iOS chat app design - ios

I'm building a simple chat app on iOS for fun (and to have projects to gain experience from), using socketsIO and a node backend. I am trying to figure out the best design for messages. I was planning to use a mongoDB database where each conversation would have its message data stored. Whenever the client sends a new message to the server, the server adds it to the appropriate conversation in the database.
I was also hoping to create a user Sign Up/Log In system which would add you to the database.
However, I've googled around quite a bit and I am really not sure if creating a database made up of conversations (that get updated whenever a sentMessage event is triggered) and user data is the right way to go.
Additionally, I've seen some people talk about saving the chats on the actual devices themselves, not in a database? What is the common design pattern for a chat app like this?

for the design I would use for emitting messages as well. It has a great community behind it, I woul also use MongoDb because everything is using JSON format and it's integrated so well with Node due to it using JavaScript.
Now the part you are interested about, is REDIS. Redis is a database that sits in RAM on the web and should be used with mongodb if you're going to be having higher traffic / need quick speed / less hanging and waiting.
REDIS would be your temporary save for the chat with a session because doing disk write/read/querying is a lot on the machine (looking at you MongoDB), If you plan on saving the chat with every message. Doing so MongoDb would just not scale all the well in the long run and is not as fast as REDIS. Mind you REDIS database will only hold the temporary chat log of let's say the last 1 million chat session or some limit (it's all in RAM so the size is limited can't have Terabytes or hundreds of Gigabytes of RAM on 1 server).
so the data flow would look something like
user sends message
server receives messsage via HTTP(S) post/put - Ajax/Observable
Server will use to emit the message to the designated user while saving the message to REDIS with a specific key/session/message.
designated user get's the update on their screen via io event.
-- inbetween there should be a check on the REDIS db of whether it is getting full. if it's full remove the last 10,000 inactive messages (could be from 1 year ago if the server hasn't gotten full yet) to make some space.
Saving the chat on the phone is an okay idea as it would save the users data/bandwidth and they could potentially look at their message while offline.
a solution is using SQL Lite which is a lightweight library that will sit inside your app acting as a database which you can perform queries on if your familiar with RDBMS you will have no problem implementing it. But now you gotta find a good way to manage saving data to REDIS/SQL-LITE/MongoDb.


Structuring backend queries

So this is more of a methodology question than a coding question. I want to ask this before I actually start coding in order to choose the best route. I have a messaging app. When the app launches I query in the background all the messages from the backend where current_user_id is equal to recipient_id. Now I have all of the messages stored the user needs to see so I locally store them into a sqlite database.
Great, but what about when the user gets new messages? How can i structure a query to receive those without having to query the entire table again? Also how do I set this up as a continual process? Is the phone always requesting update information from the backend while its in the foreground?
Thanks. I really appreciate your help. I'm currently using iOS and as stated SQLite. Also my backend is AWS node.js.
It looks like your goal is to ultimately synchronize data between two sources over a network with a constraint that the client is updated in a reasonable amount of time. You have a design choice to make between a push vs pull architecture.
Push architectures have the servers push data to clients when an event occurs.
Pull architectures have the device periodically poll the server for changes. This can be achieved through timed events.
There are hybrid approaches too.
Each have their advantages and disadvantages as some require constant polling. Others require constant connection based protocols which presents more scaling challenges.

Medium scale repeated tasks in Rails

I'm building a web app that tracks stats for a game. The API for that game (Steam Web API) only allows me to retrieve data from the most recently played match.
When a user requests their stats to be tracked, I need make a call to the Steam Web API every 10 minutes or so to check if they have played another match, then store it in the database if they have. The problem is, I check every 10 minutes for every user...
Is there a way to schedule this efficiently so that the server doesn't get overloaded? This application could potentially server 10,000+ users.
Please feel free to correct anything in this question if I got something obviously wrong.
There are many gems for recurring events in ruby, like:
ice cube
However, if you are going to have lots of users, and you are worried about server load, I would suggest not using your rails app to do this.
Instead, build another service which doesn't run on your rails app to update your database with statistics.
Having an independent service like this decoupled from your main app allows you to easily put it on another server, and/or have it scale independently from your webapp.

How do I trigger a push notification to a mobile device when a row gets inserted into a SQL Server table?

