how to test and export iOS app made with LibGDX - ios

much of the title already establishes what I need help with. The problem is that RoboVM is shutting down and no longer providing any service :( so I cant use it, nor can I find anything similar. Please help, thank you.
I'm using a mac, AndroidStudio, and I already have Xcode installed.

As stated on the oficial libgdx site there's a lot of alternatives like:
Mobile OpenJDK 9
Xamarin + IKVM
Intel Multi-OS Engine
Tomski is writing the multi-os engine backend for a oficial release, if you need any help with it you could probably ask him personally on the #libgdx freenode irc channel.


How can I use SwiftUI on Windows to make an iOS app?

So I have experience with programming already (Java, JS, Python), but I’m a complete newbie with Swift. I have a computer that runs Windows, but I would like to use SwiftUI and assume that I can’t without having macOS. I’ve heard of using Hackintosh to get around this OS problem, but is there anything else I could do? Thanks to whoever can help me with this.
Native way to create native iOS apps is done using, which can only be run on MacOS.
Hackintosh is a solution to run MacOS on unsupported hardware. It is possible, but be prepared for many nights spent setting it up, unless you have perfectly compatible hardware.
Another way to consider is to run it in a virtual machine, see this StackOverflow question.
BEST solution: Considering that apple developer accounts is about $100 a year, it is not a huge overpay to buy a used MacMini for your development (if money is an issue).
It looks like you could get some experience without a Mac if you set up Ubuntu in a VM and used
From the link above:
SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
Swift 5.6 or later and Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 if you'd like to use Linux. Other Linux distributions are currently not supported.
There are no ways (other than renting a cloud mac) to develop IOS/MacOS/Apple Watch project using non-MacOS operating system. You either buy one, rent one, or built a hackintosh

How do I code in Objective C on windows?

I want to create apps for iOS. I make games in C++ and SFML, so I decided to use Objective C after further research. I can't find any windows IDE's, so I came here. What am I supposed to code in?
You can install macOS on a virtual machine like virtual box or VMware.
Here is a tutorial to install the virtual machine: tutorial
Yeah unfortunately the only way to create iOS apps is through MacOS. You'll have to get your hands on a Mac.
I hav tried to work with a virtual machine on linux and it was not easy to set-up. Ultimately, an iSO development project can take hundreds of hours of coding time, and you will rely a lot on the stability of your system. So why starting from an inperfect arragment?
The cheap way to start is to buy an Apple mini. It's cheap and it will get you started. You can move to faster Mac later on when you are sure you are committed to finish the project.
What am I supposed to code in?
The short answer is "Mac OS." Some people build a "hackintosh" (A PC running Mac OS) and build their iOS apps on that, but that is a violation of Apple's copyrights and developer agreements.
You can also run Mac OS as a virtual OS, but with the same legal issues.
You can try Xamarin. Now belongs to Microsoft and I believe it’s part of Visual Studio. It should be able to export projects for both iOS and Android. But I haven’t used it myself, so I can’t confirm for sure.

WebDAV client Library for iOS and Mac OS

I would like to be able to access a WebDAV server from my iOS 7+ and Mac OS app. Does anyone know to a good and reliable library to support this?
I have been searching for a library quit a while now but so far I hadn't any success. Of course there are several threads about this topic (here on SO and elsewhere) but most of theme are quite out dated.
DZWebDAVClient looks quite promising. But it is based on an older version of AFNetworking has not been update for quite a while. I have not been able to find any working example and was not able to get a connection to my own WebDAV server.
The same is true for wtclient and ConnectionKit
Has someone used a WebDAV client library in production? Any recommendations what lib can be used or which one is not good?
Please look at GCDWebServer
it includes webdav library for MAC OSX and IOS

Running R within an iOS application

I'm trying to figure out if this is doable
I know there's a way to run Python or Lua scripts within iOS. Also, I know there are already projects that make this easy to do with libraries and bridging components.
The question is - has this also been done for the R language? I've been looking around online but have only seen posts by people that have done this on a jailbroken environment. Also according to my understanding this does not go against the iOS developer license agreement as section 3.3.2 has been altered to allow running any code that's bundled along with the application binary.
Any suggestions? Directions to try?
Also you can run windows applications on iOS:
However, I have not tried these personally.

Blackberry Web works 10

I am interested Blackberry 10 development with HTML5/CSS, but I don't know what tools are needed for developing an application. Please explain the procedure to develop an application in Blackberry 10 using HTML5/CSS.
Thanks in advance.
Start with the official documentation. It gives an overview of WebWorks, and the tools needed.
Use the Ripple emulator plugin for Chrome for testing:
Beginner tutorial:
Signing keys overview:
To add on to Scott's answer, I'd also recommend checking out our GitHub repo which is full of sample apps for you to use as reference.
