Comparing type of Generic associated type in Swift - ios

I have the next code:
protocol Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double { get }
func topSpeed<T: CollectionType where T.Generator.Element == Flyable>(collection: T) -> Double {
return { $0.airspeedVelocity }.reduce(0) { max($0, $1) }
I understood, by reading the Swift Documentation that:
You write a where clause by placing the where keyword immediately after the list of type parameters, followed by constraints for associated types or equality relationships between types and associated types.
This is the example given on the docs:
func allItemsMatch<C1: Container, C2: Container where
C1.ItemType == C2.ItemType, C1.ItemType: Equatable>
(someContainer: C1, _ anotherContainer: C2) -> Bool {
// code
Note that when expressing that the associated type ItemType of the C1 type must conform to Equatable protocol you use : and not ==, why is that not the case in my example, where I have to use == to state that the Element associated type of T.Generator must conform with Flyable?
When changing == with : the compiler complains with this:
error: cannot invoke 'topSpeed' with an argument list of type '([Flyable])' note: expected an argument list of type '(T)'

You can achieve this without using Generics.
protocol Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double { get }
func topSpeed(collection: [Flyable]) -> Double {
return { $0.airspeedVelocity }.reduce(0) { max($0, $1) }
class Airplane: Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double = 10
class Rocket: Flyable {
var airspeedVelocity: Double = 50
topSpeed([Airplane(),Rocket()]) //50

I've found the reason here. The where clause has the next grammar:
conformance-requirement → type-identifier­:­type-identifier­
same-type-requirement → type-identifier­==­type­
So, when you want to state that your type parameter conforms to certain protocol you use :. BUT, when you want your type to be exactly of a certain type, you use ==. In my example, I wanted to take as a parameter a collection of Flyable. So, when trying to use : the compiler complained because Flyable doesn't conform to Flyable. Flyable IS Flyable, thus I must use == (or do something like what #Rahul Katariya answered)


Why CustomStringConvertible protocol not working for Int?

public func +<T: CustomStringConvertible>(lhs: T, rhs: T)->String{
return lhs.description+rhs.description
let a:String = "A"
let i:Int = 0
I am overloading '+' operator for CustomStringConvertible types. String and Int both confirms CustomStringConvertible protocol but it gives an error: "binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String' and 'Int' print(a+i)". It working fine when I apply it to 'String'+'NSNumber'.
don't know what is going behind the scene. why it is not working?
The problem is firstly (believe it or not) String doesn't conform to CustomStringConvertible. You'll therefore want to conform it yourself in order for it to return self for description (probably easier than writing another overload to deal with strings independently).
extension String:CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return self
Secondly, you need two generic parameters for your + overload, in order to allow it to accept different types for both parameters, while ensuring that both parameters conform to CustomStringConvertible:
public func +<T: CustomStringConvertible, U:CustomStringConvertible>(lhs: T, rhs: U)->String{
return lhs.description+rhs.description

Literals in Swift generics

I'm trying to implement a generic sign function in Swift so that it can be used with any floating-point type:
func sign<T> (value:T) -> T {
if value < 0.0 {
return -1.0
if value > 0.0 {
return 1.0
return 0.0
But this error stands in the way:
Binary operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and
If you constrain T to SignedNumberType, you'll be able to do everything you want. It inherits from Comparable and can convert from integer literals, the two things you need there.
func sign<T: SignedNumberType> (value:T) -> T {
if value < 0 {
return -1
if value > 0 {
return 1
return 0
You can create a type constraint (MyFloats below) to which your floating point types conform. You let this type constraint itself conform to Comparable, so that you may make use of the less than binary infix operator < when comparing the values of your generics. Also, for your example given above, the MyFloats type constraint need contain only a single blueprint; an initializer for a Double argument. This initalizer already exists for Double, Float and CGFloat types, but since a protocol cannot know which types that conforms to it, you need to include this blueprint.
protocol MyFloats : Comparable {
init(_ value: Double)
extension Double : MyFloats { }
extension Float : MyFloats { }
extension CGFloat : MyFloats { }
func sign<T: MyFloats> (value:T) -> T {
if value < T(0.0) {
return T(-1.0)
if value > T(0.0) {
return T(1.0)
return T(0.0)
Look at this answer. For your use case you need to create a new protocol that extends Comparable and extend the Float andDouble Swift types by using an extension.
Finally you'll be able to use this protocol as condition of the generic parameter.
func sign<T : MyCustomNumberProtocol> (value:T) -> T

What should my Array+RemoveObject.Swift contain?

