xtext - how to set code areas, with excluded grammar check - xtext

Summary: I wish to set left and right margin for my own language - areas of code in which grammar check is excluded.
Background: Using xtext, I am trying to create nice Cobol editor. So far I finished grammar and encountered problem with margins and comments.
Left margin I can include within grammar: after ‘\n’ up to 6 !‘\n’ chars.
That is not solving my problem though. SLComment starts with '*' being placed at 7th position from left. I would be able to catch that with ‘\n’ '*' -> ‘\n’ rule, once I somehow exclude first 6 chars in each line.
I can’t just leave it as ‘*’ -> ‘\n’ and delegate position check to validate , because its messing up multiply rule, which of course uses ‘*’. Placing comment rule just after grammar margin rule isn’t also a solve, since that way I can’t catch margin within the first line of the code.
Also I know that I won’t solve right margin problem(exclude area after 78 position for example) using grammar rules.
I guess there is a way to interfere in text that xtext is checking, but haven’t found solution or hint how to accomplish this.
Also tried to find out if this can be made through preprocessing somehow, but also failed to find any hint how to do so.
Or maybe It is possible to use two grammars at once. Extra one will get each line and hide margins?
Hope I were able to describe what problem I’m facing and what I tried so far.

I guess you can use something like a LINE_START_COMMENT terminal rule that captures the first 6 characters of every line, and then hide it accross the grammar.
// Up to 6 chars that are NOT a new line
'\n' (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')? (!'\n')?
Then, using this approach I guess you should also modify your full line comment rule, to something like:
Here I have defined the FULL_LINE_COMMENT to end after the following LINE_START_COMMENT. To check for several consecutive commented lines, you have to accept as a comment anything thats not the comment terminator (in this case the LINE_START_COMMENT) or the LINE_START_COMMENT with a new '*' after it.


antlr4 assistance

I'm new to antlr4, and am trying to write a code to look through a .txt and find keywords (set to "PARTY" for testing) and then store everything after, stopping at a new line (excluding the '|' symbol).
I'm running the code in IntelliJ with the antlr4 plugin, and for some reason it's reading the first line, making a parsing tree for it and then stopping.
According to your grammar, each line should start with one or more occurrences of the keyword PARTY, but your first and second line don't start with that. That's why it's complaining about the "missing P".
Another problem is that since you're hiding the NWL tokens, you can't use them in the grammar. If you want newlines to be significant in your grammar, you should not hide them. In other words you should remove the {channel=HIDDEN;} bit.

Improving errors output by Grako-generated parser

I'm trying to figure out the best approach to improving the errors displayed to a user of a Grako-generated parser. It seems like the default parse errors displayed by the Grako-generated parser when it hits some parsing issue in the input file are not helpful. The errors often seem to imply the issue is in one part of the input file when the true error is somewhere different.
I've been looking into the Grako Semantics class to put in some checks which would display better error messages if the checks fail, but it also seems like there could be tons of edge cases that must be specified to be able to catch all of the possible ways the parsing of a rule can fail.
Does anyone have any recommendations or examples I can view?
A PEG parser will exhaust all options, sometimes leaving you at a failure corresponding to the last, and least likely option.
With Grako, you can add cut elements (~) to the grammar to have the parser commit to certain options when it can be sure they are the ones to match.
term = '(' ~ expression ')' | int ;
Cut elements also prune the memoization cache, which improves parser performance.

Adding positioned to Lexical/StdLexical in Scala

I'm creating a Lexer in the vein of StdLexical with a few changes in terms of behavior (but for the purposes of my question, a demonstration of how to add it to StdLexical would be fine). I'm trying to add support for recording the positions of tokens, but running into issues. If I simply try to add positioned I get the not entirely unexpected error which is basically indicating that I can't run positioned with Parsers that don't output positional.
So: How do I constrain the input to my lexer so that it can have positional parsers, OR (If this is the wrong question to be asking): What is the best way to add positional information to StdLexical?

How do I get auto-conversion of Part [[ double-brackets ]] on paste?

