Link to open iTunes from Chrome - ios

I can open iTunes fine from IE or Safari using an itms:// link. However, when opening on Chrome, the same link doesn't open the desktop program for iTunes.
Does anyone know a link that will open iTunes from Chrome? Apple is able to do it somehow, but it appears from looking at their page source that they may be running some sort of script to do that. I would be open to the possibility of using a script if someone could point me in the direction of how to do so, but ideally a single link that would work across browsers is ideal.
Edit: It appears iTunes uses an itmss:// link when opening iTunes, I've been using an itms:// link. However, copying and pasting the exact link Chrome tells me its opening when I click "View in iTunes" into the omnibar of Chrome only Google searches the link, it doesn't actually open iTunes. Any ideas as to what "extra things" Apple is doing with that link to get it to open in iTunes?

I've solved this for anyone finding this page in the future. You can't type the itms:// link directly into the omnibar. When I made a simple HTML page with only the link on it and clicked it, it opened iTunes up fine for me.

I just solved this problem after so many failures. Hope it may work for you.
Well, if you are using VPN, just switch from "Auto mode" to "Global mode". Later, reopen that iTunes page. That's all. It is super easy but useful.


For google firebase dynamic link, wiith preview page off (efr=1), the link always redirect you to app store even if the app is installed

Seems a few people had the issues too, but didn't figure a solution yet. For example I am having exactly the same this one.
Also according to this a reliable way to test if the universal link set up properly or not is to test the link in the notes app, which works for me. (Also works if I send the message with the link to myself.) However I can't open the app directly in most chat apps (eg. slack, discord) nor safari. On the other hand they works with the preview page on.
Anyone had a fix / workaround? Or that's just how it is (saw this might be issues with app trying to open the link in there build in browser and prevent redirecting somehow ?)
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I had the same issue, enabling both universal links and custom url schemes for my dynamic link solved the issue.
Dynamic Links -> Edit Link -> Define link behavior for iOS
This is the setup:

Dynamic link does not open the app, and "open in app" option not available in context menu

I just encountered a very weird behaviour with Firebase dynamic links.
It works perfectly on all of our test devices except for one.
This specific device is an iPhone-x, and the account was restored via iTunes (Not sure if this info is relevant, but i'm trying to give a full picture).
Our app is installed on this device from the app store (also tried deleting and reinstalling), but when trying to open a dynamic link it opens Safari instead, there we have the "open" button that opens the app store page of this app.
When trying to long tap on the link as suggested by developers that experienced the same issue, we have only one button that says "Open" which opens Safari again. I would expect that when the app is installed we would have two options:
1. "Open in Safari"
2. "Open in [App]"
Has anyone experienced this issue before? Anyone has any idea how to solve this?
The overall diagnoses here is that Universal Linking is not configured properly on the device. If Universal Links works on all other devices, then it is probably the case that the AASA file is not being downloaded properly. iOS 11.2 has had issues with this recently.
Check device logs
I suggest that you check the device logs when installing the application to see if the AASA file is being downloaded properly.
1) Delete your app and plug in the device to your computer
2) Open up Xcode and navigate to Window > Devices & Simulators
3) Select the device in the left-hand menu
4) In the bottom of the window you should see a triangle in a box. Clicking this will bring up the device logs.
5) Use a cmd-f to search for applinks and if your app downloaded the AASA correctly. You should see something like
Added service 'applinks', appID '', domain ''
If this is not the case, then it looks like you AASA file is not being downloaded and you may need to delete the app, restart your phone, and try again.

iOS deeplink works on one devices but not working on other

I've encountered a problem with deeplinks when testing them on several devices. I've found out that deeplinks works properly on ones of them(i.e. redirect to the app exactly) but on the others they redirect to AppStore.
I've read the Branch's troubleshooting guide about this issue(link below) saying that this problem may be caused by explicit prohibition of app links when pressing the button on the upper right corner of status bar.
And I've read that it can be fixed by long pressing the link from the Note app and then clicking "Open in App" button.
But the problem is that there is no such a button at all although the app is installed on device.
P.s: I know that my universal links are fully configured and working because as I said deeplinks work properly on several devices and the same button(Open in App) appears in the Note app for these devices.
I've found out the solution. When I add my URL scheme that I register on dashboard to my project's info.plist. I started being redirected correctly. But it didn't fix the issue with unemerging 'Open in app' button when long press link. And I cannot block app links. because there is no button in the status bar.
As for devices where deeplinks had worked initially they haven't broken. I still can block app links for these devices and 'Open in app' button appeares.
Amruta from here:
If you are facing issues with Universal links configuration, our team has a validation tool that allows us to check various information about your Xcode project configuration to make sure everything is configured properly.
Once the configuration information is collected, the script sends it to Branch and returns a short-link you can follow to view the validation results. For exact instructions on running the script, I'd like to point you to the relevant docs page, found here:
as well as the validator, which can be found here:
After running the local script, open the link in your web browser and enter your Branch Key and Secret to view the test results.
If you still continue to face issues I would suggest writing into and we'll walk through your integration with you!

Simple download link for an ios app without itunes

I want to supply a simple link for testing purpose to download an ios app? To which file has the link to point to.
I tried that one without success:
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=/static/app.plist">
click this link to install</a>
Any idea?
Please try to provide full plist url.
Example :
For iOS 8, after you click the hyperlink, you must press the "Home" button manually to see your app installing.
From iOS 7.1 Apple forces you to use HTTPS, not HTTP. That means if you are going to use a host you have, or localhost, you must have an SSL Certificate. Or else, the download will not work.

iOS Facebook Popup Window is going everything about:blank

I have a Problem. On Android, Chrome Mobile Devices when i open my website from the Facebook APP my popup is working. e(Popunder)... But when i open the same on my IPhone, iOS, it redirects automatic to about:blank!
Does anyone know this problem?
1) My Website has got an Popunder script on it from Adcash. 2) When i open the site on iOS, Android, or Desktop the pounder is working very fine. 3) When i open the site on Android, Chrome, etc. from the Facebook inApp is working fine.
But !!!
When i open the site from iOS(IPhone) from the Facebook inApp it will redirect to about:blank empty page...
Do you understand know the problem? I tried many weeks to solve this issue but i don't know why it is so.
I've come across this issue.
On iOS only, and on either Facebook or Twitter's in-app browser
Tap on an article/link
Within the article, tap on a link that goes to a different domain and has a target=_blank attribute
The window is now white with the url set to about:blank
This issue is cross-product and not only Facebook's end.
The only method to address this issue was to change the target attribute from _blank to _self.
I'm trying to see if other people have had this issue or even addressed anywhere else, but this post is the closest I've come across to seeing it addressed.
