Java underscore equivalent in F#? - f#

In Java it's possible to write 1_000_000 instead of 1000000 for better readability. Is there something equivalent in F#?

This question was already asked on feature request page and the current status of this chanbge request is "planned" and "approved in principle".
So it may will be implemented in one of the next releases.
You can find more information about this request (like a summary about this feature, the motivation and suggested implementation details) on the github page for F#:
Allow underscores between any digits in numeric literals. This feature enables you, for example, to separate groups of digits in numeric literals, which can improve the readability of your code.
For instance, if your code contains numbers with many digits, you can use an underscore character to separate digits in groups of three, similar to how you would use a punctuation mark like a comma, or a space, as a separator.
This is a popular feature in other languages. Some other languages with a similar feature:
Java 7
C++11 (use single quote)
just to name a few...
Detailed design
You can place underscores only between digits. You cannot place underscores in the following places:
At the beginning or end of a number
Adjacent to a decimal point in a floating point literal
Prior to an F or L or other suffix
In positions where a string of digits is expected


What is a valid character in an identifier called?

Identifiers typically consist of underscores, digits; and uppercase and lowercase characters where the first character is not a digit. When writing lexers, it is common to have helper functions such as is_digit or is_alnum. If one were to implement such a function to scan a character used in an identifier, what would it be called? Clearly, is_identifier is wrong as that would be the entire token that the lexer scans and not the individual character. I suppose is_alnum_or_underscore would be accurate though quite verbose. For something as common as this, I feel like there should be a single word for it.
Unicode Annex 31 (Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax, UAX31) defines a framework for the definition of the lexical syntax of identifiers, which is probably as close as we're going to come to a standard terminology. UAX31 is used (by reference) by Python and Rust, and has been approved for C++23. So I guess it's pretty well mainstream.
UAX31 defines three sets of identifier characters, which it calls Start, Continue and Medial. All Start characters are also Continue characters; no Medial character is a Continue character.
That leads to the simple regular expression (UAX31-D1 Default Identifier Syntax):
<Identifier> := <Start> <Continue>* (<Medial> <Continue>+)*
A programming language which claims conformance with UAX31 does not need to accept the exact membership of each of these sets, but it must explicitly spell out the deviations in what's called a "profile". (There are seven other requirements, which are not relevant to this question. See the document if you want to fall down a very deep rabbit hole.)
That can be simplified even more, since neither UAX31 nor (as far as I know) the profile for any major language places any characters in Medial. So you can go with the flow and just define two categories: identifier-start and identifier-continue, where the first one is a subset of the second one.
You'll see that in a number of grammar documents:
Pythonidentifier ::= xid_start xid_continue*
| _ XID_Continue+
identifier identifier-continue
So that's what I'd suggest. But there are many other possibilities:
SwiftCalls the sets identifier-head and identifier-characters
JavaCalls them JavaLetter and JavaLetterOrDigit
CDefines identifier-nondigit and identifier-digit; Continue would be the union of the two sets.

NSRegularExpression not matching number sign (#)

I'm working on a Guitar Chord transposer, and so from a given text file, I want to identify guitar chords. e.g. G#, Ab, F#m, etc.
I'm almost there! I have run into a few problems already due to the number sign (hash tag).
For example, you can't include the number sign in your regex pattern. The NSRegularExpression will not initialize with this:
let fail: String = "\\b[ABCDEFG](b|#)?\\b"
let success: String = "\\b[CDEFGAB](b|\\u0023)?\\b"
I had to specifically provide the unicode character. I can live with that.
However, now that I have a NSRegularExpression object, it won't match these (sharps = number sign) when I have a line of text such as:
Am Bb G# C Dm F E
When it starts processing the G#, the sharp associated with that second capture group is not matched. (i.e. the NSTextCheckingResult's second range has a location of NSNotFound) Note, it works for Bb... it matches the 'b'
I'm wondering what I need to do here. It would seem the documentation doesn't cover this case of '#' which IS in fact sometimes used in Regex patterns (I think related to comments or sth)
One thing that would be great would be to not have to look up the unicode identifier for a #, but just use it as a String "#" then convert that so it plays nicely with the pattern. There exists the chance that \u0023 is in fact not the code associated with # ...
The \b word boundary is a context dependent construct. It matches in 4 contexts: 1) between start of string and a word char, 2) between a word char and end of string, 3) between word and a non-word and 4) a non-word and a word char.
Your regex is written in such a way that ultimately the regex engine sees a \b after # and that means a # will only match if there is a word char after it.
If you replace \b with (?!\w), a negative lookahead that fails the match if there is a word char immediately to the right of the current location, it will work.
So, you may use
See the regex demo.
\b - a word boundary
[CDEFGAB] - a char from the set
(b|\\u0023)? - an optional sequence of b or #
(?!\\w) - a negative lookahead failing the match (and causing backtracking into the preceding pattern! To avoid that, add + after ? to prevent backtracking into that pattern) if there is a word char immediately to the right of the current position.
(I'd like to first say #WiktorStribiżew has been a tremendous help and what I am writing now would not have been possible without him! I'm not concerned about StackOverflow points and rep, so if you like this answer, please upvote his answer.)
This issue took many turns and had a few issues going on. Ultimately this question should be called How do I use Regex on iOS to detect Musical Chords in a text file?
The answer is (so far), not simply.
In music you have notes. They are made up of a letter between A->G and an optional symbol called an accidental. (A note relates to the acoustic frequency of the sound you hear when that note is played) An accidental can be a flat (represented as a ♭ or simply a b), or a sharp (represented as a ♯ or simply a #, as these are easier to type on a keyboard). An accidental serves to make a note a semitone higher (#) or lower (b). As such, a F# is the same acoustic frequency as a Gb. On a piano, the white keys are notes with no accidentals, and the black keys represent notes with an accidental. Depending on some factors of the piece of music, that piece won't mix accidental types. It will either be flats throughout the piece or sharps. (Depending on the musical key of the composition, but this is not that relevant here.)
In terms of regex, you have something like ABCDEFG? to determine the note. In reality it's more complicated.
Then, a Musical Chord is comprised of the root note and it's chord type. There are over 50 types of chords. They have a 'text signature' that is unique. Also, a 'major' chord has an empty signature. So in terms of pseudo-regex you have for a Chord:
where the first part you recognize as the note (as before), and the last optional is to determine the chord type. The different types were omitted, but can be as simple as a m (for Minor chord), or maj7#5 (for a major 7th chord with an augmented 5th... don't worry about it. Just know there are many string constants to represent a chord type)
Then finally, with guitar you often have a corresponding bass note that changes the chord's tonality somewhat. You denote this by adding a slash and then the note, giving the general pseudoform:
[ABCDEFG](b|#)?(...|...|...)?(/[ABCDEFG](b|#)?)? // NOT real Regex
real examples: C/F or C#m/G# and so on
where the last part has a slash then the same pattern to recognize a note.
So putting these all together, in general we want to find chords that could take on many forms, such as:
F Gm C#maj7/G# F/C Am A7 A7/F# Bmaj13#11
I was hoping to find one Regex to rule them all. I ended up writing code that works, though it seems like I kind of hacked around a bit to get the results I desired.
You can see this code here, written in Swift. It is not complete for my purposes, but it will parse a string, return a list of Chord Results and their text range within the original string. From there you would have to finish the implementation to suit your needs.
There have been a few issues on iOS:
iOS does not handle the number sign (#) well at all. When providing regex patterns or match text, I either had to replace the # with its unicode \u0023, or what ultimately worked was replacing all occurrences of # with another character (such as 'S'), and then convert it back once regex did it's thing. So this code I wrote often has to 'sanitize' the pattern or the input text before doing anything.
I couldn't get a Regex Pattern to perfectly parse a chord structure. It wasn't fully working for a Chord with a bass note, but it would successfully match a Chord with a bass note, then I had to split those 2 components and parse them separately, then recombine them
Regex is really a bit of voodoo, and I think it sucks that for something so confusing to many people, there are also different platform-dependent implementations of it. For example, Wiktor referred me to Regex patterns he wrote to help me solve the problem on, that would WORK on that website, but these would not work on iOS, and NSRegularExpression would throw an error (often it had something to do with this # character)
My solution pays absolutely no regard to performance. It just wanted it to work.

