Ruby popen3 not working as expected in Sidekiq worker - ruby-on-rails

I'd like to find out more info about the wait_thread being passed to my Popen wrapper method
def my_popen(cmd, ignore_err = true)
Open3.popen3(cmd, {}) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
cmd_status = wait_thr.value
cmd_output <<
cmd_output << unless ignore_err
return cmd_output, cmd_status
It works for short running processes but it is being used in a Sidekiq worker which can take around an hour. However when I time it, it takes only around 30 secs every time no matter how long the worker really takes. To time it I just add a timestamp entry into the database at the beginning of the worker and then update it at the end for thread safety and so I can see it in a UI.
Is there something to do with this wait thread that is timing out after around 30 seconds?


Retry Sidekiq worker from within worker

In my app I am trying to perform two worker tasks sequentially.
First, a PDF is being created with Wicked pdf and then, once the PDF is created, to send an email to two different recipients with the PDF attached.
This is what is called in the controller :
First worker creates the PDF and second worker sends email.
Here is second worker :
class MailingWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options retry: false
def perform(d_id,model)
#d = eval(model).find(d_id)
#model = model
if #d.pdf.present?
MailingWorker.perform_in(1.minutes,, #model.to_s)
The if statement checks if the PDF has been created. If true two mails are sent, otherwise, the same worker is called again one minute later, just to let the Heroku server extra time to process the PDF creation in case it takes more time or a long queue.
Though if the PDF has definitely failed to be processed, the above ends up in an infinite loop.
Is there a way to fix this ?
One option I see is calling the second worker inside the PDF creation worker though I don't really want to nest workers too deep. It makes my controller more clear to have them separate, I can see the sequence of actions. But any advice welcome.
Another option is to use sidekiq_options retry: 5 and request a retry of the controller that could be counted towards the full total of 5 retries, instead of retrying the worker with else MailingWorker.perform_in(1.minutes,, #model.to_s) but I don't know how to do this. As per this thread it would be to raise an exception but I am not sure how to do this ... (also I am not sure how long the retry will wait before being processed with the exception method, with the solution above I can control the time frame..)
If you do not want to have nested workers, then in MailingWorker instead of enqueuing it again, raise an exception if the PDF is not present.
Also, configure the worker retry option, so that sidekiq will push it to the retry queue and run it again in sometime. According to the documentation,
Sidekiq will retry failures with an exponential backoff using the
formula (retry_count ** 4) + 15 + (rand(30) * (retry_count + 1)) (i.e.
15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds + a random amount of time). It will
perform 25 retries over approximately 21 days.
Worker code will be more like,
class MailingWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options retry: 5
def perform(d_id,model)
#d = eval(model).find(d_id)
#model = model
if #d.pdf.present?
raise "PDF not present"
I believe the "correct" and most asynchroneous way to do this is to have two queues, and two workers:
Queue 1: CreatePdfWorker
Queue 2: SendPdfWorker
When the CreatePdfWorker has generated the PDF, it then enqueues the SendPdfWorker with the newly generated PDF and recipients.
This way, each worker can work independently and pluck from the queue asynchroneously, and you're not struggling against the design choices of Sidekiq.

Number of threads used by rails puma

I have a rails application running with puma server. Is there any way, we can see how many number of threads used in application currently ?
I was wondering about the same thing a while ago and came upon this issue. The author included the code they ended up using to collect those stats:
module PumaThreadLogger
def initialize *args
ret = super *args do
while true
# Every X seconds, write out what the state of this dyno is in a format that Librato understands.
sleep 5
thread_count = 0
backlog = 0
waiting = 0
# I don't do the logging or string stuff inside of the mutex. I want to get out of there as fast as possible
#mutex.synchronize {
thread_count = #workers.size
backlog = #todo.size
waiting = #waiting
# For some reason, even a single Puma server (not clustered) has two booted ThreadPools.
# One of them is empty, and the other is actually doing work
# The check above ignores the empty one
if (thread_count > 0)
# It might be cool if we knew the Puma worker index for this worker, but that didn't look easy to me.
# The good news: By using the PID we can differentiate two different workers on two different dynos with the same name
# (which might happen if one is shutting down and the other is starting)
source_name = "#{}"
# If we have a dyno name, prepend it to the source to make it easier to group in the log output
dyno_name = ENV['DYNO']
if (dyno_name)
msg = "source=#{source_name} "
msg += "sample#puma.backlog=#{backlog} sample#puma.active_connections=#{thread_count - waiting} sample#puma.total_threads=#{thread_count}" msg
module Puma
class ThreadPool
prepend PumaThreadLogger
This code contains logic that is specific to heroku, but the core of collecting the #workers.size and logging it will work in any environment.