I am using a template project to try to build a new app. When I run the template project, I get an error saying: '[T] does not have a member named 'indexOf'.
The existing code in the Array+RemoveObject.swift doc is:
import Foundation
public func removeObject<T: Equatable>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T])
{ let index = array.indexOf(object)
if let index = index {
Is the problem the use of indexOf? The odd thing is that when I tried using the solution of someone who answered a similar question, I got around 100 errors from the bond framework.
You function on its own works fine for me (Swift 2.1.1, Xcode 7.2). It seems as if you want this function to be a method of a public class of yours. For a minimum working example, you need at least to wrap your removeObject() method within the class you want it to belong to. Note also that you needn't use a separate line for assigning the result from .indexOf(..) call (possibly nil), but can add assignment and nil check in a single if let statement.
public class MyArrayOperations {
// ...
static public func removeObject<T: Equatable>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T]) {
if let index = array.indexOf(object) {
var arr = ["1", "2","3"]
MyArrayOperations.removeObject("2", fromArray: &arr)
print(arr) // ["1", "3"]
Also note that you can explicitly state the same behaviour using two generics, in case you want the array itself to conform to some protocol. You then use one separate generic for the array type and one for its elements, thereafter specifying that the element type should conform to the Generator.Element type of the array. E.g.:
func removeObject<T: Equatable, U: _ArrayType where U.Generator.Element == T>(object: T, inout fromArray array: U) {
if let index = array.indexOf(object) {
With this approach, you could add an additional protocol at type constraint for the array generic U in the function signature above, e.g.
func removeObject<T: Equatable, U: protocol<_ArrayType, MyProtocol> where U.Generator.Element == T>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T]) { ...
This can be especially useful when "simulating" generic Array extensions that conforms to some protocol. See e.g. the following for such an example:
extend generic Array<T> to adopt protocol

How to covert NSMutableOrderedSet to generic array?

I have this for loop, p is a NSManagedObject, fathers is a to-many relationship, so I need to cast NSMutableOrderedSet to [Family] but it does not work, why?
for f in p.fathers as [Family] {
You can obtain an array representation of the set via the array property - then you can downcast it to the proper type and assign to a variable:
let families = p.fathers.array as [Family]
but of course you can also use it directly in the loop:
for f in p.fathers.array as [Family] {
A forced downcast is now required using the ! operator, so the code above should be:
let families = p.fathers.array as! [Family]
The simple solution by Antonio should be used in this case. I'd just like to discuss this a bit more. If we try to enumerate an instance of 'NSMutableOrderedSet' in a 'for' loop, the compiler will complain:
error: type 'NSMutableOrderedSet' does not conform to protocol
When we write
for element in sequence {
// do something with element
the compiler rewrites it into something like this:
var generator = sequence.generate()
while let element = {
// do something with element
'NS(Mutable)OrderedSet' doesn't have 'generate()' method i.e. it doesn't conform to the 'SequenceType' protocol. We can change that. First we need a generator:
public struct OrderedSetGenerator : GeneratorType {
private let orderedSet: NSMutableOrderedSet
public init(orderedSet: NSOrderedSet) {
self.orderedSet = NSMutableOrderedSet(orderedSet: orderedSet)
mutating public func next() -> AnyObject? {
if orderedSet.count > 0 {
let first: AnyObject = orderedSet.objectAtIndex(0)
return first
} else {
return nil
Now we can use that generator to make 'NSOrderedSet' conform to 'SequenceType':
extension NSOrderedSet : SequenceType {
public func generate() -> OrderedSetGenerator {
return OrderedSetGenerator(orderedSet: self)
'NS(Mutable)OrderedSet' can now be used in a 'for' loop:
let sequence = NSMutableOrderedSet(array: [2, 4, 6])
for element in sequence {
println(element) // 2 4 6
We could further implement 'CollectionType' and 'MutableCollectionType' (the latter for 'NSMutableOrderedSet' only) to make 'NS(Mutable)OrderedSet' behave like Swift's standard library collections.
Not sure if the above code follows the best practises as I'm still trying to wrap my head around details of all these protocols.

