Use JBoss with IntelliJ for creating Grails apps - grails

I want to run my grails apps from intelliJ on JBoss-5.1.0.GA installed locally on my machine.
If somebody has any experience please share.
p.s. The aim is to simulate different production enivronments (development,Staging & test)

After a lot of research and going throught Grails FAQ's and other sites I was able to deploy and run my Grails app on a JBoss-5.1.0.GA server installed locally on my machine. The only thing that requires confiruing is:
comment out the WarClassLoaderDeployer bean inside JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml
and that should be it.

Thanks so much for the answer.. I was breaking my head for many days and hours on how to get grails working on jboss5.
I found a similar answer here.. but yours was right on the head... thanks again.


Grails Error While Running On NB

I made a Grails Project (v2.4.3) on NetBeans 6.9 (which is compatible with JDK 1.6 u24) but I get an error while running... Obviously I haven't an expertise or knowledge about Grails that's why I came here... Coz I know there people with lot of knowledge !.
I need to know If I have to configure something more; as I see there is a problem with the VM... I can't understand why...
Try to use filepatches without space in it. In this case change:
to for example:

Ruby on Rails application installer

I want to develop my rails application installer like in joomla in which we can configure database name, username, password, port, host etc. what is the best idea for it. I tried through rake tasks. But don't know is it good idea or not? Please help me.
Is it possible to configure rails application during runtime. If yes, how to configure?
Any ideas, tutorials, links. Thanks in advance.
What about capistrano? It's a great tool to deploy rails applications
I'll suggest you some links about it)

VM image with ready-to-use Rails development environment?

So... I've been trying to start developing Rails, and I'm having a horrible time setting up my environment.
Installed Ubuntu 12.10 in a VM. Installed RVM. Installed Ruby 1.9.3. Installed Rails. Then Rails console didn't work because I didn't have readline, and I had to start futzing with rvm commands from here and from a Stack Overflow thread, only to get numerous incomprehensible errors.
And that's just me trying to get off the ground and start running. Please oh please, isn't there a ready VirtualBox VM file with a machine preconfigured for development work?
If you would just like one built for you go to:
Tutorial will set you you with vagrant/rails much like the other answers are talking about. I haven't used it but it looks solid:
You could also simply use a remote vm that is setup and available anywhere:
There are other similar options out there.
I have used both of them and they function excellently for this purpose, they also troubleshoot well on google because you have multiple people using the same environment. If you are new to Rails/Ruby and are unfamiliar with using a nix environment I highly suggest this route. You will also be able to access them more or less anywhere through a browser.
I know it is rather an old thread but since it came up so easily in a search and the answer wasn't entirely satisfactory when I had found it previously I thought I would broaden the list of options.
Found this:
Hoping it's going to help; consistent with Branden's comment above.

How to migrate a rails app from engineyard to Google appengine?

I have a RoR 2.3.8 application running on EC2, I am using engineyard. which is prooved to be significantly costly to me. I want to migrate to GAE.
Can anyone please tell me the steps and points i suppose to remember while doing this.
You can check the appengine-jruby project or an another way is to use heroku.
Currently GAE doesn't support Ruby. It only supports Java and Python. Check the link for more info languages supported by GAE.
But i believe , if you convert your rails app to JRuby, then you can run it in GAE. Because JRuby runs on JVM. I have read the articles long before how to run JRuby apps in GAE. you can google it.
GAE supports only Python and Java. OK there was Go! added recently. So, Rubby is not on the list unfortunately.

What is absolutely the easiest way to create and publish a Rails 3.0 application from Windows?

In an attempt to reach programming enlightenment, I'm trying to build my latest website within the Rails ecosystem. I'm finding this very hard going as a .Net developer and need a push in the right direction as I'm on the verge of giving up and going back to what I know.
I've got something approaching a prototype going in Rails, and have been trying to figure out how to get to the point where I have a sensible deployment set-up to publish a beta of this thing. I don't see any point in developing any further until I know I'll be able to publish in a sensible fashion.
So far, I have signed up for hosting at HostingRails, created an SVN repository at Google Code and installed Capistrano. The problem I'm now facing is that I have no idea how to alter my Capfile and Deploy.rb to get these talking to each other, and that's before I've even thought about database deployment. The problem is that the tutorials on the hosting provider aren't great and the documentation for Capistrano goes straight over my head. I'm at a point where Capistrano presents me with a password prompt, and no password relating to anything I know of seems to work. Capistrano doesn't give me a hint of what it's trying to do, and I have no idea how to verify any of the lines in my config file to find out what's wrong.
Can anyone suggest a complete toolchain that will allow me to publish an application with as little configuration as possible? Am I going in vaguely the right direction and will this also give me sensible DB deployment options? Can anyone suggest a simple step-by-step guide which doesn't require an understanding of 37 separate gems before deployment is possible?
I would suggest git and heroku for rails projects rather than svn and HostingRails. msysgit works well on Windows, and I just started using heroku and it's as easy as installing the heroku gem and doing "git push heroku master".
