Grails Error While Running On NB - grails

I made a Grails Project (v2.4.3) on NetBeans 6.9 (which is compatible with JDK 1.6 u24) but I get an error while running... Obviously I haven't an expertise or knowledge about Grails that's why I came here... Coz I know there people with lot of knowledge !.
I need to know If I have to configure something more; as I see there is a problem with the VM... I can't understand why...

Try to use filepatches without space in it. In this case change:
to for example:


Error message when starting Ruby on Rails server

hope I can get some help with a problem I have been having. I am getting into Ruby on Rails and used a tutorial ( to try to get started with it. It says I need Sqlite3. I followed the steps up to the point where it says to use the ruby bin\rails server command in command prompt. However, when I try to do this, I get the following error message.
When I try to install Sqlite3, I use the x86 version for Windows, as I am using Windows 8.1.
I don't know what I am doing wrong...I am not even sure if the SQlite3 files are in the right place. I use command prompt to check if I have Ruby, Rails, and Sqlite3 all installed, which I do. I also know I have the SQlite3 Ruby gem installed. I have also added SQlite3 to my PATH system variable, but that doesn't seem to work either. I always get the same above error message no matter what I do.
Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I recommend setting up a Linux VM on your Windows PC and start coding on it instead of on Windows. You'll keep encountering many issues in the future if you stick with Windows. Windows & ruby on rails don't go well together. So, it's better to go with some Linux flavor or preferably Mac.
If you are going to be learning RoR with the goal of ever doing anything serious in the future, here's the best advice I can give to someone starting out: Buy a Mac. NEVER try to use Microsoft for anything but Microsoft office... you'll just end up so frustrated that you will give up. RoR is NOT the toy to try "round peg, square hole" with.
Next, being that your on a Mac, NEVER use sqlite3. You can easily use the correct database which is PostgreSQL. Why is this important?
You're starting out. Keep things very simple. Get a free Heroku account, and install the CLI (for mac). You can then do: "heroku local" to run your code locally (for building), and because it's Mac/PostgreSQL, when you go to push that code live, everything is the same (Heroku is going to be PostgreSQL) so you won't get lost for days trouble shooting the differences between where you're building the code, and where you're running the code.

Orchard CMS Speed Issues

I'm setting up an Orchard CMS site and noticing that it is incredibly slow.
It is running on a VPS that hosts a couple of other MVC based websites which all run fine, so the server doesn't appear to be the issue.
I've read that renaming the Sample.Host.Config file to Host.Config should fix the issue. Which it seems to do for a few hours, until randomly I then get the following error and the site no longer works.
The type 'Orchard.Environment.Configuration.AzureBlobTenantManager' could not be found. It may require assembly qualification, e.g. "MyType, MyAssembly".
I've tried installing the Cache module which hasn't made any difference.
Has anyone else experienced slowness with Orchard CMS? This is a brand new installation with no extra modules and no content... I'm stumped!
Any help is much appreciated
Here are a few things you can try:
As you did, renaming the config file. You need to make sure you are running a prebuilt version.
Installing the Cache module, as you did. This is going to be bundled into Core, it is essential.
Installing the SysCache module to cache database calls
Install the Warmup Module which saves static versions of your pages to serve to the user
Turn off debug flag in Web.config (just in case... ^_^)
Use SQL Server for the speeeeeed
Make sure you have selected the same region for database etc.
To the specific error you are receiving, I also had that error a while back but this was due to my package not being fully built. So why yours would run for a while then break is a mystery... Did you maybe install some modules or something?
Enable the SysCache module in the "Performance" section of Modules
I would also disable the dynamic module loader, stated here towards the middle of the page:

VM image with ready-to-use Rails development environment?

So... I've been trying to start developing Rails, and I'm having a horrible time setting up my environment.
Installed Ubuntu 12.10 in a VM. Installed RVM. Installed Ruby 1.9.3. Installed Rails. Then Rails console didn't work because I didn't have readline, and I had to start futzing with rvm commands from here and from a Stack Overflow thread, only to get numerous incomprehensible errors.
And that's just me trying to get off the ground and start running. Please oh please, isn't there a ready VirtualBox VM file with a machine preconfigured for development work?
If you would just like one built for you go to:
Tutorial will set you you with vagrant/rails much like the other answers are talking about. I haven't used it but it looks solid:
You could also simply use a remote vm that is setup and available anywhere:
There are other similar options out there.
I have used both of them and they function excellently for this purpose, they also troubleshoot well on google because you have multiple people using the same environment. If you are new to Rails/Ruby and are unfamiliar with using a nix environment I highly suggest this route. You will also be able to access them more or less anywhere through a browser.
I know it is rather an old thread but since it came up so easily in a search and the answer wasn't entirely satisfactory when I had found it previously I thought I would broaden the list of options.
Found this:
Hoping it's going to help; consistent with Branden's comment above.

Is it okay to use Rails 3.1 for a new project? Is hard to convert over?

I have just started using 3.0.7. I am about 2 weeks of development in.
I was wondering if I should keep building for 3.0.7 or switch to 3.1 before I have too much code to port over? I like most of the new features (my only fear is not having good error messages when I use coffeescript), so I'd like to code towards the latest and greatest if it's relatively safe.
The javascript standards look interesting, and the attr_accessible fix sounds like it's very much appreciated.
Is Rails 3.1 compatible with all the gems out there though?
Also, if I go the 3.1 route, is hard or easy to migrate my project towards it? How might one go about that?
I guess this is a lot of mini yet related questions. I'd really appreciate some answers. Thank you.
I think if you want to ride on Rails 3.1 you should do it :). As for me I have some projects on Rails 2.3.5, 3.0.5 and would like to port them on Rails 3.1 but there is to much code there :). So don't be afraid and go to the fresh stuff (unless your code overflow :) ).
Rails 3.1 are pretty stable for now (I didn't have much problems with installing and using it)
If you're only two weeks into a project then it makes sense to stay on the edge and move to 3.1.
The way I'd do it is clone my project to a new dir (you're using git / similar version control, right?), change the Rails version in my Gemspec, run tests and play around to see what got broken (if anything). Based on the results you can figure out whether the effort is too great.
Regarding gem compatibility, hardly anything is compatible with all gems out there. Since you're two weeks in, you probably know which gems you use. Test like I suggested and you'll have an idea whether it's compatible with what you need. If you're using popular gems, then they'll most likely be updated to work with 3.1 soon enough.

Use JBoss with IntelliJ for creating Grails apps

I want to run my grails apps from intelliJ on JBoss-5.1.0.GA installed locally on my machine.
If somebody has any experience please share.
p.s. The aim is to simulate different production enivronments (development,Staging & test)
After a lot of research and going throught Grails FAQ's and other sites I was able to deploy and run my Grails app on a JBoss-5.1.0.GA server installed locally on my machine. The only thing that requires confiruing is:
comment out the WarClassLoaderDeployer bean inside JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml
and that should be it.
Thanks so much for the answer.. I was breaking my head for many days and hours on how to get grails working on jboss5.
I found a similar answer here.. but yours was right on the head... thanks again.
