I want to test the effect of the value of an ENV key on my code. I am stubbing this by using
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('ADWORDS_RUN').and_return('No')
This was working until I changed the target code to include accessing another ENV key. The target code now includes the following
def not_local_machine?
The test now fails in the above function with the error message
Failure/Error: get 'home'
ENV received :[] with unexpected arguments
expected: ("ADWORDS_RUN")
Please stub a default value first if message might be received with other args as well.
It appears that my current method of stubbing is wiping out other ENV keys. How do I stub an ENV key to avoid this problem?
You can use
stub_const 'ENV', ENV.to_h.merge('ADWORDS_RUN' => 'No')
This is how I solved that issue:
before { allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original }
context 'ADWORDS_RUN is No' do
before { allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('ADWORDS_RUN').and_return('No') }
[example block]
(Aside, I recommend using something like 'false' instead of 'No'.)
For modifying ENV's in tests, Thoughtbot's climate_control gem is worth a look.
You wrap your test around ClimateControl block to control temporary changes to ENV values. Using your example:
ClimateControl.modify ADWORDS_RUN: 'No' do
expect(AdwordsTask.new.run?).to eq(false)
To use with RSpec, you could define this in your spec:
def with_modified_env(options, &block)
ClimateControl.modify(options, &block)
This would allow for more straightforward way to modify/stub environment values:
require 'spec_helper'
describe AdwordsTask, 'name' do
it 'does not run adwords' do
with_modified_env ADWORDS_RUN: 'No' do
expect(AdwordsTask.new.run?).to eq(false)
def with_modified_env(options, &block)
ClimateControl.modify(options, &block)
You are overriding/overwriting the [] method of ENV. The original meaning is gone completely.
Check out https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks and look for the chapter "Arbitrary Handling". It contains this sample code:
expect(double).to receive(:msg) do |arg|
expect(arg.size).to eq 7
You should be able to adopt that for your needs... something along the lines of (untested)
dummy_env = { ADWORDS_RUN: 1, LOCAL_MACHINE: 2 }
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) do |key|
dummy_env[key] or raise "#{key} not expected"
Or if you want to keep all old ENV entries
env_clone = ENV.clone
allow... do|key|
dummy_env[key] or env_clone[key]
From the health_check official site, we know that it can add a config.add_custom_check block in the config file:
# Add one or more custom checks that return a blank string if ok, or an error message if there is an error
config.add_custom_check do
CustomHealthCheck.perform_check # any code that returns blank on success and non blank string upon failure
# Add another custom check with a name, so you can call just specific custom checks. This can also be run using
# the standard 'custom' check.
# You can define multiple tests under the same name - they will be run one after the other.
config.add_custom_check('sometest') do
CustomHealthCheck.perform_another_check # any code that returns blank on success and non blank string upon failure
But about the CustomHealthCheck class, how to define it?
For okcomputer gem, it offers a way like this:
# config/initializers/okcomputer.rb
class MyCustomCheck < OkComputer::Check
def check
if rand(10).even?
mark_message "Even is great!"
mark_message "We don't like odd numbers"
OkComputer::Registry.register "check_for_odds", MyCustomCheck.new
Didn't find the usage about health_check gem.
I have tried:
Add these source in the config/initializers/health_check.rb file:
class CustomHealthCheck
def perform_check
if rand(10).even?
p "Even is great!"
p "We don't like odd numbers"
HealthCheck.setup do |config|
Run curl -v localhost:3000/health_check.json, got:
{"healthy":false,"message":"health_check failed: undefined method `perform_check' for CustomHealthCheck:Class"}%
Update 2
Edited source in config/initializers/health_check.rb:
class CustomHealthCheck
def self.perform_check
p 'OK'
HealthCheck.setup do |config|
{"healthy":false,"message":"health_check failed: OK"}%
Success is defined by returning an empty or blank string. Right now your perform_check always returns the string "OK" which will be seen as failure.
Try this to get a passing health check:
class CustomHealthCheck
def self.perform_check
everything_is_good = true # or call some method to do more elaborate checking
return everything_is_good ? "" : "We've got Problems"
When a run a test with JSON, the rspec doesn't show the full spec, so I can't see the diference between return and expected.
