how can i use mySQL database connection using Cocos2d-JS - cocos2d-js

I'm new in cocos2d-JS and i don't have idea how
to connect mysql database
using cocos2d-js.
I searched on Google and forums but i can not find information.
please let me know how to connect.

Here's the sample code.. Hope it would help to solve your problems..
Description: Code below are used to retrieve high score from MySQL using XMLHttpRequest, parse them to JSON and show them in the scene using ccui.ListView (don't forget to add 'extensions' module in your project.json file to include ccui modules or otherwise the ListView won't work..)
var HiScoreScene = cc.Scene.extend({
result: {},
ctor: function(){
init: function () {
cc.log("Entering Select High Scores Scene");
var winSize = cc.view.getDesignResolutionSize();
var xhr = cc.loader.getXMLHttpRequest();
var self = this;
self.labelHighScores = new cc.LabelTTF("High Scores", "Comic Sans MS", 30);
self.labelHighScores.x = winSize.width / 2;
self.labelHighScores.y = winSize.height / 1.05;
self.addChild(self.labelHighScores, 1);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){
cc.log("Getting High Scores Details..");
self.result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var listView = new ccui.ListView();
listView.setContentSize(cc.size(500, 600));
listView.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
listView.setPosition(cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2));
for (var i = 0; i < self.result.length ; i++) {
var button = new ccui.Button();
var button2 = new ccui.Button();
var button3 = new ccui.Button();
var button4 = new ccui.Button();
var button5 = new ccui.Button();
var button6 = new ccui.Button();
//Set Player Name
button.setTitleFontName("Comic Sans MS");
button.setTitleText("Player Name : " + self.result[i].player_name);
//Set Easy High Score
button2.setTitleFontName("Comic Sans MS");
button2.setTitleText("Easy : " + self.result[i].easy_hiscore);
//Set Medium High Score
button3.setTitleFontName("Comic Sans MS");
button3.setTitleText("Medium : " + self.result[i].med_hiscore);
//Set Hard High Score
button4.setTitleFontName("Comic Sans MS");
button4.setTitleText("Hard : " + self.result[i].hard_hiscore);
//Set GodLike High Score
button5.setTitleFontName("Comic Sans MS");
button5.setTitleText("GodLike : " + self.result[i].god_hiscore);
button6.setTitleFontName("Comic Sans MS");
button6.setTitleText(" ");
else if(xhr.status == 403){
cc.log("Access Forbidden !!");
else if(xhr.status == 404){
cc.log("File Not Found !!");
};"GET", "php/getHighScore.php", true);
self.optionMenuItem1 = new cc.MenuItemFont("Back To Main Menu", mainMenu);
self.optionMenuItem1.setFontName("Comic Sans MS");
self.optionMenuItem1.setFontSize(25); = new cc.Menu(self.optionMenuItem1); / 2, winSize.height / 22);
self.addChild(, 1);
return true;
For more explanation you might want to check them out here

Cocos2d-JS is javascript so, It's like javascript, if you wanna pass value into MySQL Database, use ajax request example


three.js, dat.GUI slider controlled by code, morph targets do not move

I work on a human face that the mouth should move about external coordinates (OpenCV and dlibs). In a first step I try to control the dat.GUI by code, which already works. But now I have the problem that the morph targets do not move when I control by code. The sliders move, but the face doesn't. When I use the mouse, they work perfectly. I ask for help with this problem.
// Laden der 3DScene
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Laden der Kamear Perspektive
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(15, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 1, 10000);
camera.position.z = 17;
camera.position.y = 3;
// Laden des Renderers
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: false });
renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000 );
renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// Laden des Orbitcontrollers
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
// Laden der Lichter (Beleuchtung)
var ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x111111);
var light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xFFFFDD );
light.position.set( -15, 10, 15 );
// Laden des Json Modells
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load( "./three/models/JSON/test/mkh_shapes.json", function (geometry) {
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({morphTargets: true});
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
mesh.scale.set(1.2,1.2,1.2); //Modellgrösse die angezeigt wird
mesh.position.x = 0; //Position (x = nach rechts+ links-)
mesh.position.y = -19; //Position (y = nach oben +, unten-)
mesh.position.z = 0; //Position (z = nach vorne +, hinten-)
var shape = {
mouth_open: 0.0, //Anfangsposition 0.0
var gui = new dat.GUI();
var folder = gui.addFolder( 'Morph Targets' );
folder.add( shape, 'mouth_open', 0, 1 ).step( 0.01 ).name('mouth_open').listen().onChange ( function( a ) { mesh.morphTargetInfluences[ 40 ] = a;} );;
var updateGui = function() {
for (var i in folder.__controllers) {
var time = * 0.003;
shape.mouth_open = 0.50 //* Math.sin( 0.5 * time ) + 0.3;
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
function render() {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
I have made my own version with extra features like :
Gui auto resize based on content div.
Improved slidecontroller as unique controller (slide or number insert);
Multi language automatic support
Auto check for conflicts in options, then ask for confirm or cancel.
Auto Show/hide other controllers when option selected deselected (example show color list only if "custom color is selected")
ecc.. ecc..
here is the Video
Now is more confortable and easy to use.

