I have a rails application running with puma server. Is there any way, we can see how many number of threads used in application currently ?
I was wondering about the same thing a while ago and came upon this issue. The author included the code they ended up using to collect those stats:
module PumaThreadLogger
def initialize *args
ret = super *args
Thread.new do
while true
# Every X seconds, write out what the state of this dyno is in a format that Librato understands.
sleep 5
thread_count = 0
backlog = 0
waiting = 0
# I don't do the logging or string stuff inside of the mutex. I want to get out of there as fast as possible
#mutex.synchronize {
thread_count = #workers.size
backlog = #todo.size
waiting = #waiting
# For some reason, even a single Puma server (not clustered) has two booted ThreadPools.
# One of them is empty, and the other is actually doing work
# The check above ignores the empty one
if (thread_count > 0)
# It might be cool if we knew the Puma worker index for this worker, but that didn't look easy to me.
# The good news: By using the PID we can differentiate two different workers on two different dynos with the same name
# (which might happen if one is shutting down and the other is starting)
source_name = "#{Process.pid}"
# If we have a dyno name, prepend it to the source to make it easier to group in the log output
dyno_name = ENV['DYNO']
if (dyno_name)
msg = "source=#{source_name} "
msg += "sample#puma.backlog=#{backlog} sample#puma.active_connections=#{thread_count - waiting} sample#puma.total_threads=#{thread_count}"
Rails.logger.info msg
module Puma
class ThreadPool
prepend PumaThreadLogger
This code contains logic that is specific to heroku, but the core of collecting the #workers.size and logging it will work in any environment.
I build a website-crawler that (later on) uses these links to read out information.
The current rake-task goes through all the possible pages one by one and checks if the requests goes trough (valid response) or returns a 404/503 error (invalid page). If it's valid the pages url gets saved into my database.
Now as you can see the task requests 50,000 pages in total thus requires some time.
I have read about Sidekiq and how it can perform these tasks asynchronously thus making this a lot faster.
My question: As you can see my task builds the counter after each loop. This will not work with Sidekiq I guess as it will only perform this script independent of itself various times, am I right?
How would I go around the problem of each instance needing its own counter then?
Hopefully my question makes sense - Thank you very much!
desc "Validate Pages"
task validate_url: :environment do
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
counter = 1
base_url = "http://example.net/file"
until counter > 50000 do
url = "#{base_url}_#{counter}/"
page = Page.new
page.url = url
puts "Saved #{url} !"
counter += 1
rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => ex
logger ||= Logger.new("validations.log")
if ex.io.status[0] == "503"
logger.info "#{ex} # #{counter}"
puts "#{ex} # #{counter}"
counter += 1
rescue SocketError => ex
logger ||= Logger.new("validations.log")
logger.info "#{ex} # #{counter}"
puts "#{ex} # #{counter}"
counter += 1
A simple Redis INCR operation will create and/or increment a global counter for your jobs to use. You can use Sidekiq's redis connection to implement a counter trivially:
Sidekiq.redis do |conn|
If you want to use it async - that means you will have many instances of same job. The fastest approach - to use something like redis. This will give you simple and fast way to check\update counter for your needs. But also make sure you took care about counter: If one of your jobs using it, lock it for other jobs, so there wont be wrong results, etc
I have a fairly simple Rails app. It listens for requests in the form
My application controller looks at the secret key to determine which user is making the call, looks up their database credentials, and connects to the appropriate database to get that person's items.
However we need to have this support multiple requests at a time, and Puma seems like everyone's favorite / the fastest server for us to use. We started running into problems when benchmarking it with ApacheBench. FYI, puma is configured to have 3 workers and min=1, max=16 threads.
If I were to run
ab -n 100 -c 10
then this error is thrown with a whole lot of stack trace after it:
/home/user/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mysql2-0.3.16/lib/mysql2/client.rb:70: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 2.0.0p353 (2013-11-22 revision 43784) [x86_64-linux]
Edit: This line also appears in the enormous amount of info that the error contains:
*** glibc detected *** puma: cluster worker 1: 17088: corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007fb671ddbd60
And it looks to me like that's tripping multiple times. I have been unable to determine exactly when (on which requests) it trips.
The benchmarking seems to still finish, but it seems quite slow (from ab):
Concurrency Level: 10
Time taken for tests: 21.085 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Total transferred: 3620724 bytes
21 seconds for 3 megabytes? Even if mysql was being slow, that's... bad. But I think it's worse than that - the amount of data isn't high enough. There are no segfaults when I run concurrency 1, and the amount of data for -n 10 -c 1 is 17 megabytes. So puma is responding with some error page that I can't see - running 'curl address' gives me the expected data, and I can't manually do concurrency.
It gets worse when I run more requests or higher concurrency.
ab -n 1000 -c 10
apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)
Total of 199 requests completed
ab -n 100 -c 50
apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)
Total of 6 requests completed
Running top in another putty window shows me that very often (most times I try to benchmark) only one of the three workers puma created is performing any work. Rarely, all three do.
Because it seems like the error might be somewhere in here, I'll show you my application_controller. It's short, but the bulk of the application (which, like I said, is fairly simple).
