json-rpc event-machine stand alone service - ruby-on-rails

What am I doing wrong?
I try to run example code from json-rpc documentation. Togather with EventMachine:
require 'json-rpc'
require 'thin'
class AsyncApp
include JsonRpc
AsyncResponse = [-1, {}, []].freeze
def call env
def rpc_sum a, b
result = Rpc::AsyncResult.new
EventMachine::next_tick do
result.reply a + b
EM::run do
Thin::Server.start('', 8999) do
map('/'){ run AsyncApp.new }
There is no error on this server console appears.
The result is on transport layer on the json-rpc client is:
500 Internal Server Error
I've try same client with jimson gem implememtation - it work fine but does not support EventMachine and async calls. (Show example if you know how it possible)

The problem was at default "welcome" page assigned to route "/".
I do not try to go with browser to "/", but only try to connect by rpc client.
Some how default "welcome" page route "/" rule is not overwrited by map("/"){...} rule.
The solution is rewrite route rule like this map("/rpc"){...}


How do I transfer Data using Web Server/TCPsockets in Ruby?

I have a data scraper in ruby that retrieves article data.
Another dev on my team needs my scraper to spin up a webServer he can make a request to so that he may import the data on a Node Application he's built.
Being a junior, I do not understand the following :
a) Is there a proper convention in Rails that tells me where to place my scraper.rb file
b) Once that file is properly placed, how would i get the server to accept connections with the scrapedData
c)What (functionally) is the relationship between the ports, sockets, and routing
I understand this may be a "rookieQuestion" but I honestly dont know.
Can someone please BREAK THIS DOWN.
I have already:
i) Setup a server.rb file and have it linking to localhost:2000 but Im not sure how to create a proper route or connection that allows someone to use Postman for a valid route and connect to my data.
require 'socket'
require 'mechanize'
require 'awesome_print'
port = ENV.fetch("PORT",2000).to_i
server = TCPServer.new(port)
puts "Listening on port #{port}..."
puts "Current Time : #{Time.now}"
loop do
client = server.accept
client.puts "= Running Web Server ="
general_sites = [
agent = Mechanize.new
general_sites.each do |site|
newRet = page.search('a')
newRet.each do |e|
data = e.attr('href').to_s
if(data.length > 50)
pp holder.length.to_s + " [ posts total] ==> Now Scraping --> " + site
In Rails you don't spin up a web server manually, as it's done for you using rackup, unicorn, puma or any other compatible application server.
Rails itself is never "talking" to the HTTP clients directly, it is just a specific application that exposes a rack-compatible API (basically have an object that responds to call(hash) and returns [integer, hash, enumerable_of_strings]); the app server will get the data from unix/tcp sockets and call your application.
If you want to expose your scraper to an external consumer (provided it's fast enough), you can create a controller with a method that accepts some data, runs the scraper, and finally renders back the scraping results in some structured way. Then in the router you connect some URL to your controller method.
# config/routes.rb
post 'scrape/me', to: 'my_controller#scrape'
# app/controllers/my_controller.rb
class MyController < ApplicationController
def scrape
site = params[:site]
results = MyScraper.run(site)
render json: results
and then with a simple POST yourserver/scrape/me?site=www.example.com you will get back your data.

Rails custom error pages won't render on Nginx

I am new to Rails and Nginx. I was asked to add custom error pages to our app. I found instructions to do so on this site and my custom error pages render just fine locally. When I go to the url /no_such_page, I see the appropriate page. When I deploy the code to our test server running nginx and try the same url, I see the following instead:
500 Internal Server Error
If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.`
On the nginx server, if I go to the url \404, then I do see my page, so I know it renders ok.
Both my local machine and the server are running under the development environment.
I've added this to config\development.rb:
config.consider_all_requests_local = false
config.exceptions_app = self.routes
Here is what I've added to routes.rb:
%w(404 500).each do |code|
get code, to: "errors#show", :code => code, :via => :all
and my errors_controller looks like this:
class ErrorsController < ApplicationController
def show
status_code = params[:code] || 500
render status_code.to_s
Does anyone know if there is something special that I need to do in my nginx config to make this work?
500 Internal Server Error If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.
This error message is from Rails itself, not from Nginx.
It means that your custom error page is itself raising an exception, which would lead to an infinite loop of error->show error page->error->show error page->... Rails detects this and halts with the error message you are seeing. Check your logs for this string to see what the error is:
Error during failsafe response:

