Why CustomStringConvertible protocol not working for Int? - ios

public func +<T: CustomStringConvertible>(lhs: T, rhs: T)->String{
return lhs.description+rhs.description
let a:String = "A"
let i:Int = 0
I am overloading '+' operator for CustomStringConvertible types. String and Int both confirms CustomStringConvertible protocol but it gives an error: "binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String' and 'Int' print(a+i)". It working fine when I apply it to 'String'+'NSNumber'.
don't know what is going behind the scene. why it is not working?

The problem is firstly (believe it or not) String doesn't conform to CustomStringConvertible. You'll therefore want to conform it yourself in order for it to return self for description (probably easier than writing another overload to deal with strings independently).
extension String:CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return self
Secondly, you need two generic parameters for your + overload, in order to allow it to accept different types for both parameters, while ensuring that both parameters conform to CustomStringConvertible:
public func +<T: CustomStringConvertible, U:CustomStringConvertible>(lhs: T, rhs: U)->String{
return lhs.description+rhs.description


How to specify the type of a function parameter with combined type CustomStringConvertible and RawRepresentable?

I want a generic function that can instantiate object of a few different enum types I have by supplying the enum type and the Int raw-value. These enums are also CustomStringConvertible.
I tried this:
func myFunc(type: CustomStringConvertible.Type & RawRepresentable.Type, rawValue: Int)
which results in 3 errors:
Non-protocol, non-class type 'CustomStringConvertible.Type' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type
Non-protocol, non-class type 'RawRepresentable.Type' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type
Protocol 'RawRepresentable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
Forgetting about 'CustomStringConvertible` for now, I also tried:
private func myFunc<T: RawRepresentable>(rawValue: Int, skipList: [T]) {
let thing = T.init(rawValue: rawValue)
But, although code completion suggests it, leads to an error about the T.init(rawValue:):
Cannot invoke 'init' with an argument list of type '(rawValue: Int)'
How can I form a working generic function like this?
The issue is that T.RawValue can be something else than Int with your current type constraints. You need to specify that T.RawValue == Int in order to pass your rawValue: Int input parameter to init(rawValue:).
func myFunc<T: RawRepresentable & CustomStringConvertible>(rawValue: Int, skipList: [T]) where T.RawValue == Int {
let thing = T.init(rawValue: rawValue)

Swift 4: Array for all types of Ints and Floating point numbers

I have a program that working with all kind of Ints and Floating pointer value types
Is there is a way to create array that will holds all kind of those values in it?
I have tried to do this via protocol and extend Int and Double with them but no luck because of protocol equability limitation in Swift(or something like this)
protocol ArrayStructValue: Comparable,Equatable { }
extension Double: ArrayStructValue{}
extension Int:ArrayStructValue {}
If you want two different types in one array, why don't you use a union, e.g. using an enum:
enum MyNumber {
case integer(Int)
case double(Double)
let numbers: [MyNumber] = [.integer(10), .double(2.0)]
However, in most situations it would be probably better to just convert all Int into Double and just have a [Double] array.
As already mentioned by #vadian both types Int and Double already conforms to Strideable which inherits from Comparable which inherits from Equatable so there is no need to constrain your protocol to them. So all you need is to make Int and `Double inherit from your protocol:
protocol ArrayStructValue { }
extension Double: ArrayStructValue { }
extension Int: ArrayStructValue { }
var f: [ArrayStructValue] = []
type(of: f[0]) // Int.Type
type(of: f[1]) // Double.Type

