Comparison of array of JSON objects and JSON array - comparison

I am facing the problem in generic extract object fixture .
My service layer provides me Json something like this. It is an array/list of values
[{"id":1,"description":"Anti-takeover Provision"},
{"id":2,"description":"Capital Structure"},
{"id":4,"description":"Equity Plan"},
{"id":5,"description":"Executive Compensation"},
{"id":6,"description":"General Governance"},
{"id":7,"description":"Merger or Acquisition"},
{"id":8,"description":"Proxy Contest"},
{"id":10,"description":"Shareholder Proposal"},
{"id":11,"description":"Shareholder Rights"}]
But my database json
{"document":[{"VALUE":"Anti-takeover Provision","TOPIC_ID":1},
{"VALUE":"Capital Structure","TOPIC_ID":2},
{"VALUE":"Equity Plan","TOPIC_ID":4},
{"VALUE":"Executive Compensation","TOPIC_ID":5},
{"VALUE":"General Governance","TOPIC_ID":6},
{"VALUE":"Merger or Acquisition","TOPIC_ID":7},
{"VALUE":"Proxy Contest","TOPIC_ID":8},
{"VALUE":"Shareholder Proposal","TOPIC_ID":10},
{"VALUE":"Shareholder Rights","TOPIC_ID":11}]}
How do i compare these two values easily?

Check that the lengths are the same
Sort the two lists by their corresponding ID fields
Check that the values match
// stop as soon as you find a difference
for(i=0; i < listLength; i++) {
if (listA[i].id != listB[i].TOPIC_ID) { return false; }
if (listA[i].description != listB[i].VALUE) { return false; }
// if you get here, they must be the same
return true;


Determining context at a position in file using ANTLR4

I'm trying to write a Language Extension for VS Code in JavaScript and I seem to be missing something.
I have a Lexer.g4 and Parser.g4 for my language and can generate a tree using them.
My issue is that the VS Code API gives me a document and a position in that document (line #, character #). From any of the examples I've looked at for ANTLR4 I can't seem to find any functions generated that take a position in the file and give back the nodes of a tree at that position.
I want to know, for example that the cursor is placed on the name of a function.
Am I supposed to be walking the entire tree and checking the position of tokens to see if they enclose the position I'm in in the editor? Or maybe I'm not using the right tool for the job? I feel like I'm probably missing something more fundamental.
Yes, you have to walk the parse tree to find the context at a given position. This is a pretty simple task and you can see it in action in my ANLTR4 exension for vscode. There are multiple functions returning something useful for a given position. For instance this one:
* Returns the parse tree which covers the given position or undefined if none could be found.
function parseTreeFromPosition(root: ParseTree, column: number, row: number): ParseTree | undefined {
// Does the root node actually contain the position? If not we don't need to look further.
if (root instanceof TerminalNode) {
let terminal = (root as TerminalNode);
let token = terminal.symbol;
if (token.line != row)
return undefined;
let tokenStop = token.charPositionInLine + (token.stopIndex - token.startIndex + 1);
if (token.charPositionInLine <= column && tokenStop >= column) {
return terminal;
return undefined;
} else {
let context = (root as ParserRuleContext);
if (!context.start || !context.stop) { // Invalid tree?
return undefined;
if (context.start.line > row || (context.start.line == row && column < context.start.charPositionInLine)) {
return undefined;
let tokenStop = context.stop.charPositionInLine + (context.stop.stopIndex - context.stop.startIndex + 1);
if (context.stop.line < row || (context.stop.line == row && tokenStop < column)) {
return undefined;
if (context.children) {
for (let child of context.children) {
let result = parseTreeFromPosition(child, column, row);
if (result) {
return result;
return context;

Nested Cursors over two different Stores

I have following code:
Transaction xodusTransaction = xodusEnvironment.beginReadonlyTransaction();
Store leftStore = xodusEnvironment.openStore(leftName, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, xodusTransaction, false);
Store rightStore = xodusEnvironment.openStore(rightName, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, xodusTransaction, false);
try(Cursor leftCursor = leftStore.openCursor(xodusTransaction);
Cursor rightCursor = rightStore.openCursor(xodusTransaction)) {
while(leftCursor.getNext()) {
while(rightCursor.getNext()) {
// Do actual work with data from both stores
I expect that internal loop will be fired N*M times, where N - cardinality of leftStore and M - cardinality of rightStore.
On practice external loop fires only once and internal loop fires M-times.
If I rewrite the code in following way (flattering nested loops):
while(leftCursor.getNext()) {
while(rightCursor.getNext()) {
Then both loops fires as expected N-times for leftStore and M-times for rightStore.
The question is: is it possible to make nested cursor traveling? If yes, kindly please guide me.
Thank you!
Once cursor.getNext() returned false (there is no next key/value pair), it will never return true for this Cursor instance. To traverse a Store again, reopen cursor.
Here is the code traversing two Stores as a matrix, i.e. all pairwise combinations of key/value pairs from both Stores:
try (Cursor leftCursor = leftStore.openCursor(txn)) {
while (leftCursor.getNext()) {
try (Cursor rightCursor = rightStore.openCursor(txn)) {
while (rightCursor.getNext()) {
// Do actual work with data from both stores

Twitter JSON losing quotes around properties?

