Xcode Storyboard recovery - ios

So I lost my source storyboard file. But I still had the .ipa that I released.
So I used crunch to extract my storyboard. However, it is the Main.storyboardc version and renaming it to Main.storyboard turned it into a folder with multiple .nib files.
Is there anyway I can turn these files into a storyboard or can I use these instead?

You should be able to use the .nib files but all the logic of the storyboard is lost.
And no you can't convert this into a storyboard file as you don't have the storyboard logic recovered.
Imagine if any one can extract interface/code from a compiled application.
But you can create a new storyboard, opening the nib files and copying the interface inside your new storyboard. You only have to recreate the segues, and relink the outlets.
You can also extract the original nibs from the .ipa file :
Rename the MyApp.ipa to MyApp.zip
Extract it
Inside the extracted folder right click the MyApp.app and press "Show package contents"
Here you will have all the resources, including the nib files.


Where Does the Storyboard/Layout Info Get Written To?

I know you can create a screen for an iOS app entirely with code. But when you use the interface builder part of Xcode, where is all of that information going? Is it being written to a file you can view?
A Storyboard itself is a file contained in your project folder, so you must create a storyboard file in Xcode in advance before using the Storyboard.
To create a storyboard file:
Press Command + N in Xcode ( or choose on File > New > File)
Then you can create a storyboard file, and you can find the file in Xcode Navigator or Finder.
If you want to check the source code of the storyboard file, just open it with text editors.

Converting .xib file to storyboard

I have been searching how to convert a xib file into a storyboard file, but I can't find an answer, also I followed this tutorial but when I run the app the old .xib file is opened, no the new storyboard, my app has just two .xib files that I want to convert into storyboards, is there a way or tutorial at this date that can achieve that?
You must update your target configuration of the app. Open the General tab. In the secion Deployment Info you will find Main Interface. Choose your storyboard instead of the XIB file.

accidentally remove reference from an xib. file in Swift

I was having an issue with my stimulator response to my coding and decided to try to modify my original connections in my xib. file to my IBOutlets
instead I ended up removing the reference to my FeedViewController .xib file. I try deleting my FeedViewController.Swift and recreating it again. but upon doing so I'm still missing my .xib file.
How can I restore my reference connection to my .xib file to display in my files!
Thanks for any help!
If it is in trash can, then you can easily restore it.
If you click “remove reference”, then you may have a chance to find it back in the folder: Project_folder -> Base.iproj -> Main.storyboard.
(I just found it back thx god)

UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle: loaded the "View" nib but the view outlet was not set.'

I have created an .xib file then deleted it by sending it to trash. After that time I have started to take an exception as stated in the title. My project do not use interface builder file(neither storyboard nor xib/nib) at all. I have looked up whole project files but could not see any connection with xib file.
How to fix it?
Thank you
First you should clean your project and delete the app from simulator, and it will be ok. (Even if you deleted the xib to trash, it still exists in the bundle.)

which line of code decide a iOS project use storyboard or nib or neither?

When I create a single view project in xcode, it will generate a storyboard. And I deleted this file, I can still run the program. So I'm just curious how can I change a storyboard project to a empty project in code?
Just remove entry "Main storyboard file base name" in your project plist file.
