Debug IOS Application on the AMD notebook - ios

I have notebook with the AMD FX 7500 processor and Windows 10 pro.
I also have installed VS 2015 Community and Xamarin. Is it possible to debug developed iOS application without iPhone? If yes, then how ?

You cannot build, run or test an iOS app without a Mac.
You may install Mac OS on VM on a PC but it's illegal (Apple does not allow this in the Mac OS TOS) and it often does not really work.
As Xamarin doc says:
There are a few requirements that must be adhered to when developing
for iOS in Visual Studio. As briefly mentioned in the overview, a Mac
is required to compile IPA files, and applications cannot be deployed
to a device without Appleā€™s certificates and code-signing tools. Also,
the iOS simulator can be used only on a Mac.

No. You have to have an OSX machine to act as a build host.


How to build iOS app using Flutter with Windows 10

How can I build iOS app using Flutter with Windows 10?
I clicked in (build - Flutter - iOS app) from the tab bar, but it responds:
Building for iOS is only supported on the Mac.
It is not possible... You have to have a Mac to build an app for iOS.. That is Apple rules!!
It is not possible on a Windows 10. This way Apple can force developers to buy Apple hardware to develop for both platforms. You can try Hackintosh on a PC which will let you create IOS apps on non apple hardware.
It's not possible directly with Windows. You can achieve it though by using external services that provide Mac build machines. One of these services is Appollo.
Once you have Appollo installed and set up you can run the following command in your console to build your app
appollo build start --build-type publication
this will pre-publish your app on Apple Connect. You then have to add your screenshots etc...
You need to have xcode to create IOS app which is available only on OSX. Not on Windows. Not on Linux or anything. But using Hackintosh (Mac OS on normal desktop or laptop hardware) you can build IOS app on that PC or laptop though.
Apple only allows iOS emulator which is running on macOS, so we need to run macOS on your non-mac computer
Two ways:
Hackintosh (macOS running on non-mac device)
Virtual Machine (VM)
The first way can give you a high-performance environment (compare to VM) to run iOS simulator. But it's strict to your hardware. The best way is to use hardware as close to the original mac as possible.
The second way has better compatibility. You just need to download macOS's image and install system in VMware or other VM software.
But VM will degrade performance, and in my case neither of my graphics cards seem to work, so I'm guessing my CPU was rendering the GUI. Also, modern macOS (meaning better visuals but more rendering pressure) is slower than old macOS.

Xamarin App running in Ios simulator using visual studio

I am facing the issue to run the xamarin app in IOS simulator. Whenever i am trying to run this app it was asking me to add or pair the Mac. Since I dont own the Mac I tried to install Xamarin.Ios in windows. In this process i need to install the XCode in my windows 10 Os. First of all i am unable to download the Xcode tool from Apple portal with valid credentials. I followed the below 2 links but no luck to download and install the Xcode. Could you guys please help me the easiest solution to download install the Xcode to do the next level of run the App in windows.
Bottom line is that iOS apps must be build using a licensed Mac OS, period. Visual Studio for Windows does not actually build the iOS app, what it does do is connect to a Mac (which must have XCode installed) and facilitate a remote iOS build via XCode. However, if you have a Mac, you can build both iOS and Android code directly on your Mac using Visual Studio for Mac. Yes, it is frustrating that you must have access to a Mac OS to build iOS apps, but this is a requirement and there is no way around it.

Xamarin iOS App deployment

The docs from Xamarin aren't explicit as to where an iOS device needs to be attached. I'm using VS to build a Xamarin app through a remote Mac Builder (connected via VPN) but my iphone is attached to my PC with Visual Studio. Its completely unclear as to whether or not you can deploy a compiled to from the PC you're running Visual Studio on or whether the iOS device needs to be USB'd to the remote Mac running the build.
Even though Xamarin offers developers the way to use C# creating native iOS applications, we also need to pair to a Mac which is required for compiling native iOS applications. So of course if you want to deploy on a real device, you need to connect it to the Mac.
It seems you have already known how to create a provisioning profile. This documentation tells you how to pair to a Mac to deploy applications. Also before doing that you also need to complete the following steps:
On a Windows machine, install Visual Studio 2017
On a Mac, install Xcode and Visual Studio for Mac

How to create and deploy IOS App from windows OS

I'm creating a mobile application. The requirement is that the mobile application should be deployed in Android as well as iOS. I'm able to create the application and deploy it into Android using Ionic. But how do I do that for iOS. Is there a way we can use the Ionic in Windows OS and create app that is compatible with iOS.
Similar to Android Developer Options, is there any settings in IOS phones that will enable us to deploy the IOS app and test it.
You can run Mac OS X on your Windows machine using VMWare player. try searching 'Mavericks Retail VMware Image' in google, you will get download links... Hope it helps.
You need XCode to deploy any IOS application. To get XCode, you need a Mac.
The closeset thing you can do is using RemoteBuild, but you stil need a Mac.
After installing it, you can launch a build directly from Visual Studio.
For more information and a detailed guide, you can follow this link:
You need a macOS to test and deploy iOS application on App Store, You can't deploy application directly by using windows OS.
If you want to deploy application using windows OS then you have to use any virtualization software like: Virtual Box,
vMware and install macOs.

How to setup Appium(framework) for iOS Device Automation on Windows OS.?

How should I setup Appium framework to test the application on iOS Device by using the Windows OS. is that possible.?
This special case is because, I have an application(Web GUI) which runs only on Windows OS and does the transaction with iOS mobile(via USB port) using the app on the device. So, I need to run the automation framework of iOS(Appium) on Windows OS.
is this possible by Virtual Machine etc. ??
As per Appium Platform Support mentioned on portal here
A Mac with XCode and the XCode Command Line Developer Tools
is must. So as per my knowledge, that is not possible.
