iOS NSURLSession waits for timeout if server doesn't exist - ios

We use an NSURLSession to download data in the background, and have timeoutIntervalForResource defined so it will timeout if it takes too long, but if, for whatever reason, the source server doesn't exist then it still sits and waits. Is there any way to get it to abort immediately, or 'ask' the NSURLSessionDownloadTask if anything has been downloaded yet?
Failing that, what would be the best way of performing a pre-check to ensure a server exists before trying to download data from it?
These servers may be out of our control so we can't place a small file to download to check availability. The only file we may not about could be a sizeable video, for example.

You can indeed ask the task about its status. First, check the response property. If that is nil, then you haven't gotten the first packet from the server. If that is non-nil, use countOfBytesExpectedToReceive and countOfBytesReceived as needed to determine progress.
I should also note that these properties all support KVO, AFAIK.
You could also perform an explicit DNS lookup prior to scheduling the background request if you'd prefer, with the caveat that doing so would prevent you from scheduling something that might actually work if the user's Internet connection comes back online in the meantime. :-)


Download multiple files with operation queue not stable in background mode

Currently what I want to achieve is download files from an array that download only one file at a time and it still performs download even the app goes to the background state.
I'm using Rob code as stated in here but he's using URLSessionConfiguration.default which I want to use URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "uniqueID") instead.
It did work in the first try but after It goes to background everything became chaos. operation starts to download more than one file at a time and not in order anymore.
Is there any solution to this or what should I use instead to achieve what I want. If in android we have service to handle that easily.
The whole idea of wrapping requests in operation is only applicable if the app is active/running. It’s great for things like constraining the degree of concurrency for foreground requests, managing dependencies, etc.
For background session that continues to proceed after the app has been suspended, though, none of that is relevant. You create your request, hand it to the background session to manage, and monitor the delegate methods called for your background session. No operations needed/desired. Remember, these requests will be handled by the background session daemon even if your app is suspended (or if it terminated in the course of its normal lifecycle, though not if you force quit it). So the whole idea of operations, operation queues, etc., just doesn’t make sense if the background URLSession daemon is handling the requests and your app isn’t active.
See for example of background session.
By the way, true background sessions are really useful when download very large resources that might take a very long time. But it introduces all sorts of complexities (e.g., you often want to debug and diagnose when not connected to the Xcode debugger which changes your app lifecycle, so you have to resort to mechanisms like unified messaging; you need to figure out how to restore UI if the app was terminated between the time the requests were initiated and when they finished; etc.).
Because of this complexity, you might want to consider whether this is absolutely needed. Sometimes, if you only need less than 30 seconds to complete some requests, it’s easier to just ask the OS to keep your app running in the background for a little bit after the user leaves the app and just use standard URLSession. For more information, see Extending Your App's Background Execution Time. It’s a much easier solution, bypassing many background URLSession hassles. But it only works if you only need 30 seconds or less. For larger requests that might exceed this small window, a true background URLSession is needed.
Below, you asked:
There are some downside with [downloading multiple files in parallel] as I understanding.
No, it’s always better to allow downloads to progress asynchronously and in parallel. It’s much faster and is more efficient. The only time you want to do requests consecutively, one after another, is where you need the parse the response of one request in order to prepare the next request. But that is not the case here.
The exception here is with the default, foreground URLSession. In that case you have to worry about latter requests timing out waiting for earlier requests. In that scenario you might bump up the timeout interval. Or we might wrap our requests in Operation subclass, allowing us to constrain not only how many concurrent requests we will allow, but not start subsequent requests until earlier ones finish. But even in that case, we don’t usually do it serially, but rather use a maxConcurrentOperationCount of 4 or something like that.
But for background sessions, requests don’t time out just because the background daemon hasn’t gotten around to them yet. Just add your requests to the background URLSession and let the OS handle this for you. You definitely don’t want to download images one at a time, with the background daemon relaunching your app in the background when one download is done so you can initiate the next one. That would be very inefficient (both in terms of the user’s battery as well as speed).
You need to loop inside an array of files and then add to the session to make it download but It will be download asynchronously so it's hard to keeping track also since the files are a lot.
Sure, you can’t do a naive “add to the end of array” if the requests are running in parallel, because you’re not guaranteed the order that they will complete. But it’s not hard to capture these responses as they come in. Just use a dictionary for example, perhaps keyed by the URL of the original request. Then you can easily look up in that dictionary to find the response associated with a particular request URL.
It’s incredibly simple. And we now can perform requests in parallel, which is much faster and more efficient.
You go on to say:
[Downloading in parallel] could lead the battery to be high consumption with a lot of requests at the same time. that's why I tried to make it download each file one at a time.
No, you never need to perform downloads one at a time for the sake of power. If anything, downloading one at a time is slower, and will take more power.
Unrelated, if you’re downloading 800+ files, you might want to allow the user to not perform these requests when the user is in “low data mode”. In iOS 13, for example, you might set allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess and allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess.
Regardless (and especially if you are supporting older iOS versions), you might also want to consider the appropriate settings isDiscretionary and allowsCellularAccess.
Bottom line, you want to make sure that you are respectful of a user’s limited cellular data plan or if they’re on some expensive service (e.g. connecting on an airplane’s expensive data plan or tethered via some local hotspot).
For more information on these considerations, see WWDC 2019 Advances in Networking, Part 1.