How to animate a line string between 2 points in OpenLayers 3 map?

I want to draw a line between multiple points from an array of coordinates.
My code looks like :
<button onclick="drawAnimatedLine(new ol.geom.Point(6210355.674114,2592743.9994331785), new ol.geom.Point(8176927.537835015,2255198.08252584), 50, 2000);">Draw Line</button>
And my js looks like :
function drawAnimatedLine(startPt, endPt, steps, time, fn) {
var style = {
strokeColor: "#0500bd",
strokeWidth: 15,
strokeOpacity: 0.5,
strokeColor: '#0000ff'
var directionX = (endPt.x - startPt.x) / steps;
var directionY = (endPt.y - startPt.y) / steps;
var i = 0;
var prevLayer;
var lineDraw = setInterval(function () {
console.log("Inside Animate Line");
if (i > steps) {
if (fn)
var newEndPt = new ol.geom.Point(startPt.x + i * directionX, startPt.y + i * directionY);
var line = new ol.geom.LineString([startPt, newEndPt]);
var fea = new ol.Feature({
style: style
var vec = new ol.layer.Vector();
prevLayer = vec;
}, time / steps);
Note : Coordinates will be dynamic but for testing I've passed the sample data in onclick of the button. Please do try to sort out this issue as soon as possible.

Setting the z-index of loader class

I'm working in Flash AS3, AIR 3.2 for iOS SDK. I'm loading in an image, then applying a shape and textfield over this. But it seems that z-index goes weird with the loader class. At the moment, when this is run, the text and shape is applied first, and the image then gets applied on top of these even though the methods are in a different order. How do I set the shape and text to be above an image that's loaded in from the loader class?
The methods in the main method:
These are the methods:
public function displayImage():void {
var imageurl:String = "image.jpg";
myLoader = new Loader();
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imageurl);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoaderProgress);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);
public function onLoaderProgress(e:ProgressEvent) {
trace(e.bytesLoaded, e.bytesTotal); // this is where progress will be monitored
public function onLoaderComplete(e:Event) {
image = new Bitmap(;
var imageWidth:Number = image.width;
var imageHeight:Number = image.height;
var resizeWidthVar:Number;
var resizeHeightVar:Number;
trace("Image width: " + image.width);
trace("Image height: " + image.height);
if(imageWidth >= imageHeight) {
resizeHeightVar = imageHeight/displayRes;
trace("resizeHeightVar = " + resizeHeightVar);
imageWidth = imageWidth/resizeHeightVar;
imageHeight = imageHeight/resizeHeightVar;
else {
resizeWidthVar = imageWidth/displayRes;
trace("resizeWidthVar = " + resizeWidthVar);
imageWidth = imageWidth/resizeWidthVar;
imageHeight = imageHeight/resizeWidthVar;
image.width = imageWidth;
image.height = imageHeight;
trace("Image width: " + image.width);
trace("Image height: " + image.height);
image.x = xScreenPos;
image.y = yScreenPos;
addChild(image); // the image is now loaded, so let's add it to the display tree!
public function overlayBox():void {
var overlaySquare:Sprite = new Sprite();
addChild(overlaySquare);, 0.7);, 0, displayRes, displayRes);;
overlaySquare.x = xScreenPos;
overlaySquare.y = yScreenPos;
public function textAnimation():void {
//set text format
textFormat.font = "Helvetica Neue Light";
textFormat.size = 12;
textFormat.bold = false;
textFormat.color = 0x000000;
// pass text format
textOne.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
textOne.text = "Blah blah blah blah";
textOne.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
textOne.x = xScreenPos;
textOne.y = yScreenPos;
//add to stage
One of the solutions is to replace addChild(image); with the addChildAt(image, 0); another one is to add loader addChild(loader); and don't add image in the complete handler.