The message of diff is shortened with ...
expected: "{\"id\":1,\"number\":1,\"sequential\":1,\"emitted_at\":\"2014-01-01T13:35:21.000Z\",\"status\":\"aut...erenceds_attributes\":[{\"id\":null,\"nfe_key\":\"42150707697707000148550010000020101000020105\"}]}"
got: "{\"id\":1,\"number\":1,\"sequential\":1,\"emitted_at\":\"2014-01-01T13:35:21.000Z\",\"status\":\"aut...erenceds_attributes\":[{\"id\":null,\"nfe_key\":\"42150707697707000148550010000020101000020105\"}]}"
aut...erenceds_attributes look in middle of message
My script test:
RSpec.describe InvoiceSerializer do
let(:invoice) do
build :invoice, :testing_serializer
subject { described_class.new invoice }
it "returns a json" do
expected = {
id: 1,
number: 1,
sequential: 1,
emitted_at: "2014-01-01T13:35:21.000Z",
status: "authorized",
invoice_bills_attributes: [{
id: nil,
expire_at: "2014-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
value: "1.23"
expect(subject.to_json).to eq expected
Example of error in my console
What gem/plugin or expectation that you use to check your test?
I use the console and Rubymine IDE.
Now I use:
puts "1 --> #{subject.to_json}"
puts "2 --> #{expected}"
And I don't like to write this for to debbug my test.
Set RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter.default_instance.max_formatted_output_length to a high value
Update: as Yurri suggested, it might be better to better to set it to nil
This might help: https://github.com/waterlink/rspec-json_expectations
As a bonus, it allows you to specify your tests in terms of a subset of attributes, which can be used to create more granular tests.
To build on previous answers, and utilize the RSpec.configure syntax you'll want to use something like this:
RSpec.configure do |rspec|
rspec.expect_with :rspec do |c|
# Or a very large value, if you do want to truncate at some point
c.max_formatted_output_length = nil
pre annotation: I have a solution, I want to understand what happens here, and if this behaviour is intended
edit a try for a better readable shortcut:
if you have the following code in Rails Controller:
def get_page
prepare_anythig params
if is_it_monday?
finish_any_other_thing params
this works only on monday
Following functioning little controller function, not very intersting, I know
class SvgTestController < SiteController
def get_the_page
require "base64"
puts "? params:",params
generate_drawing(params, false)
render ...
the console shows me how expected:
? params:
{"ci"=>"not default", "controller"=>"svg_test", "action"=>"get_the_page"}
Then I made a small (ok, erroneous or not valid as I now know - or think) change, I extended my get_the_page with 'get params via base64 encode json'
class SvgTestController < SiteController
def get_the_page
require "base64"
# add here
puts "? params:",params
puts "json?",json.inspect
if json
plain = Base64.decode64(json)
puts "we are in here:", plain
puts "? params now:",params
# end
puts "? params:",params
generate_drawing(params, false)
render ...
Solution working fine and the output like this:
? params:
{"json"=>"eyJjaSI6eyIwMDAwMDAwMDAyMDQ4MDgiOnsic3J2IjoxfX19", "controller"=>"svg_test", "action"=>"get_the_page", "ci"=>["default"]}
we are in here:
? params now:
? params:
later I got, working not with JSON-logic
NoMethodError in SvgTestController#get_the_page
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
and my console shows me:
? params:
{"ci"=>"", "controller"=>"svg_test", "action"=>"get_the_page"}
? params:
_(nothing to read here)_
So ruby overwrites my params (ok its a method, my fault) even if not in if ... end?
Again I ask: Is this wanted? And if, how to prevent such errors without knowing all and all the time about whats behind words like params?
My solution, but not the answer to my question
if json
plain = Base64.decode64(json)
puts "? params:",params_used
generate_drawing(params_used, false)
I think the "error" is because you're actually creating a variable. Annotation of your code:
def get_the_page
require "base64"
params[:ci]||=['default'] # params method
# you modified #params, a mutable hash
# add here
puts "? params:",params # params method
json=params[:json] # params method
# you accessed #params[:json]
puts "json?",json.inspect
if json
plain = Base64.decode64(json)
puts "we are in here:", plain
params=JSON.parse(plain).with_indifferent_access # params variable
puts "? params now:",params # params variable
# end
puts "? params:",params # params variable
generate_drawing(params, false) # params variable
render ...
What's happening, I'd wager, is that the Ruby interpreter picks up the fact that a variable named params continues to be used after if block, so proceeds to initialize it (to nil) immediately before your if block irrespective of whether the block is visited or not.
I have a question about define my main issue is I am a bit confused on how the parameters work for it.