Swift: How to write a variant of enumerate that takes an optional sequence type

I tried to add an override for enumerate that handles the case of an optional sequence (without crashing). The idea was that if the sequence is valid aka .Some, it would enumerate that sequence, otherwise enumerate an empty sequence:
func enumerate2<Seq : SequenceType>(base: Seq?) -> EnumerateSequence<Seq> {
// if optional sequence is specified
if let b = base { return enumerate(b) }
// enumerate empty sequence
let a = Array<Seq.Generator.Element>()
return Swift.enumerate(a)
func enumerate3<Seq : SequenceType, T where T == Seq.Generator.Element>(base: Seq?) -> EnumerateSequence<Seq> {
// if optional sequence is specified
if let b = base { return enumerate(b) }
// enumerate empty sequence
let a = Array<T>()
return Swift.enumerate(a)
I am seeing the error:
'Array<Seq.Generator.Element>' does not conform to protocol 'GeneratorType'
on the last return lines: return Swift.enumerate(a)
This confuses me as EnumerateSequence<Seq> does not appear to conform to GeneratorType. This seems like a simple enough exercise, what could I be missing?
Note that the above code is split apart for illustration, and the suffixes 2 and 3 are to keep remove ambiguity.
One work around is to return an Optional sequence instead of an empty sequence.
func enumerate<Seq : SequenceType>(base: Seq?) -> EnumerateSequence<Seq>? {
return base != nil ? enumerate(base) : nil
The problem then shifts to safely enumerating optionals:
public func each<S:SequenceType, T where T == S.Generator.Element>
(seq: S, with fn:(T)->()) {
for s in seq { fn(s) }
public func each<S:SequenceType, T where T == S.Generator.Element>
(seq: S?, with fn:(T)->()) {
if let some = seq {
for s in some { fn(s) }
let es = enumerate(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
each(es) { p in
println("\(p.0), \(p.1)")
let b:[Int]? = nil
let nes = enumerate(b)
each(nes) { p in
println("\(p.0), \(p.1)")
which produces:
0, a
1, b
2, c
3, d
Perhaps though, the explicit use of if let... is better just for being more obvious, but I am still curious about the initial compilation error.
This isn't working because your function declaration says you're returning an EnumerateSequence<Seq>, but that last line would return a EnumerateSequence <Array<Seq.Generator.Element>>—those aren't the same, so the compiler won't allow it.
You need to be able to create an empty instance of Seq type, but the SequenceType protocol doesn't specify an initializer - you need to go down the chain to ExtensibleCollectionType to find a protocol with an initializer, so change your generic constraint to that. Then you can do this:
func enumerate3<Seq : ExtensibleCollectionType>(base: Seq?) -> EnumerateSequence<Seq> {
// if optional sequence is specified
if let b = base { return enumerate(b) }
// enumerate empty sequence
let a = Seq()
return enumerate(a)
Note: if you look through the Swift headers, it won't show you that Array conforms to ExtensibleCollectionProtocol, but it actually does through a "hidden" ArrayType protocol.
There was a good solution to this posted on dev forurms.
The solution requires altering the return type and and using SequenceOf(EmptyCollection>(...)), but that does not appear to have any negative impact since the compiler will already differentiate based on the optional argument type. The code is:
func enumerate<Seq: SequenceType>(base: Seq?) -> SequenceOf<(Int, Seq.Generator.Element)> {
if let base = base {
return SequenceOf(Swift.enumerate(base))
} else {
return SequenceOf(EmptyCollection<(Int, Seq.Generator.Element)>())