Websocket Rails getting 404 during handshake

I installed the 'websocket-rails' gem and after doing the default configuration I just created a JS dispatcher and I get a 404 error on chrome console.
This is my JS:
var dispatcher = new WebSocketRails('localhost:3000/websocket');
This is the message I get:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/websocket' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
Everything else is as suggested by the first-steps-guide
subscribe :test, :to => ChatServerController, :with_method => :test
class ChatServerController < WebsocketRails::BaseController
def initialize_session
# perform application setup here
controller_store[:message_count] = 0
def test
puts 'Hello'
There's one potential solution involving a gem dependency posted on github. But, if you look at the repo (151 open issues, 27 pull requests), it doesn't look like this gem is being actively maintained. The closed issues in 2016 are being closed by the same people who opened them.
You can probably make your application work by forcing websockets to use http by including a second parameter, set to false.
var Dispatcher = new WebSocketRails('localhost:3000/websocket', false);
I have concerns about how scalable using http polling will be and about the future of the websocket-rails gem. For me, it seems like the best way forward is to upgrade to Rails 5 and use Action Cable.

How to use $remote_addr with rails and nginx secure_link

I have a rails application that makes calls to another server via net::http to retrieve documents.
I have set up Nginx with secure_link.
The nginx config has
secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires;
secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires$uri$remote_addr mySecretCode";
On the client side (which is in fact my rails server) I have to create the secure url something like:
time = (Time.now + 5.minute).to_i
hmac = Digest::MD5.base64digest("#{time}/#{file_path}#{IP_ADDRESS} mySecretCode").tr("+/","-_").gsub("==",'')
return "#{DOCUMENT_BASE_URL}/#{file_path}?md5=#{hmac}&expires=#{time}"
What I want to know is the best way to get the value above for IP_ADDRESS
There are multiple answers in SO on how to get the ip address but alot of them do not seem as reliable as actually making a request to a web service that returns the ip address of the request as this is what the nginx secure link will see (we don't want some sort of localhost address).
I put the following method on my staging server:
def get_client_ip
rescue Exception =>ex
render :json=>data
I then called the method from the requesting server:
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("myserver.com/web_service/get_client_ip"))
if response.class==Net::HTTPOK
response_hash=JSON.parse response.body
ip=response_hash["ip_address"] unless response_hash[:error]
#deal with error
After getting the ip address successfully I just cached it and did not keep on calling the web service method.

