Converting .xib file to storyboard - ios

I have been searching how to convert a xib file into a storyboard file, but I can't find an answer, also I followed this tutorial but when I run the app the old .xib file is opened, no the new storyboard, my app has just two .xib files that I want to convert into storyboards, is there a way or tutorial at this date that can achieve that?

You must update your target configuration of the app. Open the General tab. In the secion Deployment Info you will find Main Interface. Choose your storyboard instead of the XIB file.


Where Does the Storyboard/Layout Info Get Written To?

I know you can create a screen for an iOS app entirely with code. But when you use the interface builder part of Xcode, where is all of that information going? Is it being written to a file you can view?
A Storyboard itself is a file contained in your project folder, so you must create a storyboard file in Xcode in advance before using the Storyboard.
To create a storyboard file:
Press Command + N in Xcode ( or choose on File > New > File)
Then you can create a storyboard file, and you can find the file in Xcode Navigator or Finder.
If you want to check the source code of the storyboard file, just open it with text editors.

Xcode jump from viewcontroller.swift to storyboard

I'm working on a large ios app and I'm also a newb. I'm trying to find the correct scene in a storyboard in a large app. I'm in the .swift file and I need a quick way to figure out which scene is associated with that swift controller file. The only way I know now is to go through each scene and look at the Class property, which will take forever. Is there a shortcut to jump from the swift file to the associated scene?
In Xcode, open "Find in Workspace..." (Command+Shift+F)
Type the name of your ViewController.
In the results panel, check the entries under the .storyboard file. Clicking on them will open that exactly scene in the Interface Builder.
You can also go further and filter the search by filetype. Check this out:
Create a custom Scope:
Super awesome result:

Xcode Storyboard recovery

So I lost my source storyboard file. But I still had the .ipa that I released.
So I used crunch to extract my storyboard. However, it is the Main.storyboardc version and renaming it to Main.storyboard turned it into a folder with multiple .nib files.
Is there anyway I can turn these files into a storyboard or can I use these instead?
You should be able to use the .nib files but all the logic of the storyboard is lost.
And no you can't convert this into a storyboard file as you don't have the storyboard logic recovered.
Imagine if any one can extract interface/code from a compiled application.
But you can create a new storyboard, opening the nib files and copying the interface inside your new storyboard. You only have to recreate the segues, and relink the outlets.
You can also extract the original nibs from the .ipa file :
Rename the MyApp.ipa to
Extract it
Inside the extracted folder right click the and press "Show package contents"
Here you will have all the resources, including the nib files.

how does LaunchScreen.storyboard redirect to Main.storyboard

I'm newbie of iOS developer, and I know that is very simple question but I really can't understand reason.
when I build SingleViewApplication, Xcode auto generate LaunchScreen.storyboard and Main.storyboard,
but I can't find any code like [self.navigationController pushViewController:] which may choose that what view controller enter stack as last one of top-level view,
I only find ViewController.{h,m} as first and see no logic that change view from LaunchScreen.storyboard to Main.storyboard.
could anyone help? thanks..
Main.storyboard file and LaunchScreen is define in your project property.
you can find it by click on project in xcode and then in below target you can find this two name you can choose your own by selecting dropdown given beside label.
and other redirecting to LaunchScreen to Main.storyboard you can refer info.plist file in your project and also AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m
Most probably the iOS first looks for LaunchScreen.storyboard file and shows it for some time and when it is done with it, it looks for Main.storyboard.
These names are hardwired in the plist as mentioned by Tejas in his answer and you can change these.
I don't think the the LaunchScreen.storyboard is pushing the Main.storyboard. Everything is managed behind the scenes and you can't change this behavior.
What you can change is the initial View Controller in your Main.storyboard so that it is instantiated immediately after the LaunchScreen.storyboard disappears and the app is fully loaded.

which line of code decide a iOS project use storyboard or nib or neither?

When I create a single view project in xcode, it will generate a storyboard. And I deleted this file, I can still run the program. So I'm just curious how can I change a storyboard project to a empty project in code?
Just remove entry "Main storyboard file base name" in your project plist file.