NSURLSession set request timeout accurately

We set timeout interval for a request by NSMutableURLRequest timeoutInterval. As Apple's document described, it specifies the limit between packets, not the whole request. When we analyse our requests logs, some timeout request exceeded the seconds we set to timeoutInterval. We need timeout the requests accurately.
By reading document and blogs, the timeoutIntervalForRequest property in NSURLSessionConfiguration is the same as timeoutInterval. But the timeoutIntervalForResource property seems fit our requirement.
However, Mattt says in that timeoutIntervalForResource "should only really be used for background transfers". Can it be used in normal request? Such as query user info. Is it appropriate in this situation?
Thanks very much.
It can be used, but it rarely makes sense to do so.
The expected user experience from an iOS app is that when the user asks to download or view some web-based resource, the fetch should continue, retrying/resuming as needed, until the user explicitly cancels it.
That said, if you're talking about fetching something that isn't requested by the user, or if you are fetching additional optional data that you can live without, adding a resource timeout is probably fine. I'm not sure why you would bother to cancel it, though. After all, if you've already spent the network bandwidth to download half of the data, it probably makes sense to let it finish, or else that time is wasted.
Instead, it is usually better to time out any UI that is blocked by the fetch, if applicable, but continue fetching the request and cache it. That way, the next time the user does something that would cause a similar fetch to occur, you already have the data.
The only exception I can think of would be fetching video fragments or something similar, where if it takes too long, you need to abort the transfer and switch to a different, lower-quality stream. But in most apps, that should be handled by the HLS support in iOS itself, so you don't have to manage that.

iOS job queue similar to Path's android priority job queue

Does anyone have an iOS job queue similar to Path's Android Priority Job Queue that they don't mind sharing with the community? I am very new to iOS so I am not sure if the platform itself provides such a solution. On android no such thing exists so I had to use the library that Path has generously made available. If iOS itself or Xcode has such a solution/API please point me to it. If not please share yours if you don't mind. Thanks.
Basically I am looking for a job queue that can allow users to send data to server even when there is no network: which means the queue would hold on to the data even if user should turn off the iPhone. And then at some later time, when the system detects network, push the data to the server.
There is a similar question on SO already so I am including it for more detail: How to queue up data for server dispatch on android. The difference is that my question is for iOS and theirs is for android.
Use case
My case is imagining a user is boarding a train in a subway (no network) but decides to send an email. Then close the app, or even turn off the phone. Then an hour later, after user turns phone back on, when network is detected, the app sends the email. is quite promising. It has ability to retry and is persistent.
AFNetworking's request operations and request operation manager could be modified to do this with not too much work.
Needed modifications:
When an AFHTTPRequestOperation fails due to no connectivity, make a copy of the operation and store it (in an NSArray, for example)
Use the built-in reachability manager, and retry the operations in the array when reachability returns
Remove the operations from the array if they're successful
Note that the completion blocks aren't copied when an operation is copied. From the documentation:
-copy and -copyWithZone: return a new operation with the NSURLRequest of the original. So rather than an exact copy of the operation at that particular instant, the copying mechanism returns a completely new instance, which can be useful for retrying operations.
A copy of an operation will not include the outputStream of the original.
Operation copies do not include completionBlock, as it often strongly captures a reference to self, which would otherwise have the unintuitive side-effect of pointing to the original operation when copied.
I don't know of any open source library that has already implemented these modifications, or I'd point you there.
I found very simmilar lib like path's job priority queue
Hope this helps someone since this is very old questions but ot might help someone who is still finding like me :)