Comparing type of Generic associated type in Swift

I have the next code:
protocol Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double { get }
func topSpeed<T: CollectionType where T.Generator.Element == Flyable>(collection: T) -> Double {
return collection.map { $0.airspeedVelocity }.reduce(0) { max($0, $1) }
I understood, by reading the Swift Documentation that:
You write a where clause by placing the where keyword immediately after the list of type parameters, followed by constraints for associated types or equality relationships between types and associated types.
This is the example given on the docs:
func allItemsMatch<C1: Container, C2: Container where
C1.ItemType == C2.ItemType, C1.ItemType: Equatable>
(someContainer: C1, _ anotherContainer: C2) -> Bool {
// code
Note that when expressing that the associated type ItemType of the C1 type must conform to Equatable protocol you use : and not ==, why is that not the case in my example, where I have to use == to state that the Element associated type of T.Generator must conform with Flyable?
When changing == with : the compiler complains with this:
error: cannot invoke 'topSpeed' with an argument list of type '([Flyable])' note: expected an argument list of type '(T)'
You can achieve this without using Generics.
protocol Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double { get }
func topSpeed(collection: [Flyable]) -> Double {
return collection.map { $0.airspeedVelocity }.reduce(0) { max($0, $1) }
class Airplane: Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double = 10
class Rocket: Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double = 50
topSpeed([Airplane(),Rocket()]) //50
I've found the reason here. The where clause has the next grammar:
conformance-requirement → type-identifier­:­type-identifier­
same-type-requirement → type-identifier­==­type­
So, when you want to state that your type parameter conforms to certain protocol you use :. BUT, when you want your type to be exactly of a certain type, you use ==. In my example, I wanted to take as a parameter a collection of Flyable. So, when trying to use : the compiler complained because Flyable doesn't conform to Flyable. Flyable IS Flyable, thus I must use == (or do something like what #Rahul Katariya answered)

How to put different values and keys into a dictionary [duplicate]

