on external disk.
The problem appears to be with the continue word, but I don't know exactly why this is happening and how to solve the problem :(
I've tried reinstalling cocoapods multiple times, from homebrew and from rubygems, I tried flutter clean, I tried reinstalling ruby and changing versions. No luck. Hope someone can help me, thanks
I'm looking into this too. It seems to be related to this issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/104118
But it's closed the fix seems to be merged with flutter master branch. Idk! Might need to wait for next flutter update.
edit - I just tried this on beta channel and pod install completed. So you can wait till it's on stable or switch channels to run iOS. Cheers!

Multiple dependencies error during build on iOS

I'm trying to build my nativescript app on iOS.
I have brand new MacMini with fresh system and all stuff like xcode, etc.
My app builds without any warnings on android - not checked android build on Mac.
When i try to run my app on emulator i have an error saying:
Analyzing dependencies
[!] There are multiple dependencies with different sources for `Socket.IO-Client-Swift` in `Podfile`:
- Socket.IO-Client-Swift (from `https://github.com/triniwiz/socket.io-client-swift.git`)
- Socket.IO-Client-Swift (~> 12.1.3)
'pod install' command failed.
Tried to remove one of the dependency from pod file but without any luck - it brings back during build.
What should i do?
After updating my dependencies, I also ran into an issue with Cocopods, although, not exactly the same. In my case, running pod repo update from within platforms/ios solved my problem. In short, there had been updates that my local pod spec repo wasn't aware of and it was getting "confused". I'm not sure if this will ultimately solve your specific problem, but it's fairly quick to do and, at least, won't hurt anything.
Good luck!

specifying versions of library, using CocoaPods

This is basic issue but I'm so stuck with this.
I want to specify the version of releases of libraries(to get the latest one) but it doesn't work always.
For example, when I tried to specify the version of the library below, it failed again...
Please help me with this.
Try running pod repo update then pod install

Failed to install phonegap-plugin-push in ios cordova 8.0

I have created a new package in Cordova 8.0 and installed all the plugins.
when adding an android platform its fine.
But when add iOS firebase-analytics and phonegap-push plugins are not installing
Either this or that only installing
If I remove phonegap-push and add pod install its added.
Or else remove firebase then add phone-gap pod is installing.
when using both plugins second one was not installing its says
Even I tried pod update, pod install, platform remove & add, plugin remove & add all the scenarios.
Does anybody have an idea please update.
That's exactly the issue that my pull request solves. Firebase implementations are not consistent across plugins and tend to introduce these easily avoidable errors.
The pull request has not been accepted yet, so proceed like this:
Uninstall the push plugin
Download it anywhere and edit the same files I have edited
Install the plugin from the path of your local copy.
Also, if you prefer you can remove the iOS platform instead, then edit the plugin files from your project's folder, then re-add the platform. This will install the newly edited plugin with your changes included, and hopefully, without the errors.
I have fixed the incompatibility between Firebase Auth and Push Plugin by editing the files exactly as show, then removing and re-adding the iOS platform. If this solves your problem kindly send a positive feedback on the Issue tracker so the PR is accepted sooner. It's been already added to the 3.0.0 milestones.
