Access Parse Server Dashboard using Bitnami VM - parsing

I have used Bitnami VM to deploy Parse Server on Azure but I cannot seem to be able to access Parse Server Dashboard. What URL is it available on? Do I need to open any ports?

Just an update on this. A new version of Parse Server provided by Bitnami is now available in the Azure Marketplace. The new version does include the Dashboard.

Have you been following Bitnami instructions?
It states you can access the dashboard using this URL: http://[server-IP-address]/parse
This means only TCP/80 port needs to be open (on your Network Security Group if you use one or in your VM ACL if you don't).
You have now other (probably easier) options to deploy Parse Server on Azure:
using a dedicated ARM template leveraging Azure services (App Service, DocumentDB, Notification hub, ...).
using Azure App Service with the original Facebook/Parse version with MongoDB.

I've got it. The bitnami guys were kind enough to reply to me for this topic:
You can launch the latest Parse version that ships the Dashboard from It could take some time to be available in the Azure Marketplace
So bottom line, use the image from VM depot and not the one on Azure Marketplace as it is an old one and doesn't include the Dashboard.


DocuSign E-Signature Api, Docker and Server Proxy

I am using the e-signature Java SDK for the application that I developed.
The application will run on a docker container and the container on a Linux server.
There is a proxy configured on this server and I have been asked if there is anything that they have to configure regarding DocuSign integration.
This answer on GitHub says that SDK would automatically pick up the proxy settings of the system.
What happens on my case. Will it pick the server or the container settings. Should I manually set the proxy settings in code?
Unfortunately I do not have access to the system (or to any similar system) so it is not possible to test the application.
The answer you linked to ( talked about an enhancement request that will enable a specific ApiClient with its own proxy for the Java SDK.
You do need to update the proxy settings in your code if you know what they are.

Spring Cloud Data Flow Stream Deployment to Cloud Foundry

I am new to spring cloud data flow. I am trying to build a simple http source and rabbitmq sink stream using SCDF stream app.The stream should be deployed on OSCF (Cloud Foundry). Once deployed, the stream should be able to receive HTTP POST Request and send the request data to RabbitMQ.
So far, I have downloaded Data Flow Server using below link and push to cloud foundry. I am using Shall application from my local.
I also have HTTP Source and RabbitMQ Sink application which is deployed in CF. RabbitMQ service is also bound to sink application.
My question - how can I create a stream using application deployed in CF? Registering app requires HTTP/File/Maven URI but I am not sure how can an app deployed on CF be registered?
Appreciate your help. Please let me know if more details are needed?
If you're using the out-of-the-box apps that we ship, the relevant Maven repo configuration is already set within SCDF, so you can freely already deploy the http app, and SCDF would resolve and pull it from the Spring Maven repository and then deploy that application to CF.
However, if you're building custom apps, you can configure your internal/private Maven repositories in SCDF/Skipper and then register your apps using the coordinates from your internal repo.
If Maven is not a viable solution for you on CF, I have seen customers resolve artifacts from s3 buckets and persistent-volume services in CF.

Move wordpress site to a real domain

I am now finished my word press website using BITNAMI local host. The question is how I can move this site to a real domain.
I have no programming skills.
Bitnami Engineer here.
You can deploy a Bitnami WordPress instance in any cloud provider and migrate your current data to that new server using the All in One WordPress Migration plugin.
Once you do that, you will need to configure your domain name in the /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php file (WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME parameters). More info here:
and generate valid SSL certificates using the Bitnami HTTPS configuration tool in case you want to secure your site
sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool

Is it possible to create a ftpserver in Azure web app service

I can create an FTP-server using docker according to this.
I wonder whether it works in the azure web app for containers.
If the answer is yes, how could make it works?
By the way, I've tried it, according to the steps from the link, I have to create users. but I don't know how to connect the container's linuxOS.
Generally, the FTP server should need to open multiple ports as the document you provided shows. But Azure Web App service only can open 80 and 443 port. And you would not be a whole controller for it. So, if you want to deploy an FTP server, the Azure Web App service is not a good choice. Even if it can run the FTP image. And the VM is recommended.
By the way, if you want to connect to the container's LinuxOS of Web App, you need to enable the SSH feature in the image before you deploy it into the Web App. You can follow the steps about How to enable the SSH in the Web App.

Create composer-rest-api server

I'm studying hyperledger composer and want to make a simple server and mobile app to interact with it in my local home-network. I have a linux server with docker and without access to the internet. I deploy my network to server and have cards on my computer. Now i want to start rest-api on server.
If you start composer-rest-server on server, it needs cards that i have on my computer. So, i can't start composer-rest-server here. With the docker container hyperledger/composer-rest-server the same problem, it needs cards.
Well, the only solution is to export cards to server? Can i do it without installing composer-cli on server? Maybe there are other solutions?
The composer rest server necessarily needs a business network card in order to generate the REST API. You should import the card into your server.
For more informations see:
