Modify Touch Id Plugin Default Authentication Popup (IOS) - ios

I used touch Id plugin in my IOS Application by following below URL:
I implemented plugin properly and it is working. I want to change in the plugin code such that the Touch ID default popup should be removed but the touch authentication should work.
Please suggest on this.

In my opinion you are attempting to subvert the way TouchID works, and that is a big no-no. You should keep the TouchID UI as it is since that is part of the Touch ID experience Apple decided on. And I don't think you can change that anyway.


Call directly without extra dialog in iOS using Ionic 4

I'm trying to call a number from my app, but I want to do that without having to click on the modal that appears with "Cancel" and "Call" after I clicked my button in the app. Just click the button in the app and go straight to the call. Can I do that?
I already installed the native plugin [call-number] and the ionic package. It's working, it's making the call, It's just that I would like to make the call without that extra step.
Not sure if thats possible. Plugins provide communication between the ionic layer and the native layer so you are usually limited by the options the plugin gives you.
According to the documentation all you can do is bypass the choice of the calling app.
You can't bypass that dialog. It is provided by iOS as an extra layer of protection for the user. It stops malicious apps initiating calls that may incur costs without user acknowledgement.

Flutter local_auth fingerprint authentication without dialog

I'm trying to implement fingerprint protection for an app using local_auth in Flutter. Here's the docs for local_auth.
I'm trying to implement the local_auth without any dialogs in the process. The docs do point to 'useErrorDialogs = false' to not use the default dialogs.
What I want to implement is a simple page wherein I can run the auth related stuff at initState() and be able to send the users to the next screen if it's valid or show an error message in the same screen without any popups if the auth was a failure.
Thank you.
Not possible at the moment. It is an open issue on flutter's github:

Integrating Password Manager Into iPhone App

I've noticed a few iPhone apps have started to allow you to use your password manager to sign in. Slack is an example of this:
It looks like there's a link that's triggering a partial version of the share toolbar in Safari which lets you access your favourite password manager's widget. That's all I've been able to figure out so far though.
My question is, how have they got this functionality into their app? I'm primarily developing things using React Native, but if it needs a custom component then that's not a problem.
This is now supported natively by iOS 12+ (and by react-native 0.60+) without the need for an extension.
Documentation for enabling it on iOS is located here on Apple's site.
TLDR is to set the UITextContentType values of .username and .password for your inputs and, optionally, add an associated domain entitlement so your app can share passwords with your website.
The prop for enabling it in React Native is documented here. TLDR there is to provide an autoCompleteType on your TextInput component. The two OSes should handle that properly, though again you will have to add an associated domain if you want to share passwords between your website and app.
You can take a look at generic-password-app-extension which gives you access to password managers. It's provided by the creators of Last Password and 1Password.
You'll obviously need to wrap it with a native component so you can trigger it from your JS code.

React-native detect click on WebView

Is there solution to detect click anywhere on reacts-native WebView? Tried to put it inside TouchableOpacity but I'm getting errors. Is there some work around it, to detect click?
This will be a great feature if react native team can add it in the future. Currently this is still an open issue
Somebody provide a suggestion at there you can give it a try. But it is better wait for facebook team to provide a more elegant solution.
Any events taking place inside a webview is sandboxed from the rest of the application. This is by design of this native component, not a limitation of React Native.
What you will need to do is to manually bubble up the event that you are interested in from the webview to your app yourself.
You can currently do so by using react-native-webview-bridge. You set a global listener to the DOM event that you are interested in. Once you catch it, you send it to your application via the bridge.

Modal Application

I'm using Xamarin.Android and I would like to build an application that start in modal way and don't close if you push the home button.
So this application need to be the only one application than a user can use on device.
Somebody can suggest how it can be done?
You best way to do is to make a "Launcher"/"Home" application. The Android SDK comes with a sample on how to do this.
You basically do this by adding your main Activity to the android.intent.category.HOME and android.intent.category.DEFAULT category and you set the launchMode to singleInstance.
This will register it as a Home application, then when you press your home button it should ask you to choose which launcher you want to use. You will have to set it once and it can be changed by the user.
You can find the sample in: android-sdk\samples\android-17\Home\src\com\example\android\home (should also be available in the other API samples).
You cant stop people from installing applications on android devices. You would have to build your own hardware for that however, you can override OnKeyTouch and check for the key being home.
You could build a service that checks the package of each running application and log which applications are run on the device to prevent users from using company property on other things. However, if android ever decides to kill your application the service should stop and this wont work.
Long story short what you are trying to do is flawed in its inception given the platform you are trying to do it on.
