May I know whether there is any limitations to Solace VMR trial version? I exported CLI commands to setup a VPN from a Solace appliance. I can run the CLI script to create a VPN on appliance but when I tried to run the same script in VMR, it seems to have issues. Similarly, VMR does not seem to allow me to setup SSL. Any advice?
Thank you.
The following Solace appliance features are not currently supported by the Solace VMR:
High-Availability (HA) router redundancy
TLS/SSL client certificates
TLS/SSL bridging
TLS/SSL client connections with Solace Java and JMS messaging API versions less than
Compressed traffic
HA Config-Sync
Upgrades and downgrades using the ‘boot’ command
Legacy mode SEMP over msg-bus commands
Legacy mode ACL rule enforcement
Cut-through guaranteed messaging
This list of feature limitations and other known issues are available in the Solace VMR Release Notes.
The Solace VMR has a lower capacity than the Solace hardware solution, therefore some of the limits on system resources differ. If you have a license for the Solace appliance, you will have access to the SolOS_system_limits_and_alerts_VMR.xlsx spreadsheet in your customer portal which documents all limits of the VMR.
Some examples include:
Client connections - 1000 on VMR, 9000/200,000 on the appliance (depending on the model)
Queues and topic endpoints - 1000 on VMR, 16000 on appliance
Topic subscriptions - 500000 unique and 1000000 non-unique on VMR, 5000000 unique and 10000000 non-unique on appliance
These feature and resource limitations are accurate for the SolOS version of the VMR and appliance. These values may be different for other versions.
Note that these limits apply for both the Evaluation and the Enterprise version of the Solace VMR. The limitation of the Evaluation version, as compared to the Enterprise version, is that it contains only a 30-day trial license and is not supported for production environments.
If your CLI script is returning errors, it could be that it is trying to enable a feature that isn't supported or it has exceeded a limit on the VMR.
I would like to manage Mosquitto users from a remote web site. Is there an API or SDK to manage a Mosquitto broker?
Mosquitto Dynamic Security Plugin (dynsec) is a plugin providing a MQTT interface for managing clients, groups and roles.
For more info:
I am quite new to MQTT implementations. I am managing to connect popular cloud based MQTT Brokers such, Azure and AWS to send Sensor information to create dashboards for monitoring devices.
I have installed a local things-board broker to my local computer. But it is unable to reach other dashboards on the internet. Is it possible? Or is it only accessible within the local network?
It seems your doubt is more related to network connections. An MQTT broker will work in the same way, regardless it is working locally, in a fog server or in a cloud server. Obviously you will have to deal with access means: your clients/devices/applications must access the MQTT broker no matter where it is running. If you are running a local MQTT broker and it does not communicate directly with some cloud server, you can develop a specie of "gateway" only to send these data to the cloud or search for some tool that performs this task for you.
Below, you have some references regarding the working of MQTT and how to use it:
MQTT IoT Protocol complete tutorial - How it works with a demo
Using local MQTT broker for cloud and interprocess communication
MQTT Brokers/Servers and Cloud Hosting Guide
Creating an MQTT Broker With CloudMQTT
How to setup your own MQTT Broker
Is there possibity to migrate data(topic, queues and all other config) from Old Solace VMR to latest Solace pubsub+ version?
Upgrading your VMR to the latest Solace PubSub+ software message broker will preserve all data including messages that are spooled.
If upgrading is not an option, you can capture all message-vpn level data (including topics and queues) with the "show current-config message-vpn *" command. You can use the “>” and “>>” characters to redirect the output to a file and run this file as a script on the new Solace PubSub+ software message broker.
The output is generally backwards compatible but keep in mind that it may not be possible to take the configuration from a newer version of the Solace message broker and apply it on an older version as there may have been new features and commands added.
Can Solace integrate with IBM Websphere Application Server We are thinking to eliminate the existing IBM MQ7.0 from our IBM WAS integration components.
I have found one article/document on the Solace portal for IBM WAS 7/8.0, but not for But we need to know the capability of Solace and whether it will integrate with IBM WAS or not?
Solace can absolutely integrate with IBM Websphere Application Server The current Websphere Integration Guide that is available on the Solace dev portal is applicable to Websphere Application Servers 7.x and 8.x. It is available here:
The Solace JMS Resource Adapter is designed to be generic. It is generally able to integrate with any Jave EE Application Server.
If you have a support contract with Solace and you encounter any specific issues integrating Solace with any version of the IBM Websphere Application Server, you can contact support by emailing with a description of your issue.
Our Current Deployment:
1) several back-end devices running an MQTT client connect to an opensource MQTT broker (Mosquitto)
2) Mosquitto is running on a Linux VM and acts as a broker and a communication point between back-end & front-end devices.
3) Several front-end devices (Mobile App / browser based GUI) connect to the broker. some of the front-end devices read & write to the broker (Sub & Pub) while some front-end only read (Sub)
4) Some front-end devices connect for a few minutes & some front ends are always connected.
5) Although the amount of data being transferred is a few kb, it is sometimes fast changing.
6) No TLS is used for the MQTT traffic & it cannot be enabled on the back-end devices.
This setup works for us, but I am looking for a way to scale up and was considering the azure IoT hub, but I am confused if the IoT hub can be used as a broker or I would need additional components to be deployed for acting as a MQTT broker ?
Azure IoT Hub is not a generic MQTT Broker. There is a built-in the device communications for MQTT protocol. More details can be found in the Using the MQTT protocol directly
For exploring the MQTT Devices (virtual devices) with the Azure IoT Hub (without the coding) can be used a small tool Azure IoT Hub Tester