I'm working on a ball bouncing game. when i try to run the code the message says expected "=" near "+" line 37. I'm new to Corona so i don't know what is wrong with the code. Can you guys take a look and tell me how to fix it. thank you.
Here is the code
New code
The problem is that you accidentally put a 'then' at the end of line 36, where you probably intended a 'or' to be.
Thus the interpreter thinks that the code in line 37 is a variable assignment and that needs a '='.
Does anyone know how I can deobfuscate a lua script that uses xfuscator to hide it? The obfuscation looks like this. If anyone could give me a point into the right direction on how I can get this done that would bne awesome! I didnt share the source because I wanted help figuring out how to deobfusate myself and didnt want the answer!
See that long table? That's the real code. It's a pattern you see quite often with obfuscators. Other than that, keep in mind that _, __0 and such are all valid Lua identifiers, to you can have variables named like that.
_ is a function that turns a number into a character; __0 is a table that contains some standard functions. There's nothing special going on beyond that. If you see a __0[1]("Hello"), that'd be the same as print("Hello"); it just looks weird, because they put print into the __0 table at index 1.
Ultimately, the obfuscator just makes use of Lua features that people often don't understand well enough to understand what's going on. If you know the language though, it's all just smoke and mirrors.
I write a wrong expression sum(A14+A15:A19). Actually the right way for me is A14+sum(A15:A19). Curiously, the former can run as well with no error. So I spent much time to check the adequate result and find the odd phenomenon.
Besides, when I input the expression in the row 20,21 , error appears. Is that a bug? What's the meaning?
The sum function takes in parameters separated by ,s (not +s).
It's a little counterintuitive, since you're trying to add things together, but instead of =sum(A14+A15:A19) try = sum(A14,A15:A19).
All that being said, I assume there's a reason why you wouldn't simplify the whole thing and use =sum(A14:A19).
I'm new to antlr4, and am trying to write a code to look through a .txt and find keywords (set to "PARTY" for testing) and then store everything after, stopping at a new line (excluding the '|' symbol).
I'm running the code in IntelliJ with the antlr4 plugin, and for some reason it's reading the first line, making a parsing tree for it and then stopping.
According to your grammar, each line should start with one or more occurrences of the keyword PARTY, but your first and second line don't start with that. That's why it's complaining about the "missing P".
Another problem is that since you're hiding the NWL tokens, you can't use them in the grammar. If you want newlines to be significant in your grammar, you should not hide them. In other words you should remove the {channel=HIDDEN;} bit.
Summary: I wish to set left and right margin for my own language - areas of code in which grammar check is excluded.
Background: Using xtext, I am trying to create nice Cobol editor. So far I finished grammar and encountered problem with margins and comments.
Left margin I can include within grammar: after ‘\n’ up to 6 !‘\n’ chars.
That is not solving my problem though. SLComment starts with '*' being placed at 7th position from left. I would be able to catch that with ‘\n’ '*' -> ‘\n’ rule, once I somehow exclude first 6 chars in each line.
I can’t just leave it as ‘*’ -> ‘\n’ and delegate position check to validate , because its messing up multiply rule, which of course uses ‘*’. Placing comment rule just after grammar margin rule isn’t also a solve, since that way I can’t catch margin within the first line of the code.
Also I know that I won’t solve right margin problem(exclude area after 78 position for example) using grammar rules.
I guess there is a way to interfere in text that xtext is checking, but haven’t found solution or hint how to accomplish this.
Also tried to find out if this can be made through preprocessing somehow, but also failed to find any hint how to do so.
Or maybe It is possible to use two grammars at once. Extra one will get each line and hide margins?
Hope I were able to describe what problem I’m facing and what I tried so far.
I guess you can use something like a LINE_START_COMMENT terminal rule that captures the first 6 characters of every line, and then hide it accross the grammar.
// Up to 6 chars that are NOT a new line
'\n' (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')?
Then, using this approach I guess you should also modify your full line comment rule, to something like:
Here I have defined the FULL_LINE_COMMENT to end after the following LINE_START_COMMENT. To check for several consecutive commented lines, you have to accept as a comment anything thats not the comment terminator (in this case the LINE_START_COMMENT) or the LINE_START_COMMENT with a new '*' after it.
When using \left and \right in matplotlib with mathtext parsing, it doesn't recognize useful delimiters. In particular, brace and square bracket are errors:
ylabel(r'$\left\{ \frac{a}{b} \right\}$')
ylabel(r'$\left[ \frac{a}{b} \right]$')
In both cases I get something like
ParseFatalException: Expected a delimiter
$\left\{ \frac{a}{b} \right\}$ (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)
On the other hand \left{ (incorrectly leaving off the backslash) does actually work. I can't find any way to make the square bracket work, though.
I couldn't find any bug reports on this, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. Any ideas what's going on?
(matplotlib.__version__ = '1.1.0')
Just to be able to put this question to bed, this was just a bug, and will be fixed in a future release.