This is my Methods
def repeat(repeated_word)
#repeated_word = repeated_word
"##repeated_word ##repeated_word"
This is my rspec test to make sure my method works.
describe "repeat" do
it "should repeat" do
repeat("hello").should == "hello hello"
# Wait a second! How can you make the "repeat" method
# take one *or* two arguments?
# Hint: *default values*
it "should repeat a number of times" do
repeat("hello", 3).should == "hello hello hello"
it passes the first test but fails the second. My confusion is if i add a second parameter meaning def repeat(repeat_word, times_repeated)
the first test then fails because it has the wrong number of arguments. Not sure how to set up default values?
def repeat(repeated_word, repeats=2)
repeats.times.map { repeated_word }.join(' ')
New to Ruby and ROR and loving it each day, so here is my question since I have not idea how to google it (and I have tried :) )
we have method
def foo(first_name, last_name, age, sex, is_plumber)
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{SOMETHING}"
So what I am looking for way to get all arguments passed to method, without listing each one. Since this is Ruby I assume there is a way :) if it was java I would just list them :)
Output would be:
Method has failed, here are all method arguments {"Mario", "Super", 40, true, true}
In Ruby 1.9.2 and later you can use the parameters method on a method to get the list of parameters for that method. This will return a list of pairs indicating the name of the parameter and whether it is required.
If you do
def foo(x, y)
method(:foo).parameters # => [[:req, :x], [:req, :y]]
You can use the special variable __method__ to get the name of the current method. So within a method the names of its parameters can be obtained via
args = method(__method__).parameters.map { |arg| arg[1].to_s }
You could then display the name and value of each parameter with
logger.error "Method failed with " + args.map { |arg| "#{arg} = #{eval arg}" }.join(', ')
Note: since this answer was originally written, in current versions of Ruby eval can no longer be called with a symbol. To address this, an explicit to_s has been added when building the list of parameter names i.e. parameters.map { |arg| arg[1].to_s }
Since Ruby 2.1 you can use binding.local_variable_get to read value of any local variable, including method parameters (arguments). Thanks to that you can improve the accepted answer to avoid evil eval.
def foo(x, y)
method(__method__).parameters.map do |_, name|
foo(1, 2) # => 1, 2
One way to handle this is:
def foo(*args)
first_name, last_name, age, sex, is_plumber = *args
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{args.inspect}"
This is an interesting question. Maybe using local_variables? But there must be a way other than using eval. I'm looking in Kernel doc
class Test
def method(first, last)
local_variables.each do |var|
puts eval var.to_s
Test.new().method("aaa", 1) # outputs "aaa", 1
If you need arguments as a Hash, and you don't want to pollute method's body with tricky extraction of parameters, use this:
def mymethod(firstarg, kw_arg1:, kw_arg2: :default)
args = MethodArguments.(binding) # All arguments are in `args` hash now
Just add this class to your project:
class MethodArguments
def self.call(ext_binding)
raise ArgumentError, "Binding expected, #{ext_binding.class.name} given" unless ext_binding.is_a?(Binding)
method_name = ext_binding.eval("__method__")
ext_binding.receiver.method(method_name).parameters.map do |_, name|
[name, ext_binding.local_variable_get(name)]
This may be helpful...
def foo(x, y)
def args(callers_binding)
callers_name = caller[0][/`.*'/][1..-2]
parameters = method(callers_name).parameters
parameters.map { |_, arg_name|
You can define a constant such as:
ARGS_TO_HASH = "method(__method__).parameters.map { |arg| arg[1].to_s }.map { |arg| { arg.to_sym => eval(arg) } }.reduce Hash.new, :merge"
And use it in your code like:
args = eval(ARGS_TO_HASH)
If the function is inside some class then you can do something like this:
class Car
def drive(speed)
car = Car.new
method = car.method(:drive)
p method.parameters #=> [[:req, :speed]]
If you would change the method signature, you can do something like this:
def foo(*args)
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{args}"
def foo(opts={})
# some code
# error happens here
logger.error "Method has failed, here are all method arguments #{opts.values}"
In this case, interpolated args or opts.values will be an array, but you can join if on comma. Cheers
It seems like what this question is trying to accomplish could be done with a gem I just released, https://github.com/ericbeland/exception_details. It will list local variables and vlaues (and instance variables) from rescued exceptions. Might be worth a look...
Before I go further, you're passing too many arguments into foo. It looks like all of those arguments are attributes on a Model, correct? You should really be passing the object itself. End of speech.
You could use a "splat" argument. It shoves everything into an array. It would look like:
def foo(*bar)
log.error "Error with arguments #{bar.joins(', ')}"