How do I show the simulation button in Xcode? - ios

I have been working on my first iOS app. Recently we released the first version on the app store. I'm not sure if it's related but since releasing the first version I have noticed that the button to start a simulation is now gone. In it's place in the top left is an option that says "app_name" > My Mac. This doesn't make sense because this is an iOS app and the simulator has always worked before. Does anyone know what might be going on?
This is how it was
This is how it is now

Is Evidence Charts your app? If not, click on it to expand the list and select your app.

I had this issue before and you need to expand xcode's window to a really big size (outwards not downwards) hope this helps. This shouldn't be a bug with your app just a bug with xcode.
update : you should also try what Stephenye said


Window does not resize for Mac version of universal app

I have an app that started out as an iPhone/iPad app and I added support for Mac. According to videos and documentation I've read online, one of the things you get for free is the ability to resize screens. It does, in fact, work that way when I build to MacOS from Xcode. However, when I upload the build to Testflight and run that version of the app, installed by Testflight, it doesn't resize. I should qualify that. I can drag a corner to switch it between portrait and landscape, but the size remains the same.
I'm not sure what to look for, especially since resizing works when I build from Xcode. Any suggestions?
I'm using SideMenu as the navigation controller for the app. The main view controller that instantiates Side Menu adds four view controllers as children. One of those is a portrait-only view controller.
Since it works as expected when I build from Xcode, anything I try will have to be archived and uploaded to Testflight. So any suggestions of likely things to try would be greatly appreciated.
I am NOT doing anything with windowScene size restrictions.
The issue apparently was that I had installed the iOS version on my Mac. I don't recall seeing the switch between macOS and iOS at the top of the Testflight app, so I don't know if the issue was a Testflight issue or my not toggling that switch because I didn't see it. Anyway, after uploading another build without SideMenu and wondering why it wasn't appearing on Testflight, I finally noticed that switch, toggled it to macOS, installed the old version with SideMenu, and it worked just fine.
So I guess the answer is to make sure you are installing the macOS version. The iOS version is not resizable.

iOS Simulator - Dragging images from Finder Not Adding to Photos in Xcode 10

Just installed macOS Mojave and Xcode 10. I'm trying to drag images from Finder onto the Simulator to add them to Photos, which was working the day before on High Sierra and Xcode 9.
Does anyone know if Apple has changed / blocked this or if there is another solution to get local images into Photos?
As of Version 10.1 (SimulatorApp-877 CoreSimulator-581.2), I found what works for now.
For some reason keeping the Finder window in the background and keeping the simulator window in the foreground while dragging and dropping the photo into Photos app works. Selecting multiple photos does not work since trying to do that brings the Finder into foreground.
Make sure your Finder stays in the background and, no, selecting multiple images does not seem to work no matter what I have tried.
I hope this helps!
Just hold the image to Photos icon and drop it, this will help you.
-Drag a photo
For some reason, you have to hold the image you're dragging over the Simulator window for a few seconds (specifically, until the window gets into focus and the little plus symbol next to the cursor disappears). This might be a bug in Xcode 10.
The drag&drop feature works well in XCode 12. If it isn't working for you, just try to quit and reopen the simulator.

Xcode splash screen not displaying correctly

I am currently building an iOS objective c application and am working on the splash screen now but am running into display issues when running on a device.
This is how the layout is set up in my storyboard:
This is how the screen looks in a simulator, the correct version:
And this is how it looks on a device, the incorrect version:
Has anyone ever run into this problem and if so, how did you fix it? I'd be happy to provide any code if needed but i'm not sure what to include that would help solve the problem.
I have experienced this problem, too simple, this is an iOS BUG that can appear when you build directly from XCode, there's no specific solution, try restarting the iOS Device, I have never seen it when downloading the app from apple store after publishing, so simply ignore it, people who will download the app from apple store will not see this.

How to force a call to getPlaceholderTemplate on Apple Watch simulator to update complications preview

I made the mistake of installing the app on the simulator without having set up all my complication templates. As the docs state, getPlaceholderTemplate gets called one time and then cached.
So now that I have all my Watch complication templates set up, I want to text them out by customizing the Modular face. But only the one template I had originally created will show up, the rest have the white box. This is just the static template I'm concerned about.
I've tried deleting the app from the simulator, removing it via the Watch app, re-installing, but still doesn't seem to call the function again to update the templates. Any thoughts? Thanks.
What I do to resolve this is click Simulator > Reset Content and Settings... in the Menu Bar for both iPhone and Apple Watch simulators.
Uninstall the app and then re-install using the Watch app on iPhone Simulator

iOS simulator change devices not working

So I'm working through the BNR iOS objective c book, and I want to run a project on the iPad simulator. according to the book, I change the deployment device in the general settings for the project target as "universal," which I did.
However when I run and switch to any iPad on the simulator I get drawn back to the main method of my project. The iPad does appear after a delay, but without the app I built. I've set all the views in my xibs to "inferred" but I still can't run my project on iPad.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
This is probably because the app is crashing. it's possible if you created the app without setting it to universal it is missing a storyboard for iPad which would cause a crash and take you to that area. You should look at the console logs and see what is happening. There should be good information in there as to what is missing or why it's crashing right away.
