How can i design a list of images in PSCollectionView with different Heights? - ios

Iam new to ios development.I confused to design like a screen which i attached here.
Please help me if anyone know how to design like this.Iam not yet started to design the screen.
Thanks in Advance....![design like this screen][1]

this is WaterfallCollectionView sample code as per your requirement


How to reproduce iOS 11 maps bottom sheet with React Native

Can anyone tell me how I can mimic the bottom sheet in the new maps app in iOS 11?
In android you can use a "BottomSheet", which mimics this behaviour, but I could not find anything like that for iOS.
Is that a simple scroll view with a content inset? So that the search bar is at the bottom?
I am fairly new to iOS programming so if someone could help me creating this layout that would be highly appreciated.
This is what I mean by "bottom sheet":
I see this is old an question but for anyone struggling with this issue. you can use this module Here is demo
Maybe you could give a try to Modalize I've been working on it to be able to create all kind of bottom sheets similar to that.
It´s not called anything special, but some refer to it as "Card". Here is a great tutorial of how to implement the bottom card as Apple Maps.

How to implement tabs on iOS at the top that are swipe-able?

I'm developing an iOS app and I was wondering how to implement a design element. I've looked but there isn't a answer that I was completely looking for. Any help would be great. :)
If you don't want to build it from the scratch, then maybe you can take a look at this-

How would I go implementing a stacked card-based view?

Would anyone mind pointing me in the right direction of making a card view just like the one in the image shown below? I've been scouring the internet for over an hour trying to find a tutorial (in Swift) and all I could find was making the illusion of separated cards like this and this.
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated!
It wouldn't be that hard to do this yourself with custom code.
You could also use either a UICollectionView. Getting the look you want with a collection view is doable but would require some customization.
Yet another option is a third party framework like iCarousel (by Nick Lockwoods) iCarousel is very flexible and powerful, and comes with tutorials demonstrating a number of different options.

Push a side view controller

I am a bit new in iOS programming. I want to add view controllers in side view when click on the menu button as many apps already have. I searched in net and found 2 APIs one is PPReavealSideViewController and other is SWReavelSideController. but i don't know how to use. I downloaded the Sample project of PPReavealSideViewController but it is showing many errors. please help me I have many questions in my mind..
Which one is better to use PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController?
Is there any other way to achieve my target??
I am uplaoding a image, please help me
I would suggest to use step-by-step tutorial:
PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController are good but always nice to do it yourself

Photo Gallery like table iOS

I am in the process of designing an application that will look like the image below. I am wondering if there is anything out there that will help me create this style of a table. I have seen three20 and other sources. I already figured out how to load images from the website I need, using JSON, now I need to put it into that view style. . It looks like it may be a basic gallery layout, but I am not sure where the best place to start may be.
EDIT: Thanks guys, this ended up being quite helpful as well:
Try to check UICollectionView
Have a look at UICollectionView. It's perfect for that sort of thing.
Ask again with specific questions if you have them.
The new UICollectionView framework is made for things like this, and it's really easy to use. The only downside to using a collection view is that it's only available on iOS 6+, so if you want backwards compatibility, you might want to look into third-party open source frameworks.
Here's a great tutorial on UICollectionViews to help you get started.
