Deploying EJB on openEJB - openejb

Can someone help me with the process of deploying EJB application on TOMEE server (OpenEJB standalone server)? Is it simply dropping EJB application jar in the common library folder (apps folder) of the server?
How does TOMEE bind EJBs to JNDI names?

TomEE follows JavaEE6 naming for JNDI names.
To deploy a war put it like for tomcat in webapps/ folder and for ejbmodules or ears create a apps/ folder to put them there and uncomment the Deployments line in conf/tomee.xml.


Adding IHS server details under ant script

I have an ant script to deploy the EAR file to my Websphere application server. This server is under clustered environment and has a cell with its respective nodes.
I also have an IHS server above this WAS instance which my application uses.
Requesting to kindly guide as to how the ant script can be used to deploy the EAR file on cluster by providing the required IHS server details.
You should have a look at the section in $WASHOME/bin/configureWebserverDefinition.jacl that iterates through the existing web modules and maps them to the newly created webserver.
In Jython, from the manual:
AdminApp.edit('myapp', ['-MapModulesToServers',
[['.*', '.*', '-WebSphere:cell=mycell,node=mynode,server=server1']]])
But you'd need to substitue the full name for your webserver.

How to change port no of the jboss 4.2 server

I have to different eclipse ide and jboss server.I need to start both the server at a time but problem is what when I try to start the second server it gives error(port conflict as the first one is using it already).Please guide me to how to change the port no of jboss 4.2
You can change the port of JBoss 4 as detailed in "How to change port 8080 in JBoss?".
Goto the deploy folder of the server instance you use.
Goto the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar inside that deploy folder.
Find the file named server.xml inside that folder. (tomcat service file).
Then look at the Connector configuration in that file.

grails Two application deploy on tomcat Server heapSpace issue

I have two grails(2.1.1) project deploy on the one tomcat(7.0.39).
I deployed a project on tomcat server, its worked but when i deployed other project on same tomcat , its generates heap Space error and and stop the tomcat server.
I have some idea to ignore this error by setting JAVA_OPTS. But I didn't have any rights to access Tomcat/bin directory.

Jasper-Struts2 plugin: compiled reports from external directory

I'm using Jasper with the Struts2 plugin to generate PDF reports for my web application, as described in this tutorial.
The application uses Weblogic as app server and Apache as webserver in development environment, IIS in testing and production environments.
Locally I put the .jasper files under WEB-INF of the WAR section, which is then put in a EAR after compilation.
PDF generation works locally, passing a relative path (namely WEB-INF/jasper/template.jasper) to the result parameters of the "jasper" result in struts.xml . This does not work when the application is deployed as an EAR.
How can I get my application to find the .jasper template even when deployed as an EAR? I tried to pass in an absolute path pointing to a directory in the same server the EAR is in, but it doesn't work.
And by the way, is there a comprehensive guide to the Struts2 plugin for Jasper? I couldn't find anything except for that tutorial.
In weblogic domain home's webapplications tab; enable the option called Archived Real Path Enabled
works for me in weblogic 11g or later versions


When I run my grails application locally under Tomcat, I get no errors. When I deploy my WAR on my remote web server, I get this exception when I try to make an AJAX request that uses HTTPBuilder.
How could this be happening?
Are you running your application is an IDE like STS? if so maybe the Jars for HTTPBuilder are in your build/run path but are not in your lib directory for the Grails app OR not listed as a "Production" Dependency.