How do Europeans write a list of numbers with decimals?

As I understand it, Europeans(*) write numbers with a comma for a decimal separator, so one-and-a-quarter is written as 1,25
Europeans also use commas to separate lists, so how do you write a list of decimal numbers? I, as an Englishman, would write one-and-a-quarter, one-and-a-half, one-and-three-quarters like this:
1.25, 1.5, 1.75
How do you do that in Europe?
(Why is this a programming question? Because I'm writing a program that will ask European users for a list of numbers!)
* For the purposes of this question, there are no English-speaking countries in Europe. :-)
I'm European (french), and in almost all programs here we have to use semicolons ';' as a separator, even if the numbers are only integers because the comma doesn't look like a separator for us. In mathematics, semicolons are the only right way here to separate a list of numbers.
The most common example is when we have to enter the page numbers we want to print on a PDF, all programs ask for a semicolon-separated list and I clearly found it intuitive. I think they would have changed it if it was uncomfortable for some.
This varies by culture, and within a culture. The CLDR data contains the “list” element that specifies the list separator character, and it is the semicolon for most cultures, see the chart of number symbols (element “list”). The definition is very implicit though, and there is variation inside locales. Some people regard 1,25, 1,5, 1,75 as acceptable, while others prefer 1,25; 1,5; 1,75. There are also people who seriously think that in a strongly mathematical or numeric context, one should deviate from the locale practices and use the Anglo-Saxon notation with decimal point, hence with comma as separator.
On the practical side, I think it would not be very wrong to use ”;” as number list separator when decimal comma is used, or even when decimal point is used. So you might even consider using ”;” in all locales.
But when it comes to user input, it’s trickier. In principle, you be liberal in what you accept, but since the comma can be meant to be a decimal comma, a thousands separator, or a list item separator, there is such a thing as being too liberal.
If possible, prompt for each number separately, avoiding the separator issue. If this is not possible, the crucial thing is to make it very, very clear to the use which separator is expected. I would go as far as saying that requiring for the semicolon ”;” is the most reliable thing to do.
Why ask about Europeans in general ? I don't think there is one European way of doing so, and if it happens to be the case then it would be sheer luck. Europe is comprised of different cultures and each has its own rules.
You don't mention what platform you are using but you might be able to rely on your plaform to get this information. In the case of .NET, you can get this information through Textinfo.ListSeparator. For example this would give you the French one (result: a semicolon):
string listSeparator = new CultureInfo("fr-FR").TextInfo.ListSeparator;
I don't think there is one way to do it. White space separating the numbers would works just the same, or you could use a semicolon (';') to separate the numbers

Localization and Lists of Decimal Numbers

I'm working on localizing some strings in our application and we have text that looks something like:
Factor f (1.0, 1.2, or 1.5)
In a locale that uses a comma for the decimal point, would this be written as:
Factor f (1,0, 1,2, or 1,5)
Maybe it's just not what I'm accustomed to, but that looks crazy hard to read quickly.
I'm also wondering about text like version numbers. Would Firefox 3.5.1 be Firefox 3,5,1?
If I understand what you are looking for, there are two things in regards to Internationalization here:
Decimal separator
List separator
Obviously these separators are quite tightly coupled, so in Locale that uses comma as decimal separator, list separator must be something else. Usually this is a semicolon and there just a few Locales that uses something different than comma or semicolon for list separator.
To summarize:
In Locales that uses dot as a decimal separator, comma is usually used as a list separator, so in some free-form text you might expect something like Factor f (1.0, 1.2, or 1.5).
In Locales that uses comma as a decimal separator, semicolon is typically used as a list separator – Faktor f (1,0; 1,2; oder 1,5) is something you should expect.
I am not sure what you are up to (the technology does matter in the advice) but you can leave the format as well as list separator to the translators to decide. In .Net list separator is given, though (no need to ask translators for input, just use appropriate property of CultureInfo class).
Sorry to say, but I don't know about your first question. However, as far as version numbers go, they are generally left untranslated. End users typically attribute little meaning to the version's numeric value (they are infact NOT numeric in nature. 3.90 < 3.100). They are simply discrete numbers with a universally-accepted separator, and not natural numbers with natural "grouping/decimal" separators.
In addition to end-user experience with version numbers. Developers are often known to parse version numbers in the standard format of {major}.{minor}.{revision}, using . as the well-known seperator character.
I did find this link that talks about your first question (sort of). I don't know how authoritative or credible it is; but it doesn't look dubious.