Here's part of my JSON:
profileImageUrl='http: //',
profileImageUrlHttps='https: //',
url='http: //',
profileImageUrl='http: //',
profileImageUrlHttps='https: //',
url='http: //',
This was returned directly from a call to twitter4j's lookupUsers:
long[] hundredIDs = new long[100];
org.json.JSONArray users = new org.json.JSONArray();
for(int a = 0; a < (int)((double)friendArray.length()/100 +1); a++)
for(int j = 100*a; j < 100*(a+1); j++)
hundredIDs[j-100*a] = Long.parseLong(friendArray.getString(j));
users = new org.json.JSONArray(twitter.lookupUsers(hundredIDs)); //lookup users in batches of 100
for(int k = 0; k < users.length(); k++)
org.json.JSONObject user = users.getJSONObject(k);
if(Long.parseLong(user.getString("followers_count")) >= 500)
String id = user.getString("id"); //get id for each JSONObject
friendArrayFiltered.add(id); //store ids in another array
For some reason, the JSON returned by my code doesn't have the standard quotes around the properties ("id"= ...., rather than id =...). It doesn't seem to be a problem of the Twitter API itself since their examples are in the correct format:
Does anyone know what the problem is?
Also, not sure if this is a consequence but when I attempt to access individual elements of the JSONArray (like JSONArray[0]), an error is returned saying JSONArray[0] is not a JSONObject. Is this linked to the above problem?
It's not JSON, it's actually generated by the UserJSONImpl#toString() method which is providing a textual representation for each of the User objects returned by the lookupUsers invocation.
As for your second problem, you cannot use the [] operator on Object types in Java so I'm a little unclear what you mean without further information.
I'm not sure why you are wrapping twitter4j objects in JSONArray and JSONObject objects - of course you may have a good reason for doing this that's not apparent in the question - but you can simply use the methods directly on the returned objects to get the information you need, for example:
final List<User> users = twitter.lookupUsers(hundredIDs);
for (User user : users) {
final int followersCount = user.getFollowersCount();
if (followersCount > 500) {
... etc...
Check out the User JavaDocs and wider documentation for the project.

Getting the index of an array element of EDT Dimension

I need to write a job where i could fetch the index of an array element of EDT Dimension
e.g. In my EDT Dimension i have array elements A B C when i click over them for properties I see the index for A as 1, B as 2 and C as 3. Now with a job ui want to fetch the index value. Kindly Assist.
I'm not sure if I did understand the real problem. Some code sample could help.
The Dimensions Table has some useful methods like arrayIdx2Code.
Maybe the following code helps:
static void Job1(Args _args)
Counter idx;
Dimension dimension;
DimensionCode dimensionCode;
str name;
for (idx = 1; idx <= dimof(dimension); idx++)
dimensionCode = Dimensions::arrayIdx2Code(idx);
name = enum2str(dimensionCode);
// if (name == 'B') ...
info(strfmt("%1: %2", idx, name));
I found a way but still looking if there is any other solution.
static void Job10(Args _args)
Dicttype dicttype;
counter i;
str test;
test = "Client";
dicttype = new dicttype(132);//132 here is the id of edt dimension
for (i=1;i<=dicttype.arraySize();i++)
if ( dicttype.label(i) == test)
print i;
Array elements A B C from your example are nothing else but simple labels - they cannot be used as identifiers. First of all, for user convenience the labels can be modified anytime, then even if they aren't, the labels are different in different languages, and so on and so forth.
Overall your approach (querying DictType) would be correct but I cannot think of any scenario that would actually require such a code.
If you clarified your business requirements someone could come up with a better solution.

c++ xml parser function not working

I am using xerces c++ to manipulate an xml file? but getNodeValue() and setNodeValue() are not working but getNodeName() is working. Do anyone has any suggestions?
if( currentNode->getNodeType() && currentNode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE )
// Found node which is an Element. Re-cast node as element
DOMElement* currentElement= dynamic_cast< xercesc::DOMElement* >( currentNode );
if( XMLString::equals(currentElement->getTagName(), TAG_ApplicationSettings))
// Already tested node as type element and of name "ApplicationSettings".
// Read attributes of element "ApplicationSettings".
const XMLCh* xmlch_OptionA = currentElement->getAttribute(ATTR_OptionA);
m_OptionA = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_OptionA);
XMLCh* t,*s;
//s= XMLString::transcode("manish");
cout<getNodeValue()) << "\n";
A DOMElement may contain a collection of other DOMElements or a DOMText. To get the text value of an element you need to call the method getTextContent(), getNodeValue will always return NULL.
The is another better way conceptually, as the DOMText is a child of the DOMElement we can traverse through the child node and get the value.
Below is the logic in the form of a method:
string getElementValue(const DOMElement& parent)
DOMNode *child;
string strVal;
for (child = parent.getFirstChild();child != NULL ; child = child->getNextSibling())
if(DOMNode::TEXT_NODE == child->getNodeType())
DOMText* data = dynamic_cast<DOMText*>(child);
const XMLCh* val = data->getWholeText();
strVal += XMLString::transcode(val);
throw "ERROR : Non Text Node";
return strVal;
Hope this helps :)
getNodeValue() will always return an empty string, because the "value" of an element node is in its child. In our case it is text node child. Either way is to iterate through child nodes
or use getTextContent.
First check for child nodes in a node using hasChildNodes() then use methods like getFirstChild() etc. . Afterwards use getNodeValue().
DOMNode* ptrDomNode = SomeNode;
DOMNode* dTextNode = ptrDomNode->getFirstChild();
char* string = XMLString::transcode(dTextNode->getNodeValue());