We've been tasked with implementing push notifications in our iOS and Android app. One of the features of the app is chat messaging, so we would like to push notify our users when they receive a message. The messages can be generated from the web app, so regardless of the origin, the chat messages get inserted into a Chat SQL Table via C# Web Services.
In my research I found PushSharp would be a good fit for our C# backend -- trying to avoid having to pay for a push notification service if we can. What I'm having a difficult time visualizing is how to trigger the push notification when a new message gets inserted to the DB table.
What's the best practice? I assume manually polling for new records is not.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Probably it's too late but for the new guys that just came here occasionally, I suggest to try debezium, it consumes events for each row-level change made to the database. Only committed changes are visible, so your application doesn't have to worry about transactions or changes that are rolled back.
There are a couple of solutions available to you. Some depend on the level of control you have on the table. Here are a couple of ideas :
Use a daemon to run a script that periodically checks for new entries and sends pushes when necessary. The script can rely on a tuple id field (probably the primary key) to record the last field it checked and then pick up from there periodically. You can use supervise or monit to set that up but there are many other solutions out there that might be better fitted for your server.
A more simple solution would be to create a cronjob entry that triggers the script mentioned above periodically.
If you don't control the original table, you can create a TRIGGER in MySQL that inserts a record in a separate table that you can control entirely and can poll
If you don't want to poll (which is in fact not preferable if you have a lot of data to go through at a high rate), you'll have to look into message queue systems (like RabbitMQ) or into PUBSUB (I personally like Redis PUB/SUB).
Without more information about what your current architecture is, it's difficult to give you more details or point you to a better solution.

Is long polling possible with a Rails application using EventMachine?

I'm writing a simple chat room application in Rails 3.1 - for learning purposes.
For starters I have all the needed models (messages, users, rooms, etc.) and things work great.
The clients poll the server every minute (for example) and get new messages if they have any.
I would like to change the simple polling to long polling and can't figure out if this can be done in the same app or do I have to create some other Push server for the long polling.
I read a lot about EventMachine and changed my rails app to user it as I wanted to use EventMachine for the event driven mechanics. I thought that the EventMachine channel would come in handy for this.
A client would connect and wait for a message in the chat room and it will receive a message only when one was sent to the room.
What I can't figure out is how can I share the EventMachine::Channel instance between all my client connections.
Is this approach even possible or am I going at it the wrong way?
If possible I would like a solution that can run as a single rails application hosted on Heroku.
Yeah sure. I just wrote a demo using event machine. My case is that player walking around a map, and other players should be able to see it.
The demo looks like that:
A client establishes a connection, reporting its own coordinate(generated randomly)
There is an array preserving all the coordinates for each client
When a client moves, it sends its new coordinate to the server. Then the server finds out people near him(from the array), and push the new coordinate to those clients.
I tested it with nearly 5000 clients, and each second 20-30 players moves its position. And the server process only takes less that 100M memory & 50%-60% cpu usage(on a single core).
In your case, I think you should probably try faye too. It's based on event machine, and an appropriate solution to things like chat room.
Expanding what I've mentioned on the comment, check this blog post that explains how to create a text based chat app using EM, and uses AMQP to broadcast the messages to the other users.
I think you can probably do the same or use some in memory queues to share messages, and this definitely should work on heroku, as you don't have a dependency to an external service such as RabbitMQ.
Here's a good discussion about different queue frameworks: ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ or ZeroMQ or
Rails will have streaming added in version 4.
For now, you can streaming (long polling) like in this example with Sinatra and Redis's Pub/Sub feature as a backend. You will have to add another action to handle user sent messages, adding them to Redis's with PUBLISH command. You should use an evented server like Thin or Puma.

Is it possible to have a stateless timed function

I'm trying to set a reminder in a system to fire at a certain time.
This is a web based app, so it's not like it will be in memory all the time.
Ideally I'd like to avoid using a service or job on the server(mainly out of curiosity, to see if there is a more efficient way to do it)
For example, imagine how many Ebay bids are constantly ending all the times, and emails being sent out seemingly perfectly in time.
Do people recon there is just a big loop going over and over, moving items into a queue etc... Or is there something lower level helping out (stored procedures, triggers etc)
Thanks everyone.
What you have to realize about eBay - and most large database-backed websites - is that the interactions between humans and the database that come through the web server are only a part (sometimes a very small part) of the functionality of the system.
To use eBay as an example, the email that goes out when auctions expire is not handled by a web server. They are far more likely to have that scripted. In other words, there is another program running on a number of their systems that look at the database for ended auctions, do some processing on them, send emails, etc.
If I were doing something similar (albeit on a much smaller scale,) I'd have my web services built in the usual way, but have a job that is run automatically every few minutes to do the maintenance work. It would start up, look at the database for work, process anything that was required, then exit.
