referencing latex document in order of appearance - latex

Suppose I have an ordered bibliography list
\bibitem{1} biblio 1
\bibitem{2} biblio 2
\bibitem{3} biblio 3
and suppose the first line in my text refers to biblio 3. Is there a way to make the refs follows the order of appearance or am I suppose to reorder the whole bibitems ?

Your new friend is bibtex or biblatex (the second is my pref.). The automatic order of references is just the top of the ice berg.


Bibliographystyle Latex

I'm trying to write my article, I need to cite the articles as names of the authors (for one, two and three authors, and use the al if it is more than three), in addition I need the year in parentheses () and not in brackets [], and finally I need to have the references as Last name, first name and not the inverse.
My bibliography file called mybiblio.bib
\cite{}, \cite*{}...

Multiple LaTeX bibliographies each in descending chronological order with reverse numbering

I'm working on my CV in moderncv latex document, and my plan is to have separate lists for
publications (type=article),
data sets (type=misc), and
presentations (type=inproceedings)
I'm looking for someone wiser to tell me, if it is indeed possible to have
three bibliographies in a single document,
each of them in descending chronological order (newest first), and
with reverse numbering?
Section: Publications
[9.] Publication (newest)
[8.] Publication (second newest)
[1.] Publication (oldest)
Section: Data sets
[5.] Data set (newest)
[4.] Data set (second newest)
[1.] Data set (oldest)
Section: Presentations
[11.] Presentation (newest)
[10.] Presentation (second newest)
[1.] Presentation (oldest)
So far I have managed to make one single bibliography in descending chronological order with reverse numbering for my publications (thanks internet!). If I add other entries in the same bib file and separate them by keyword or type, the numbering of the separate lists is screwed up. In that case all entries are first put in descending chronological order and assigned numbers, but only then split into separate lists. Therefore the numbering in each list is not consecutive anymore.
Here's what I used in the preamble:
% Count total number of entries in each refsection
% Print the labelnumber as the total number of entries in the
% current refsection, minus the actual labelnumber, plus one
In the main document itself, I use
\printbibliography[title={Peer-reviewed},heading=subbibliography, type=article]
\printbibliography[title={Data},heading=subbibliography, type=misc]
\printbibliography[heading=none, type=inproceedings]
Stack Overflow, I'm counting on you!

How to sort a list of 1million records by the first letter of the title

I have a table with 1 million+ records that contain names. I would like to be able to sort the list by the first letter in the name.
What is the most efficient way to setup the db table to allow for searching by the first character in the field?
The best idea right now is to add an extra field which stores the first character of the name as an observer, index that field and then sort by that field. Problem is it's no longer necessarily alphabetical.
Any suggestions?
You said in a comment:
so lets ignore the first letter part. How can I all records that start with A? All A's no B...z ? Thanks – AnApprentice Feb 21 at 15:30
I issume you meant How can I RETURN all records...
This is the answer:
select * from t
where substr(name, 1, 1) = 'A'
I agree with the questions above as to why you would want to do this -- a regular index on the whole field is functionally equivalent. PostgreSQL (with some new ones in v. 9) has some rather powerful indexing capabilities for special cases which you might want to read about here

Automatically abbreviate authors' first names in LaTeX

Using natbib/Latex/Bibtex, in the references section I get references with full first names like:
Vladimir Iosifovich Levenshtein. Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals. Technical Report 8, 1966.
I would like automatically abbreviated first names like:
V. I. Levenshtein. Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals. Technical Report 8, 1966.
If you have an idea how to do this I will be glad to hear.
Use a BibTeX style that does this. Alternatively, create your own style by modifying an existing one. You will have to change the function format.names, so that a line similar to this:
s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}"$ 't :=
has f. as shown. The full first name would be shown if it is ff.
If you are using Biblatex, just add this in your preable when calling for Biblatex:

include the word "table" in List of Tables, "Appendix" in Table of Contents, etc

I need to include the word "Table" at the beginning of each line in my List of Tables. That is, instead of:
1 The first table ........... 10
2 The second table ........... 20
I need it to say:
Table 1 The first table ........... 10
Table 2 The second table ........... 20
Yes, I know that's ugly, but those are the rules.
I also need the Table of contents to say:
Table of Contents
1 The first Chapter ...... 1
Appendix A The A appendix ........ 10
Any idea how to do this in a simple and consistent manner?
To answer your three questions:
1: Table prefix in the list of tables put the following in your preamble:
\renewcommand\cfttabpresnum{Table }
2: To have "Appendices" appear in your table of contents put the following just after your call to \appendix:
3: To have "Appendix" as a prefix for each appendix in the table of contents, see:
in particular, search for his \renewcommand{\appendix} in which add to contents is changed.
The easier way is to replace the word \listoftables with