Daemon eats too much CPU when being idle

I am using blue-daemons fork of daemons gem (since the second one looks totally abandoned) along with daemons-rails gem, which wraps daemons for rails.
The problem is that my daemon eats too much CPU when it's idle (10-20 times higher then it's actually performing the job).
By being idle, I mean that I have special flag - If is true, then I perform the job, if it's false, then I just sleep 10 secs and iterate next step in the while($running) do block and check status again and again.
I don't want to hard stop job because there is really sensitive data and I don't want the process to break it. Is there any good way to handle that high CPU usaget? I tried Sidekiq, but it looks like it's primary aim is to run jobs on demand or on schedule, but I need the daemon to run on non-stop basis.
$running = true
Signal.trap("TERM") do
$running = false
while($running) do
while do
..... DO LOTS OF WORK .....
sleep 10

Control timeout of system process in Rails

I am launching casperJS scripts from my controller as this:
output = `casperjs #{path_to_file} '#{url}#'`
And sometimes, for several reasons the casperjs script might hang, or might take a long time. I am wondering if there is anyway I can set a timeout in my controller to just kill the process and control it. Is that possible?
require 'timeout'
Timeout.timeout(<seconds>) do
output = `casperjs #{path_to_file} '#{url}#'`
This will raise a Timeout::Error exception if the script doesn't finish within the given time
Edit(to kill the process after timeout)
require 'timeout'
pipe_cmd_in, pipe_cmd_out = IO.pipe
pid = Process.spawn("casperjs #{path_to_file} '#{url}#'", :out => pipe_cmd_out, :err => pipe_cmd_out)
Timeout.timeout(<seconds>) do
output =;
rescue Timeout::Error
Process.kill('TERM', pid)
Have a look at the teminator gem as well. It will help if you have many system calls to deal with

Rails threads testing db lock

Let's say we want to test that the database is being locked..
$transaction = {
Rails.logger.debug 'transaction process start'
Inventory.transaction do
$race_condition = {
Rails.logger.debug 'race_condition process start'
config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env].symbolize_keys
config[:flags] = 65536 | 131072 | Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS
connection =
rescue NoMethodError
connection.close if connection
Rails.logger.debug 'main process start'
Rails.logger.debug 'main process after transaction.join'
sleep 0.1 while $transaction.status!='sleep'
Rails.logger.debug 'main process after sleep'
Rails.logger.debug 'main process after race_condition.join'
In theory, I'd think it would do the transaction thread, then wait( Thread.stop ), then the main process would see that it's sleeping, and start the race condition thread(which will be trying to alter data in the locked table when it actually works). Then the race condition would continue the transaction thread after it was done.
what's weird is the trace
main process start
transaction process start
race_condition process start
Coming from nodejs, it seems like threads aren't exactly as user friendly.. though, there has to be a way to get this done.
Is there an easier way to lock the database, then try to change it with a different thread? automatically starts the Thread.
But that does not mean that it is executing.
That depends on Operations system, ruby or jruby, how many cores, etc.
In your example the main thread runs until
and only then your transaction thread starts, just by chance.
It runs still Thread.stop, then your '$race_condition' Thread starts, because both other are blocked (it might have started before)
So that explains your log.
You have two $transaction.join
they wait until the thread exits, but a thread can only exit once...
I don't know what is happen then, maybe the second call waits forever.
For your test, you need some sort of explicit synchronization, so that our race_thread writes exactly when the transaction_thread is in the middle of the transaction. You can do this with Mutex, but better would be some sort of message passing. The following blog post may help:
For any resource to make it a "Mutually Exclusive", you need to use Mutex class and use a synchronize method to make the resources locked while one thread is using them. You have to do something like this:
semaphore =
and use it inside the Thread instance.
$transaction = {
# Do whatever you want with the *your shared resource*
This way you can prevent any deadlocks.
Hope this helps.
