Creative SDK Image component - IOS - ios

How can I integrate Creative SDK Image component in swift? I followed all step given by "Using the Image Editing Component - Adobe".
And I also import "<AdobeCreativeSDKImage/AdobeCreativeSDKImage.h>" in "Bridging-Header.h" , But when I import Adobecreativesdkimage in AppDelegate it gives me error like "Framework not found".

Try copying the framework into your project folder, import the framework from this location, then check the Framework Search Paths setting in the Search Paths section under Build Settings. The values you want are:
If this doesn't work, verify your headers are imported from [].framework/Versions/A/Headers.
These steps helped fix our first projects using the CreativeSDKs where we followed the documented steps to the letter.

Make sure the framework search path points to the CSDK Frameworks folder. If that does not work let me know.


Xcode import my framework into a project

I've created an objC dynamic framework and I'd like to add it as a dependency into an objC project.
I've read those guides and some SO answers but none of them works:
Basically what I do is open the host app and drag the framework project in it.
Then I drag the framework from the Products group of the framework project into the Embedded binaries section of the sample app.
What I see in the build phases is that I have:
In the target dependencies I can see the framework
In link binary with libraries I can see the framework
It has been added a new phase called Embed framework and my framework is there
If I try to import the framework module the compiler says
Module XXX not found
The only way to make it work seems to add in the framework search path of the build phases, the direct path to the product of the framework itself.
For what I understood it seems that somehow the path of the framework is not taken into account, but as far as I know in none of the guide is written to change it.
[NOTE]: no cocoapods or Carthage solution
Turns out that I had a wrong build settings in Per-configuration Build Products Path, instead of having it to point to build/debug-iphoneos it was pointing just to build .
Thus the process explained in the question works.
Hope this will help someone else.

react-native-fbsdk FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKShareKit not found

I have installed the facebook SDK properly. (This is different from the other not found error because it is specifically for react-native-fbsdk and none of the solutions worked.)
I have tested that I have the SDK installed by importing both the FBSDKCoreKit header and FBSDKShareKit header into AppDelegate.m and it compiled and ran with no issue.
However when I installed react-native-fbsdk and linked it and compiled, I get the error of 'FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h' not found. similarly with FBSDKShareKit.
The troubleshooting on the github page gives 3 options to check when this occurs:
Make sure that the Facebook SDK frameworks are installed in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK.
Make sure that FBSDK[Core, Login, Share]Kit.framework show up in the Link Binary with Libraries section of your build target's Build Phases.
Make sure that ~/Documents/FacebookSDK is in the Framework Search Path of your build target's Build Settings.
Which I have checked and verified that I had all of these there was no solution found. The strange thing is that I can import them in AppDelegate.m and it works fine.
You need to make sure you have the SDK frameworks saved under the folder ~/Documents/FacebookSDK
Because react-native-fbsdk iOS project have the value "~/Documents/FacebookSDK" hardcoded in its own definition of Framework Search Paths
If you are like me and don't want to do what Facebook tells you (or you don't want to put random stuff on your Documents folder):
Replace every instance of ~/Documents/FacebookSDK in the QuickStart tutorial with the place you do want to store the SDK, in my case ~/Library/FacebookSDK. That means, unzip the downloaded SDK there and add that route to your project's Framework Search Paths. *
In Xcode's file tree, expand the Libraries group and click on RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj. On that project click Build Settings and add your route to its Framework Search Paths.
And that's it. Just remember you did this when you update the node module, 'cause this change won't be versioned on your project.
*Note: If there are other people working on the project, do not remove ~/Documents/FacebookSDK from your project's Framework Search Paths. This is to be consistent with the module installation and the rest of the team can easily npm install and use the installation guide as documentation.
Drag & drop in Xcode the FacebookSDK files, for example try with FBSDKCoreKit.h

Trouble with an .h import

As a beginner in ObjectiveC I need some help.
I'm working on a phonegap plugin for IOS (so, written with objective C). I use some open source code but I got an error with an .h import.
My architecture look like:
myFmk.framework/ABCDE/myFmk.h <== in a sub folder
myFmk.framework/myFmk <=== this is a file
In myPlugin.h I have #import and in "myFmk.framework/myFmk" file I have only one line "ABCDE/".
I thought that this file do a redirection of the absolute import (with brackets) but my complier told me that "myFmk/myFmk.h" is not found.
I tried to find some documentation about this feature but I wasn't able to find its name... do you have this documentation or the feature name?
Is the framework added using a cocoapod? If not, did you follow the instructions properly for adding it to your project? It would probably help if you posted the framework you are experiencing problems with.
If this is a framework that is added to your project properly and you are unable to import there are a few things you should check. First, go to your project settings (click on the project at the very top of your file tree in the left column) and then look for "linked libraries". See if the library is listed there. If not click the + and try to add it.
If this framework was added via cocoapods another thing to check is search your file structure for libPods.a. If it is red, I find sometimes it is helpful to delete it, close the project and run pod install again.
Also if you installed the project via cocoapods remember to open the workspace and not the old xcode project file.
I have also experienced this problem when my header search paths and other linker flag paths were wrong. Linker Flags should be $inherited if this is a cocoapod. In my projects most Header search paths are $inherited too.
If none of this is helpful please provide more information such as how this framework was added to your project and what the framework is. Also let us know if you get any error messages.

Xcode 6 can't find framework header files when project name contains spaces

I'm using the Parse and PubNub SDK in my project called My Sample App and since I updated my Xcode to 6.3.1 I can't run the project because Xcode doesn't find the header files. I had the same issue with the previous version, but then I just needed to delete and add them again to make it work, unfortunately it doesn't work now. I also tried to delete the Library Search Path and Framework Search Path without any success. Is there any trick that fixes this issue?
This is the exact error:
'PNImports.h' file not found
Add $(PROJECT_DIR) to your Library Search Path in project settings AND select recursive option
Surround Library Search Path with single quotes

facebookSDK 3.1.1 file not found

I use XCode 4.5
I downloaded the SDK 3.1.1 from
and then I import the framework by dragging first and it does not work so I use the method of add other... in the build phases
I have this in my project:
and this in my build phases:
but when I import the FacebookSDK library like this
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
I have a file not found:
Did I miss something?
Ok I found the solution.
Actually the problem was from my Framework Search Paths in the search paths category.
I installed several time the facebook package and import the facebookSDK.framework several times and it adds me the link automatically in my Framework Search Paths.
I just removed all links and recreate a correct one manually and it worked.
if you have facebooksdk.frame work and its not working try this.
Remove frame work, delete it. clear your frame work search paths.
drage FacebookSDK.frame again and update your frame work path if you are working in team.
