jQuery UI Focus Issue - jquery-ui

I am getting Issue
unable to get property'_focusTabbable'of undefined or null reference
I am using Jquery-ui-1.10.2.custom.js
Here I am getting issue in
if ( !$.ui.dialog.overlayInstances ) {
// Prevent use of anchors and inputs.
// We use a delay in case the overlay is created from an
// event that we're going to be cancelling. (#2804)
this._delay(function() {
// Handle .dialog().dialog("close") (#4065)
if ( $.ui.dialog.overlayInstances ) {
this.document.bind( "focusin.dialog", function( event ) {
if ( !that._allowInteraction( event ) ) {
**$(".ui-dialog:visible:last .ui-dialog-content")
.data( widgetFullName )._focusTabbable();**

This bug arises when you open a dialog and then, in an action button of this dialog, call a method that opens a second dialog. When you attempt to close the second dialog, the bug appears.
To prevent this from happening, close the first dialog immediately, and then call the second dialog.
buttons: {
'No': function () {
'Yes': function () {
// This works
// Open second dialog
// This doesn't work. A bug will arise when attempting to close the second dialog

I'm opening one dialog and then another to confirm changes which were done in the first dialog. When confirming it doesn't close the first dialog which was opened. So I'm just destroying everything to get rid of the focus issue.
I just put this one in the confirm function of the last dialog so it destroys all my dialogs (since they have the same class).

Just for future reference (and in case anyone else experiences this problem), I got the same error in jQuery UI 1.10.3 when re-opening a dialog after partial postbacks in asp.net. I found out that this was due to a variable $.ui.dialog.overlayInstances that is supposed to evaluate to 1 before the dialog is closed. Since every time the dialog is opened the variable is increased by 1, when the user pressed the close button my value often evaluated to 2 or more. My solution was to reset $.ui.dialog.overlayInstances to 1 every time I opened the dialog. So:
$.ui.dialog.overlayInstances = 1;

I was working jquery-ui-1.12.1 and encountered the same error and as Emyr pointed out this bug has been fixed.
My first workaround used George Beiers approach. Close dialog1 before creating dialog2, then I would restore dialog1 after closing dialog2. The result didn't look so well but it cleared the error in every browser except Internet Explorer.
Turns out there was a function that was attempting to closed my dialog1(already closed) before closing dialog2. Once I reordered the code I was able to keep dialog1 open while I displayed dialog2.
My suggestion if you are having trouble fixing this issue is to add a console log message on the beforeClose and open events to keep an eye for odd behavior.

I remember that error.
For me was
I tried to open a modal by code, then I opened other modal also by code...
They opened well... but if tried again, I received that error.
I had to close the first modal before open a new one.


serviceWorker.ready never resolves unless within setTimeout

In a page's domready event I'm setting an event listener for a button that sets a Background Sync event in a page on my website (when offline), but even if the service worker has been loaded already on previous page visits, this line of code never resolves the promise, its status stays "Pending" indefinitely.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function (sw) {
$('#elt').on('click', function () {
Since I know the sync event won't need to be set until after a form is completed, I tried wrapping this code in a setTimeout() of 3 seconds, which worked! My question is why this might be, I haven't been able to find anyone else indicating the .ready event wouldn't be available when the page is first loaded. Insight appreciated.

what is the propper way to use Titanium eventListerner/fireEvent to communication with webview

so I'm working on an application that uses webview to display data. At the moment i'm trying to get data from, and send data to the webview. It seems that getting data from the webview works fine, but sending data back to the webview forms the problem.
I use fireEvents and Eventlisteners to communicat. It looks somethhing like this:
webview : index.html
// declared at the beginning of the html file
Ti.App.addEventListener('sendToWebview', function(data) {
alert('alert in webview');
// fires when button is pushed
function onClick(){
Ti.App.fireEvent('sendToTi', { "someDataToTi" });
Ti.App.addEventListener('sendToTi', function(data) {
alert('alert in Ti');
Ti.App.fireEvent('sendToWebview', { "someDataToWebview" });
What works is the sendToTi event. here i always get the alert. What doesn't seem to work all the time is the sendToWebview event. The weird thing is that is sometimes seem to work, other times not and even when I go back to the code that worked, it seems to not work anymore.
What am I doing wrong? is there a way to make it work?
Your 'sendToTi' is correct. But you can't send events to the WebView in that way.
To execute JavaScript (which is sending events) in your WebView you can use
webview.evalJS('someJSFunction(with, parameters, for, instance);');
webview.evalJS('alert("Hello World!");');
There is no need of EventListeners (especially no app-wide event listeners).

Firefox SDK - Detecting back button in extension

I'd like to do the equivalent of chrome.tabs.onUpdated in Firefox. tabs.on('ready', function(tab){}) does not work because it does not detect the back button. How do I fire an action on every page load such that it also detects the back button using the Firefox SDK?
You'd have to use require('window-utils').WindowTracker to all windows, filter for browser windows with the require('sdk/window/utils').isBrowser(window) method, then listen to click events on the back button.
It's currently impossible, but will be possible in a future version of Firefox:
A bit of a late answer, but for anyone reading this now (from 2016), it is now possible to do using the SDK!
Using the High-Level API tabs, you need to listen for the pageshow event. (More about this on MDN)
An example:
tabs.on('pageshow', function(tab) {
// Your code here
It is very similar to the load and ready events, the main difference being that is is also fired when a page is loaded from BFCache (which it is when the back button is pressed).
I think the following snippet gives the functionality of chrome.tabs.onUpdated
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
tabs.on('ready', function(tab){

Appcelerator: Event when reopening App

I want my app to reload data when it will be reopened (from iOS "Multitasking").
I've tested:
Ti.UI.addEventListener('reload', function() {
alert('reloaded app');
but this event just gets fired when the App will be opened the first time.
The app entering the foreground is an app level event. So you need to register on Ti.App, not Ti.UI. In fact I can't find any reference to the event you are using.
Ti.App.addEventListener('resume', function() {
alert('reloaded app');
Or you can use "resumed" for after it has completely returned.
See this page

C# Issue WebBrowserReadyState - knowing when page has refreshed

I hope this isn't a stupid question. However I am writing a program at the moment which is a front end for a website booking system.
When I navigate to a specific link it remembers previous information on the page - So I have to make it load the page and then refresh - It's a bit messy doing this, so I have created another form which comes up during the loading called pleasew.cs. It will show "pleasew" for the first while loop and then I am assuming that "WebBrowserReadyState" is set to "Complete." and it more or less then closes the "pleasew" form before it's completed the refresh. Is there anything I can do to reset "WebBrowserReadyState" before it refreshes? Or is there another solution at all?
Many Thanks for looking
Here is the code:
private void button7_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
pleasew pleasewait = new pleasew();
while (webBrowser1.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
while (webBrowser1.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
If I understand your problem right, you beleive the readystate doesn't get out of complete status when you do your refresh. Have you debugged to be certain it never enters the second while loop? Maybe because it's a refresh, it loads up from the cache, and that's the source of your confusion.
Try doing a second Navigate instead of Refresh and see what happens.