Bookmarklet to invoke onChange from actionlist in Safari on iPad

My work uses a proprietary system to store medical records. The site is coded in javascript, and we are unable to change the coding of the site. We would like to use iPads to access the site, the site is accessed through a browser which is serving HTML.
There is a drop-down list that has an onChange value, which when an item is selected from the drop-down list onChange="doAction(this)" is invoked. This works fine in a desktop browser, however the iPad doesn't support the onChange. I know that an alternative is to use onBlue, however we do not have access to change the HTML.
What I was hoping we could do was to add a bookmarklet that once clicked, in principle does what the onChange event did.
The current actionlist HTML is:
<select class="actionList" onChange="doAction(this)" style="width:100%"><option class="actionHeading" selected value="nothing">Select action ..</option><option class="action" value="moreInfo"> More Info (shortcut key ' i ')</option><option class="actionHeading" disabled>Add Electronic Form ..</option><option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-amendment-discharge"> Amendment Discharge Summary</option><option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-clinical-review"> Clinical Review</option><option class="action" value="xform-dischargesummary"> Discharge Summary</option><option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-family-work"> Family Work</option><option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-medical-review"> Medical Review</option><option class="action" value="xform-medicationsummary"> Medication Summary Form</option><option class="action" value="xform-operationrecord"> Operation Sheet</option><option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-inpatient"> Progress Notes</option><option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-weekly-summary"> Weekly Summary</option></select></td>
The only option I would like to have in the bookmarklet is to 'select' the medical review option, i.e
<option class="action" value="xform-progressnotes-medical-review"> Medical Review</option>
the javascript for onChange="doAction(this)" is:
function doAction(selectObj)
var xformPrefix = 'xform-';
var chartPrefix = 'chart-';
var action = selectObj.value;
selectObj.selectedIndex = 0;
if (action == 'moreInfo')
else if (action == 'referForAttn')
else if(action.startsWith(chartPrefix)) {
var chartName = action.substring(chartPrefix.length);
var url;
var processedURL;
var checkExistUrl = '/udr/json/?action=chartsdescription';
checkExistUrl += '&patientId=630402';
checkExistUrl += '&chartName=' + chartName;
if(data.description != "")
var answer = confirm(data.description);
if(answer || data.description == "")
else if (action.startsWith(xformPrefix))
var xformName = action.substring(xformPrefix.length);
var url;
var windowWidth;
var windowHeight;
var processedURL;
if (xformName == 'progressnotes-amendment-discharge')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=progressnotes-amendment-discharge&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dprogressnotes-amendment-discharge%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 500;
if (xformName == 'progressnotes-clinical-review')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=progressnotes-clinical-review&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dprogressnotes-clinical-review%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 500;
if (xformName == 'dischargesummary')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=dischargesummary&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Ddischargesummary%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 550;
if (xformName == 'progressnotes-family-work')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=progressnotes-family-work&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dprogressnotes-family-work%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 500;
if (xformName == 'progressnotes-medical-review')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=progressnotes-medical-review&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dprogressnotes-medical-review%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 500;
if (xformName == 'medicationsummary')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=medicationsummary&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dmedicationsummary%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 760;
if (xformName == 'operationrecord')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=operationrecord&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Doperationrecord%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 760;
if (xformName == 'progressnotes-inpatient')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=progressnotes-inpatient&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dprogressnotes-inpatient%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 500;
if (xformName == 'progressnotes-weekly-summary')
url = '/oip-forms-viewer/forms/templates?udrSessionId=BF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC&formName=progressnotes-weekly-summary&patientId=630402&episodeId=458698&transactionId=&xformAction=new&sectionId=Admission';
processedURL = '%2Foip-forms-viewer%2Fforms%2Ftemplates%3FudrSessionId%3DBF0C3C8399163439782C67D2757477DC%26formName%3Dprogressnotes-weekly-summary%26patientId%3D630402%26episodeId%3D458698%26transactionId%3D%26xformAction%3Dnew%26sectionId%3DAdmission'
windowWidth = 800;
windowHeight = 500;
var newForm;
var confirmMsg = "There is another e-form opened. \n";
confirmMsg += "Press \"Cancel\" to finish editing the open e-form\n";
confirmMsg += "Press \"OK\" to discard it and open a new one.";
try {
var location = findFrame(top, 'main').win.document.location;
newForm = confirm(confirmMsg);
catch(e) {
newForm = true;
if(newForm) {
try {
findFrame(top, 'main').win.close();
catch(e) {}
findFrame(top, 'main').win = openCentredWindow(url, 'xformWindow', windowWidth, windowHeight);
try {
// setting the window title change on window load
$(findFrame(top, 'main').win).load(changeEformWindowTitle);
catch(e) {
// nothing to report
try {
// trying to change the window title early if the on load hasn't worked
setTimeout('changeEformWindowTitle()', 2000);
catch(e) {
// nothing to report
try {
// doing it a second time in case the first attempt was too early.
setTimeout('changeEformWindowTitle()', 8000);
catch(e) {
// nothing to report
try {
// doing it a third time 40 seconds later in case it there was a pre-fill.
setTimeout('changeEformWindowTitle()', 40000);
catch(e) {
// nothing to report
else {
findFrame(top, 'main').win.focus();
Any help you could provide would be very much appreciated!
Your best bet is to place a proxy server between the ipad and the actual product.
This proxy can then modify the html generated by the proprietary system.
You can look into nginx as a newbie friendly solution for proxying.
PS : I dont believe bookmarklets work on iPads. Even if they did, it would be a terrible UI.