A pet peeve of mine is the use of double square brackets for Part rather than the single character \[LeftDoubleBracket] and \[RightDoubleBracket]. I would like to have these automatically replaced when pasting plain-text code (from StackOverflow for example) into a Mathematica Notebook. I have been unable to configure this.
Can it be done with ImportAutoReplacements or another automatic method (preferred), or will I need use a method like the "Paste Tabular Data Palette" referenced here?
Either way, I am not good with string parsing, and I want to learn the best way to handle bracket counting.
Sjoerd gave Defer and Simon gave Ctrl+Shift+N which both cause Mathematica to auto-format code. These are fine options.
I am still interested in a method that is automatic and/or preserves as much of the original code as possible. For example, maintaining prefix f#1, infix 1 ~f~ 2, and postfix 1 // f functions in their original forms.
A subsection of this question was reposted as Matching brackets in a string and received several good answers.
Not really an answer, but a thread on entering the double [[ ]] pair (with the cursor between both pairs) using a single keystroke occurred a couple of weeks ago on the mathgroup. It didn't help me, but for others this was a solution apparently.
to make good on my slightly off-topic first response here's a pattern replacement that seems to do the job (although I have difficulties myself to understand why it should be b and not b_; the latter doesn't work):
Defer[f[g[h[[i[[j[2], k[[1, m[[1, n[2]]]]]]]]]]]] /.
HoldPattern[Part[b, a_]] -> HoldPattern[b\[LeftDoubleBracket]a\[RightDoubleBracket]]
I leave the automation part to you.
I discovered that if you add the above rule to ImportAutoReplacements and paste your SO code in a notebook in a Defer[] and evaluate this, you end up with a usable form with double brackets which can be used as input somewhere else.
As remarked by Mr.Wizard invisibly below in the comments, the replacement rule isn't necessary. Defer does it on its own! Scientific progress goes "Boink", to cite Bill Watterson.
The jury is still out on Defer. It has some peculiar side effects, and doesn't work well on all expressions. try the "Paste Tabular Data Palette" in the toolbag question for instance. Pasting this block of code in Defer and executing gives me this:
It worked much better in another code snippet from the same thread:
The second part is how it looks after turning it in to input by editing the output of the first block (basically, I inserted a couple of returns to restore the format). This turns it into Input. Please notice that all double brackets turned into the correct corresponding symbol, but notice also the changing position of ReleaseHold.
Simon wrote in a comment, but declined to post as an answer, something fairly similar to what I requested, though it is not automatic on paste, and is not in isolation from other formatting.
(One can) select the text and press Ctrl+Shift+N to translate to StandardForm

Latex - Apply an operation to every character in a string

I am using LaTeX and I have a problem concerning string manipulation.
I want to have an operation applied to every character of a string, specifically
I want to replace every character "x" with "\discretionary{}{}{}x". I want to do
this because I have a long string (DNA) which I want to be able to separate at
any point without hyphenation.
Thus I would like to have a command called "myDNA" that will do this for me instead of
inserting manually \discretionary{}{}{} after every character.
Is this possible? I have looked around the web and there wasnt much helpful
information on this topic (at least not any I could understand) and I hoped
that you could help.
To clarify:
What I want to see in the finished document is something like this:
just plain linebreaks, without any hyphens. The DNA sequence will be one
long string without any spaces or anything but it can break at any point.
This is why my idea was to inesert a "\discretionary{}{}{}" after every
character, so that it can break at any point without inserting any hyphens.
This takes a string as an argument and calls \discretionary{}{}{} after each character. The input string stops at the first dollar sign, so you should not use that.
\def\hyphenateWholeString #1{\xHyphenate#1$\wholeString}
\def\xHyphenate#1#2\wholeString {\if#1$%
{\fi \xHyphenate#1\wholeString}
You’d call it like \hyphenateWholeString{CTAAAGAAAACAGGACG}.
Instead of \discretionary{}{}{} you can also try \hspace{0pt}, if you like that more (and are in a latex environment). In order to align the right margin, I think you’d need to do some more fine tuning (but see below). The effect is of course minimised by using a font of fixed width.
\def\hyphenateWholeString #1{\xHyphenate#1$\wholeString\unskip}
\def\xHyphenate#1#2\wholeString {\if#1$%
{\fi \xHyphenate#1\wholeString}
\def\transform#1{#1\hskip 0pt plus 1pt}
Steve’s suggestion of using \hskip sounds like a very good idea to me, so I made a few corrections. Note that I’ve renamed the \say macro and made it more useful in that it now actually does the transformation. (However, if you remove the \hskip from \transform, you’ll also need to remove the \unskip in the main macro definition.
There is also the seqsplit package which seems to be made for printing DNA data or long numbers. They also bring a few options for nicer output, so maybe that is what you’re looking for…
Debilski's post is definitely a solid way to do it, although the \say is not necessary. Here's a shorter way that makes use of some LaTeX internal shortcuts (\#gobble and \#ifnextchar):
\def\xHyphen#te{\#ifnextchar${\#gobble}{\sw#p{\hskip 0pt plus 1pt\xHyphen#te}}}
Note the use of \hskip 0pt plus 1pt instead of \discretionary - when I tried your example I ended up with a ragged margin because there's no stretchability. The \hskip adds some stretchable glue in between each character (and the \unskip afterwards cancels the extra one we added). Also note the LaTeX style convention that "end user" macros are all lowercase, while internal macros have an # in them somewhere so that users don't accidentally call them.
If you want to figure out how this works, \#gobble just eats whatever's in front of it (in this case the $, since that branch is only run when a $ is the next char). The main point is that \sw#p is only given one argument in the "else" branch, so it swaps that argument with the next char (that isn't a $). We could just as well have written \def\hyphenate#next#1{#1\hskip...\xHyphen#te} and put that with no args in the "else" branch, but (in my opinion) \sw#p is more general (and I'm surprised it's not in standard LaTeX already).
There is a contrib package on CTAN that deals with typesetting DNA sequences. It does a little more than just line-breaking, for example, it also supports colouring. I'm not sure if it is possible to get the output you are after though, and I have no experience in the DNA-sequence-typesetting area, but is one long string the most readable representation?
Assuming your string is the same, in your preamble, use the \newcommand{}{}. Like this:
\newcommand{\myDNA}{blah blah blah}
if that doesn't satisfy your requirements, I suggest:
2. Break the strings down to the smallest portion, then use the \newcommand and then call the new commands in sequence: \myDNA1 \myDNA2.
If that still doesn't work, you might want to look at writing a perl script to satisfy your string replacement needs.