How to synchronize message status updates in Delphi Indy

RFC 3501 states in section 6.1.2. that you should use the NOOP command for polling.
Though in TIdIMAP4 there's only the KeepAlive method using it, which is implemented as a procedure, i.e. doesn't return anything.
So how to check for status updates like e.g. new messages or read status changes? I.e. how can I do manual polling with TIdIMAP4? Which methods and properties are involved in doing that? And how to get the (U)IDs these messages?
Or is it even possible to use the IDLE command specified in RFC 2177 to avoid polling and to get updates automatically?
IMAP is technically an asynchronous protocol, but TIdIMAP4 is currently implemented as a synchronous client. As such, unexpected/out-of-order data is either discarded, treated as untagged data, or treated as error data, depending on timing and context. Untagged/extra data is accessible from the TIdIMAP4.LastCmdResult property, which you can type-cast to TIdReplyIMAP4 to access its Extra sub-property.
IDLE is not currently supported in TIdIMAP4. There are tickets in Indy's issue trackers (see here and here) to add IDLE support in a future release, maybe in Indy 11. Until then, you will have to poll the mailbox envelopes periodically, keeping track of messages you have already seen so you can detect new messages.
Yes, you can use IDLE to avoid NOOP and in general it's a good idea.
However, that won't give you any results. In a way, IMAP commands don't have results. They tell the server what you want, and the server tells you things. The server is free to tell you things for other reasons as well, including the goodness of its heart.
You might say that NOOP means "hi server, now is a good time to tell me things, I'm listening" and IDLE means "hi server, I'm listening all the time, so just tell me whatever you want whenever you want". Both also mean "and btw, restart your inactivity timeout if you have one".
The server will send you EXISTS, FETCH and other responses, which I expect TIdIMAP4 forwards to you in some way. (Yes, they're called responses even though they're not in response to any command of yours. They may be sent in response to someone else having sent you mail, for instance. Stupid naming.)

Set a timeout for a slow network connection in iOS?

I have a JSON database connection for my app, and it is set to load (refresh) on the app's initial launch. The JSON data is stored on the phone, and retrievable if no internet connection is discovered on relaunching the app--so there's always data in there.
If the user has a slow connection to the internet--as in patchy <3G--the app will hang. I would like to set a timeout that reverts the database to the saved information (as it would if there were no connection at all). Unfortunately, I think that setting the timeout in the wrong function could make the app crash.
I've read there's no publicly available class to determine a connection speed, but can anyone suggest alternatives?
You could set a timeout for the NSURLRequest, if thats what you're using. In the callback that handles the timeout you could fall back to your local copy of the data. Check the following answer provided by another user.
NSURLConnection timeout?
If you wanted to determine the actual connection speed, you could have your app download a piece of arbitrary data of fixed length, and record the time it takes to complete. This has its own flaws though. You would have to decide when to do this, and how frequently. It may also suffer from the problem that you are trying to solve. And, for example, if the user was on a train, their connection may be great one moment, and poor the next. I think that the timeout solution would work ok, it just means that the user has to wait a period of time before the app falls back to the local copy of the data.
