How to implement tabs on iOS at the top that are swipe-able? - ios

I'm developing an iOS app and I was wondering how to implement a design element. I've looked but there isn't a answer that I was completely looking for. Any help would be great. :)

If you don't want to build it from the scratch, then maybe you can take a look at this-


How can i design a list of images in PSCollectionView with different Heights?

Iam new to ios development.I confused to design like a screen which i attached here.
Please help me if anyone know how to design like this.Iam not yet started to design the screen.
Thanks in Advance....![design like this screen][1]
this is WaterfallCollectionView sample code as per your requirement

Page Control like in Reminders app iOS 7

Has anybody found something similar to ios7 Reminder PageView with same forces and behavior.
Mean this control.
Found something link - but it's not exact the same.
Look forward to somebody's help!
The best solution i have found - TGLStackedViewController
It provides same behaviour and uses the uidynamics library to attache views in a UICollectionView.

Photo Gallery like table iOS

I am in the process of designing an application that will look like the image below. I am wondering if there is anything out there that will help me create this style of a table. I have seen three20 and other sources. I already figured out how to load images from the website I need, using JSON, now I need to put it into that view style. . It looks like it may be a basic gallery layout, but I am not sure where the best place to start may be.
EDIT: Thanks guys, this ended up being quite helpful as well:
Try to check UICollectionView
Have a look at UICollectionView. It's perfect for that sort of thing.
Ask again with specific questions if you have them.
The new UICollectionView framework is made for things like this, and it's really easy to use. The only downside to using a collection view is that it's only available on iOS 6+, so if you want backwards compatibility, you might want to look into third-party open source frameworks.
Here's a great tutorial on UICollectionViews to help you get started.

Create custom, iOS 6 like, App Store TabBar (image included)

I'm working on an app originally developed by another programmer. My job is to make the interface more appealing. One really effective way I've found is to customize the tab bar. I've become very fond of iOS 6's App Store for iPad. I was wondering what would be the best way to recreate this (for iPad)? Any help would be greatly appreciated guys!
The app relies heavily on the UITabBar, so I'm trying my best not to change this model. I've checked out TBTabBar, but currently it only supports the iPhone.
I have found some customisation here and here. I don't know if it is working on iPad too, but I hope it helps to get a direction.

Styling the UIPopOverViewController

I've seen a few apps on the iPad recently adding a bit of design to the pop overs.
Does anyone have any pointers on how you would go about changing the pop overs design without writing your own?
I'm hoping to achieve something like the pop overs in iBook or Calcbot.
I don't believe there is any way to really customize the UIPopoverController. You can write your own pretty easily though.