Tokenizing numbers for a parser

I am writing my first parser and have a few questions conerning the tokenizer.
Basically, my tokenizer exposes a nextToken() function that is supposed to return the next token. These tokens are distinguished by a token-type. I think it would make sense to have the following token-types:
SYMBOL (such as <, :=, ( and the like
WHITESPACE (tab, newlines, spaces...)
REMARK (a comment between /* ... */ or after // through the new line)
IDENT (such as the name of a function or a variable)
STRING (Something enclosed between "....")
Now, do you think this makes sense?
Also, I am struggling with the NUMBER token-type. Do you think it makes more sense to further split it up into a NUMBER and a FLOAT token-type? Without a FLOAT token-type, I'd receive NUMBER (eg 402), a SYMBOL (.) followed by another NUMBER (eg 203) if I were about to parse a float.
Finally, what do you think makes more sense for the tokenizer to return when it encounters a -909? Should it return the SYMBOL - first, followed by the NUMBER 909 or should it return a NUMBER -909 right away?
It depends upon your target language.
The point behind a lexer is to return tokens that make it easy to write a parser for your language. Suppose your lexer returns NUMBER when it sees a symbol that matches "[0-9]+". If it sees a non-integer number, such as "3.1415926" it will return NUMBER . NUMBER. While you could handle that in your parser, if your lexer is doing an appropriate job of skipping whitespace and comments (since they aren't relevant to your parser) then you could end up incorrectly parsing things like "123 /* comment / . \n / other comment */ 456" as floating point numbers.
As for lexing "-[0-9]+" as a NUMBER vs MINUS NUMBER again, that depends upon your target language, but I would usually go with MINUS NUMBER, otherwise you would end up lexing "A = 1-2-3-4" as SYMBOL = NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER instead of SYMBOL = NUMBER MINUS NUMBER MINUS NUMBER MINUS NUMBER.
While we're on the topic, I'd strongly recommend the book Language Implementation Patterns, by Terrance Parr, the author of ANTLR.
You are best served by making your token types closely match your grammar's terminal symbols.
Without knowing the language/grammar, I expect you would be better served by having token types for "LESS_THAN", "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" and also "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "INTEGER", etc.
From my experience with actual lexers:
Make sure to check if you actually need comment / whitespace tokens. Compilers typically don't need them, while IDEs often do (to color comments green, for example).
Usually there's no single "operator" token; instead, there's a token for each distinct operator. So there's a PLUS token and AMPERSAND token and LESSER_THAN token etc.. This means that you only care about the lexeme (the actual text matched) when the token is an identifier or some sort of literal.
Avoid splitting literals. If "hello world" is a string literal, parse it as a single token. If -3.058e18 is a float literal, parse it as a single token as well. Lexers usually rely on regular expressions, which are expressive enough for all these things, and more. Of course, if the literals are complex enough you have to split them (e.g. the block literal in Smalltalk).
I think that the answer to your question is strictly tied to the semantic of NUMBER.
What a NUMBER should be? An always positive integer, a float...
I'd like to suggest you to lookup to the flex and yacc (aka lex & bison) tools of the U**x operating systems: these are powerful parsers and scanners generators that take a grammar and output a compilable and readily usable program.
It depends on how you are taking in tokens, if you are doing it character by character, then it might be a bit tricky, but if you are doing it word by word i.e.
int a = a + 2.0
then the tokens would be (discarding whitespace)
So you wouldn't run into the situation where you interpret the . as at token but rather take the whole string in - which is where you can determine if it's a FLOAT or NUMBER or whatever you want.