I want to create a Dictionary that does not limit the key type (like NSDictionary)
So I tried
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
var dict = Dictionary<AnyObject, Int>()
error: type 'Any' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
<REPL>:5:12: error: cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
OK, I will use Hashable
var dict = Dictionary<Hashable, Int>()
error: type 'Hashable' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
var dict = Dictionary<Hashable, Int>()
Swift.Equatable:2:8: note: '==' requirement refers to 'Self' type
func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Hashable:1:10: note: type 'Hashable' does not conform to inherited protocol 'Equatable.Protocol'
protocol Hashable : Equatable
<REPL>:5:12: error: cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
var dict = Dictionary<Hashable, Int>()
So Hashable inherited from Equatable but it does not conform to Equatable??? I don't understand...
Anyway, keep trying
typealias KeyType = protocol<Hashable, Equatable> // KeyType is both Hashable and Equatable
var dict = Dictionary<KeyType, Int>() // now you happy?
with no luck
error: type 'KeyType' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
var dict = Dictionary<KeyType, Int>()
Swift.Equatable:2:8: note: '==' requirement refers to 'Self' type
func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Hashable:1:10: note: type 'KeyType' does not conform to inherited protocol 'Equatable.Protocol'
protocol Hashable : Equatable
<REPL>:6:12: error: cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
var dict = Dictionary<KeyType, Int>()
I am so lost now, how can I make compiler happy with my code?
I want to use the dictionary like
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
dict[1] = 2
dict["key"] = 3
dict[SomeEnum.SomeValue] = 4
I know I can use Dictionary<NSObject, Int>, but it is not really what I want.
Swift 3 update
You can now use AnyHashable which is a type-erased hashable value, created exactly for scenarios like this:
var dict = Dictionary<AnyHashable, Int>()
I believe that, as of Swift 1.2, you can use an ObjectIdentifier struct for this. It implements Hashable (and hence Equatable) as well as Comparable. You can use it to wrap any class instance. I'm guessing the implementation uses the wrapped object's underlying address for the hashValue, as well as within the == operator.
I took the liberty of cross-posting / linking to this question on a separate post on the Apple Dev forums and this question is answered here.
This answer from the above link works in 6.1 and greater:
struct AnyKey: Hashable {
private let underlying: Any
private let hashValueFunc: () -> Int
private let equalityFunc: (Any) -> Bool
init<T: Hashable>(_ key: T) {
underlying = key
// Capture the key's hashability and equatability using closures.
// The Key shares the hash of the underlying value.
hashValueFunc = { key.hashValue }
// The Key is equal to a Key of the same underlying type,
// whose underlying value is "==" to ours.
equalityFunc = {
if let other = $0 as? T {
return key == other
return false
var hashValue: Int { return hashValueFunc() }
func ==(x: AnyKey, y: AnyKey) -> Bool {
return x.equalityFunc(y.underlying)
Dictionary is struct Dictionary<Key : Hashable, Value>...
Which means that Value could be anything you want, and Key could be any type you want, but Key must conform to Hashable protocol.
You can't create Dictionary<Any, Int>() or Dictionary<AnyObject, Int>(), because Any and AnyObject can't guarantee that such a Key conforms Hashable
You can't create Dictionary<Hashable, Int>(), because Hashable is not a type it is just protocol which is describing needed type.
So Hashable inherited from Equatable but it does not conform to
Equatable??? I don't understand...
But you are wrong in terminology. Original error is
type 'Hashable' does not conform to inherited protocol 'Equatable.Protocol'
That means that Xcode assuming 'Hashable' as some type, but there is no such type. And Xcode treat it as some kind empty type, which obviously does not conform any protocol at all (in this case it does not conform to inherited protocol Equatable)
Something similar happens with KeyType.
A type alias declaration introduces a named alias of an existing type into your program.
You see existing type. protocol<Hashable, Equatable> is not a type it is protocol so Xcode again tells you that type 'KeyType' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
You can use Dictionary<NSObject, Int> just, because NSObject conforms Hashable protocol.
Swift is strong typing language and you can't do some things like creating Dictionary that can hold anything in Key. Actually dictionary already supports any can hold anything in Key, which conforms Hashable. But since you should specify particular class you can't do this for native Swift classes, because there is no such master class in Swift like in Objective-C, which conforms air could conform (with a help of extensions) to Hashable
Of course you can use some wrapper like chrisco suggested. But I really can't imagine why you need it. It is great that you have strong typing in Swift so you don't need to worry about types casting as you did in Objective-C
Hashable is just a protocol so you can't specify it directly as a type for the Key value. What you really need is a way of expressing "any type T, such that T implements Hashable. This is handled by type constraints in Swift:
func makeDict<T: Hashable>(arr: T[]) {
let x = Dictionary<T, Int>()
This code compiles.
AFAIK, you can only use type constraints on generic functions and classes.
This doesn't exactly answer the question, but has helped me.
The general answer would be implement Hashable for all your types, however that can be hard for Protocols because Hashable extends Equatable and Equatable uses Self which imposes severe limitations on what a protocol can be used for.
Instead implement Printable and then do:
var dict = [String: Int]
dict[key.description] = 3
The implementation of description has to be something like:
var description : String {
return "<TypeName>[\(<Field1>), \(<Field2>), ...]"
Not a perfect answer, but the best I have so far :(
This does not answer the OP's question, but is somewhat related, and may hopefully be of use for some situations. Suppose that what you really want to do is this:
public var classTypeToClassNumber = [Any.Type : Int]()
But Swift is telling you "Type 'Any.Type' does not conform to protocol Hashable".
Most of the above answers are about using object instances as a dictionary key, not using the type of the object. (Which is fair enough, that's what the OP was asking about.) It was the answer by Howard Lovatt that led me to a usable solution.
public class ClassNumberVsClassType {
public var classTypeToClassNumber = [String : Int]()
public init() {
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassWithStringKey.self)] = 367622
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList3.self)] = 367629
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList2.self)] = 367626
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassWithGuidKey.self)] = 367623
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: SimpleStruct.self)] = 367619
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: TestData.self)] = 367627
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ETestEnum.self)] = 367617
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList0.self)] = 367624
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList1.self)] = 367625
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: SimpleClass.self)] = 367620
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: DerivedClass.self)] = 367621
public func findClassNumber(_ theType : Any.Type) -> Int {
var s = String(describing: theType)
if s.hasSuffix(".Type") {
s = s.substring(to: s.index(s.endIndex, offsetBy: -5)) // Remove ".Type"
let classNumber = _classTypeToClassNumber[s]
return classNumber != nil ? classNumber! : -1
If the classes involved are defined in different modules, and may have conflicting class names if you neglect the module name, then substitute "String(reflecting:" for "String(describing:", both when building up the dictionary and when doing the lookup.
You can use the class name as a Hashable, e.g.:
var dict = [String: Int]
dict[object_getClassName("key")] = 3
See How do I print the type or class of a variable in Swift? for how you might get the class name.