Using itextsharp and MVC to display a range of PDF pages in a web page

I used this site to copy examples and to ask help from various people so I thought I would share my attempt at putting things together with others who might be interested.
The following takes a range of pages from an existing PDF file and displays the result in an iframe or a new Tab. It uses [itextsharp][1]
The code contains a fair amount of novice code but at least it works.
There is absolutely no point point in asking me any questions because I almost certainly will not know the answer.
If anyone would like to point out where improvements might be made, I would be very grateful.
<input id="btnIframe" type="button" value="Iframe" />
<input id="btnNewTab" type="button" value="New Tab" />
<div id="pdfDiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#btnIframe").click(function () {
var filename = "Test1";
var startPage = 1;
var endPage = 3;
var pParams = filename + "¬" + startPage + "¬" + endPage;
var url = '/PDFTest/GetPdfPages/' + pParams;
var html = "<iframe src=" + url + " style='width: 100%; height: 400px' ></iframe>";
$("#btnNewTab").click(function () {
var filename = "Test1";
var startPage = 1;
var endPage = 3;
var pParams = filename + "¬" + startPage + "¬" + endPage;
var url = '/PDFTest/GetPdfPages/' + pParams;, "_blank");
public FileStreamResult GetPdfPages(string id)
var pParams = id.Split('¬');
var fileName = pParams[0];
var start = Convert.ToInt32(pParams[1]);
var end = Convert.ToInt32(pParams[2]);
var inputFile = Server.MapPath(#"~/PDFFiles/" + fileName + ".pdf");
var inputPdf = new PdfReader(inputFile);
int pageCount = inputPdf.NumberOfPages;
if (end < start || end > pageCount)
end = pageCount;
var inputDoc =
new Document(inputPdf.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1));
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
var outputWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(inputDoc, ms);
var cb1 = outputWriter.DirectContent;
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++)
var page =
outputWriter.GetImportedPage(inputPdf, i);
int rotation = inputPdf.GetPageRotation(i);
if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270)
cb1.AddTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0,
cb1.AddTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1f, 0, 0);
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;test.pdf");
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.OutputStream.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, ms.GetBuffer().Length);
return new FileStreamResult(Response.OutputStream, "application/pdf");