Having trouble with WebMock, not stubbing correctly

Ruby 1.9.3, RSpec 2.13.0, WebMock 1.17.4, Rails 3
I am writing tests for a company app. The controller in question displays a table of a customer's placed calls, and allows for sort/filter options.
EDIT The test fails because with my current setup, the path does not render, because the recorder_server is either not running locally, OR not setup correctly. Please help with this, too.
A Errno::ECONNREFUSED occurred in recordings#index:
Connection refused - connect(2)
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `initialize'
* URL : http://www.recorder.example.com:8080/recorded_calls
* IP address:
* Parameters: {"controller"=>"recordings", "action"=>"index"}
* Rails root: /var/www/rails/<repository>
As a call is placed, its data joins an xml file, created by an external API, called Recorder
The RecordingsController takes the xml file, and parses it into a hash.
When you visit the associated path, you see the results of the hash -- a table of placed calls, their attributes, and parameters for sort/filter.
Here is my spec so far.
require 'spec_helper'
include Helpers
feature 'Exercise recordings controller' do
include_context "shared admin context"
background do
canned_xml = File.open("spec/support/assets/canned_response.xml").read
stub_request(:post, "http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index").
with(body: {"durations"=>["1"], "durations_greater_less"=>["gt"], "filter_from_day"=>"29", "filter_from_hour"=>"0", "filter_from_minute"=>"0", "filter_from_month"=>"12", "filter_from_year"=>"2014", "filter_prefix"=>true, "filter_to_day"=>"29", "filter_to_hour"=>"23", "filter_to_minute"=>"59", "filter_to_month"=>"12", "filter_to_year"=>"2014"}, # "shared_session_id"=>"19f9a08807cc70c1bf41885956695bde"},
headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: canned_xml, headers: {})
uri = URI.parse("http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index")
visit recorded_calls_path
scenario 'show index page with 1 xml result' do
expect(title).to eq("Recorded Calls")
And here is the RecordingsController
class RecordingsController < ApplicationController
# before_filter options
def index
test_session_id = request.session_options[:id]
#Make request to recording app for xml of files
uri = URI.parse("http://#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server}:#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server_port}/recorder/index")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
xml_request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
xml_request_data = Hash.new
# sorting params
xml_request_data[:shared_session_id] = request.session_options[:id]
response = http.request(xml_request)
if response.class == Net::HTTPOK
#recordings_xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body)
#recordings_sorted = #recordings_xml["Recording"].sort { |a,b| Time.parse("#{a["date"]} #{a["time"]}") <=> Time.parse("#{b["date"]} #{b["time"]}") } unless #recordings_xml["Recording"].nil?
else #recordings_xml = Hash.new
# other defs
Any and all advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
How I configured WebMock
I am answering my own question, with the help of B-Seven and a string of comments. File by file, I will list the changes made in order to properly use WebMock.
Add WebMock to Gemfile under group :test, :development.
bundle install to resolve dependencies
my current setup included Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 2.13.0, WebMock 1.17.4
Setup spec_helper.rb to disable "Real HTTP connections". (This was a backtrace error received later on in this puzzling process.) This allows, to my understanding, all "real connections" to translate into localhost connections and work offline... Which is great since, ideally, I do not want the external app's server to run simultaneously.
require 'webmock/rspec'
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
In my test.rb environment file, the configurations for recorder_server and port were commented out... If left uncommented, the controller would raise an exception stating uninitialized constants. I used the test server/port (substituting the company name for example) as my layout for the spec stubbing.
In recordings_controller_spec.rb, I had already figured out how to make a canned XML response. With these changes above, my spec was able to correctly stub a response on an external, secondary app, and use such response to correctly render the view associated with the controller being tested.
require 'spec_helper'
include Helpers
feature "Exercise recordings_controller" do
include_context "shared admin context"
# A background is currently not used, because I have 3 scenario types... No xml
# results, 1 result, and 2 results. I will later DRY this out with a background,
# but the heavy lifting is over, for now.
scenario "show index page with 1 xml result" do
canned_xml_1 = File.open("spec/support/assets/canned_response_1.xml").read
stub_request(:post, "http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index").
with(headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: canned_xml_1, headers: {})
uri = URI.parse("http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index")
visit recorded_calls_path
title.should == "Recorded Calls"
page.should have_content("Search Results")
page.should have_content("Inbound", "5551230000", "175", "December 24 2014", "12:36:24", "134")
Advice/Resources that helped
With B-Seven's suggestion to my original question (see revisions), I was initially stubbing localhost:3000. He said this was incorrect. After further research, I agree since stubbing with WebMock is typically reserved for outside http connections.
In comments after his answer, B-Seven listed articles to refer to. I will list the ones that helped me the most.
It is very important to read the backtrace generated from an errors. What took me so long to figure out how to mock was mainly reading them incorrectly. As you can see from my question, I was making a :get stub request. A coworker pointed out that the backtrace suggested to use :post. That was the final piece to make my spec pass.
I decided not to input the configuration variables as my stub request, for it would result in long lines of code. Instead, this is why I needed to uncomment out those configurations in test.rb.
Why are you stubbing localhost? I think you want to
stub_request(:get, "http://#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server}:#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server_port}/recorder/index").