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
def get_yaml_params
def access_key_login
access_key = params[:access_key]
unless access_key
show_error("missing access_key parameter")
return false
access_info = get_yaml_params
unless client_login = access_info[access_key]
show_error("invalid access_key")
return false
status = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(
:adapter => "mysql2",
:host => client_login["host"],
:username => client_login["username"],
:password => client_login["password"],
:database => client_login["database"]
def generate_json (columns, footer)
// config/application.rb includes the line
// require 'json'
query = "select"
columns.each do |column, name|
query += " #{column}"
query += " AS #{name}" unless column == name
query += ","
query = query[0..-2] # trim ','
query += " #{footer}"
dbh = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
results = dbh.select_all(query).to_hash
data = results.map do |result|
columns.map {|column, name| result[name]}
({"fields" => columns.values, "values" => data}).to_json
def show_error(msg)
render(:text => "Error: #{msg}\n")
And an example of a controller that uses it
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
def index
access_key_login or return
columns = {
"prd_type" => "prd_type",
"prd_type_description" => "description"
footer = "from cin_desc;"
json = generate_json(columns, footer)
render(:json => json)
That's pretty much it as far as custom code goes. I can't find anything making this not threadsafe, so I don't know what the cause of the segfaults is. I don't know why not all of the workers spin up when requests are made. I don't know what error is getting returned to ApacheBench. Thanks for helping, I can post more information as you need it.
It appears that the stable version of mysql2 library, 0.3.17, is NOT threadsafe. Until it is updated to be threadsafe, using it with multithreaded puma will be impossible. An alternative would be to use Unicorn.
I'd like to find out more info about the wait_thread being passed to my Popen wrapper method
def my_popen(cmd, ignore_err = true)
Open3.popen3(cmd, {}) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
cmd_status = wait_thr.value
cmd_output << stdout.read
cmd_output << stderr.read unless ignore_err
return cmd_output, cmd_status
It works for short running processes but it is being used in a Sidekiq worker which can take around an hour. However when I time it, it takes only around 30 secs every time no matter how long the worker really takes. To time it I just add a timestamp entry into the database at the beginning of the worker and then update it at the end for thread safety and so I can see it in a UI.
Is there something to do with this wait thread that is timing out after around 30 seconds?
I have a Ruby process that listens on a given device. I would like to spin up/down instances of it for different devices with a rails app. Everything I can find for Ruby daemons seems to be based around a set number of daemons running or background processing with message queues.
Should I just be doing this with Kernel.spawn and storing the PIDs in the database? It seems a bit hacky but if there isn't an existing framework that allows me to bring up/down daemons it seems I may not have much choice.
Instead of spawning another script and keeping the PIDs in the database, you can do it all within the same script, using fork, and keeping PIDs in memory. Here's a sample script - you add and delete "worker instances" by typing commands "add" and "del" in console, exiting with "quit":
#pids = []
#counter = 0
def add_process
#pids.push(Process.fork {
loop do
puts "Hello from worker ##{#counter}"
sleep 1
#counter += 1
def del_process
return false if #pids.empty?
pid = #pids.pop
Process.kill('SIGTERM', pid)
def kill_all
while del_process
while cmd = gets.chomp
case cmd.downcase
when 'quit'
when 'add'
when 'del'
Of course, this is just an example, and for sending comands and/or monitoring instances you can replace this simple gets loop with a small Sinatra app, or socket interface, or named pipes etc.
In a typical cluster setup, I have a 5 instances of mongrel running behind Apache 2.
In one of my initializer files, I schedule a cron task using Rufus::Scheduler which basically sends out a couple of emails.
The task runs 5 times, once for each mongrel instance and each recipient ends up getting 5 mails (despite the fact I store logs of each sent mail and check the log before sending). Is it possible that since all 5 instances run the task at exact same time, they end up reading the email logs before they are written?
I am looking for a solution that will make the tasks run only once. I also have a Starling daemon up and running which can be utilized.
The rooster rails plugin specifically addresses your issue. It uses rufus-scheduler and ensures the environment is loaded only once.
The way I am doing it right now:
Try to open a file in exclusive locked mode
When lock is acquired, check for messages in Starling
If message exists, other process has already scheduled the job
Set the message again to the queue and exit.
If message is not found, schedule the job, set the message and exit
Here is the code that does it:
starling = MemCache.new("#{Settings[:starling][:host]}:#{Settings[:starling][:port]}")
mutex_filename = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/file.lock"
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
# The filelock method, taken from Ruby Cookbook
# This will ensure unblocking of the files
def flock(file, mode)
success = file.flock(mode)
if success
yield file
return success
# open_lock method, taken from Ruby Cookbook
# This will create and hold the locks
def open_lock(filename, openmode = "r", lockmode = nil)
if openmode == 'r' || openmode == 'rb'
lockmode ||= File::LOCK_SH
lockmode ||= File::LOCK_EX
value = nil
# Kernerl's open method, gives IO Object, in our case, a file
open(filename, openmode) do |f|
flock(f, lockmode) do
value = yield f
f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) # Comment this line out on Windows.
return value
# The actual scheduler
open_lock(mutex_filename, 'r+') do |f|
puts f.read
digest_schedule_message = starling.get("digest_scheduler")
if digest_schedule_message
puts "Found digest message in Starling. Releasing lock. '#{Time.now}'"
puts "Message: #{digest_schedule_message.inspect}"
# Read the message and set it back, so that other processes can read it too
starling.set "digest_scheduler", digest_schedule_message
# Schedule job
puts "Scheduling digest emails now. '#{Time.now}'"
scheduler.cron("0 9 * * *") do
puts "Begin sending digests..."
puts "Done sending digests."
# Add message in queue
puts "Done Scheduling. Sending the message to Starling. '#{Time.now}'"
starling.set "digest_scheduler", :date => Date.today
# Sleep will ensure all instances have gone thorugh their wait-acquire lock-schedule(or not) cycle
# This will ensure that on next reboot, starling won't have any stale messages
puts "Waiting to clear digest messages from Starling."
puts "All digest messages cleared, proceeding with boot."
Why dont you use mod_passenger (phusion)? I moved from mongrel to phusion and it worked perfect (with a timeamount of < 5 minutes)!