How to adhere to protocol method with a Raw type in method argument?

protocol Measurement {
mutating func convert(#toUnit: String)
enum MassUnit : String {
case Milligram = "mg"
enum VolumeUnit : String {
case Milliliter = "ml"
struct Mass : Measurement {
mutating func convert(#toUnit: MassUnit)
// Build error: Does not adhere to 'Measurement'
struct Volume : Measurement {
mutating func convert(#toUnit: VolumeUnit)
// Build error: Does not adhere to 'Measurement'
func +<T: Measurement> (left:T, right:T) -> Measurement {
let newRightValue = right.convert(toUnit: left.unit)
return T(quantity: left.quantity + newRightValue.quantity , unit: left.unit)
How can I make Mass adhere correctly to Measurement? What change in the Measurement protocol is needed to get it to work with enum of type String?
Question updated with more information about why the convert method signature should say something about the argument given. The code is part of an open source Unit framework i'm building called Indus Valley
You probably confuse enum MassUnit : String with inheritance.
Contrary to class ChildClass : ParentClass which denotes that ChildClass inherits from ParentClass, enum MassUnit : String has a slightly different meaning, telling that the rawType of the enum is String, not that the enum inherits the String type.
So MassUnit is not of type String. You MassUnit's rawValues are of type String, but to access that you need to call the rawValue property of the enum to get that String equivalent.
Therefore, mutating func convert(#toUnit: String) and mutating func convert(#toUnit: MassType) are not compatible, as MassType is not a String itself. Only its rawValue is.
When dealing with your unit conversions, I advise not trying to use Strings to represent the units when converting the way you've got setup above. That's going to make your code complicated with checking the String can be converted to its respective enum every time you want to make a conversion. Also, what if you want to use the a MassUnit/VolumeUnit instead of a String?
I would recommend using the a setup similar to what I've outlined below. It references my previous answer - How to represent magnitude for mass in Swift?
(Note - I've excluded anything to do with the volume because it's basically the same as the implementation for the mass)
I'd make the units like so:
protocol UnitProtocol {
var magnitude: Int { get }
init?(rawValue: String)
// Taken from my previous answer.
enum MassUnit: String, UnitProtocol, Printable {
case Milligram = "mg"
case Gram = "g"
var magnitude: Int {
let mag: Int
switch self {
case .Milligram: mag = -3
case .Gram : mag = 0
return mag
var description: String {
return rawValue
// Not making this a method requirement of `UnitProtocol` means you've only got to
// write the code once, here, instead of in every enum that conforms to `UnitProtocol`.
func ordersOfMagnitudeFrom<T: UnitProtocol>(unit1: T, to unit2: T) -> Int {
return unit1.magnitude - unit2.magnitude
Then I'd make the masses/volumes like so:
protocol UnitConstruct {
typealias UnitType: UnitProtocol
var amount: Double { get }
var unit : UnitType { get }
init(amount: Double, unit: UnitType)
struct Mass : UnitConstruct {
let amount: Double
let unit : MassUnit
Now for the converting function! Using a global function means you don't need to rewrite the code for every type than conforms to UnitConstruct.
func convert<T: UnitConstruct>(lhs: T, toUnits unit: T.UnitType) -> T {
let x = Double(ordersOfMagnitudeFrom(lhs.unit, to: unit))
return T(amount: lhs.amount * pow(10, x), unit: unit)
// This function is for converting to different units using a `String`,
// as asked in the OP.
func convert<T: UnitConstruct>(lhs: T, toUnits unit: String) -> T? {
if let unit = T.UnitType(rawValue: unit) {
return convert(lhs, toUnits: unit)
return nil
You can then use the previous code like so:
let mass1 = Mass(amount: 1.0, unit: .Gram)
let mass2 = convert(mass1, toUnits: .Milligram) // 1000.0 mg
// Or, converting using Strings:
let right = convert(mass1, toUnits: "mg") // Optional(1000.0 mg)
let wrong = convert(mass1, toUnits: "NotAUnit") // nil
