Update the text of a label using Centura/SQLWindows32 - guptateamdeveloper

Is there any function to update the text of a label in Centura/SQLWindows32?

There's another solution if you have the label in front of an input object (i.e. a data field).
Use SalSetWindowLabelText() function for changing a label's text.
Example: Call SalSetWindowLabelText(dfInput,'YourText').
If you have a "standalone" label, then you no other way than the ones described by GuptaSteve.

If you are running v6 or above you can treat Background text as if it were a standard object , so set the text directly using its name : Call SalSetWindowText( bkgdTextName , 'Test' )
If prior to v6 ,
On SAM_AppStartUp
• Set bStaticsAsWindows = TRUE
then find its handle :
• Set hWndBkgdMyLabel = VisWinGetHandle( hWnd, 'bkgdTextName', TYPE_BkgdText )
then set text using its handle:
• Call SalSetWindowText( hWndBkgdMyLabel, 'This is the label I really needed' )
Sometimes it's necessary to force repaint of the label
• Call SalUpdateWindow( hWndBkgdMyLabel )
You can the Handle by placing the Label directly before any associated object ( e.g. a DataField ) in the Outline, then :
• Set hWndBkgdMyLabel = SalGetWindowLabel(hWndItem).
It retrieves the handle to the label attached to a button or a data field , so you can then use :
• Call SalSetWindowText( hWndBkgdMyLabel, 'This is the label I really needed' )
Note: bStaticsAsWindows must be TRUE for these last two to work if you are prior to v6


Custom wireshark disector shows value but fieldname is not visible using lua

I am testing some network packets of my Organisation's product. We already have custom plugins. I am trying to add some some more fields into those existing plugins (like conversion of 2 byte code to a string and assign it to a field)
Thankyou in advance for reading my query.
Wireshark version : 2.4.5 (organization's plugins dont work on latest wireshark application)
Problem statement:
I am able to add field and show value, but fieldname is not displayed as defined.
I cannot share the entire .lua file but i will try to explain What i did:
Below is the image where I have a field aprint.type. this is a two byte field. In .lua file, for display purpose it is appended with corresponding description using a custom function int_to_enum.
I want to add one more proto field aprint.typetext which will show the text.
What I did:
Added a protofield f_apr_msg_type_txt = ProtoField.string("aprint.typetxt","aprint_type_text") (Tried f_apr_msg_type_txt = ProtoField.string("aprint.typetxt","aprint_type_text",FT_STRING) also)
Below the code where subtree aprint.type is shown, added my required field as subtree:add(f_apr_msg_type_txt, msg_type_string) (Below is image of code extract)
I am able to see the text but field Name is shown as Wireshark Lua text (_ws.lua.text)
Normally displaying strings based on numeric values is accomplished by a value string lookup, so you'd have something like so:
local aprint_type_vals = {
[1] = "Foo",
[2] = "Bar",
[9] = "State alarm"
f_apr_msg_type = ProtoField.uint16("aprint.type", "Type", base.DEC, aprint_type_vals)
f_apr_msg_type_txt = ProtoField.string("aprint.typetxt","aprint_type_text", base.ASCII)
... then
local msg_type = tvb(offset, 2):le_uint()
subtree:add_le(f_apr_msg_type, tvb(offset, 2))
subtree:add(f_apr_msg_type_txt, tvb(offset, 2), (aprint_type_vals[msg_type] or "Unknown"))
subtree:add(f_apr_msg_type_txt, tvb(offset, 2)):set_text("aprint_type_text: " .. (aprint_type_vals[msg_type] or "Unknown"))
I'm also not sure why you need the extra field with only the text when the text is already displayed with the existing field, but that's basically how you'd do it.

Is it possible to add label field into device via Data Converter?

I would like to fill label and description fields without any manual work.
Or what is the best way for TB to fill those fields?
Label & Description in device
You should do it in the rulechain.
You should have in you rulechain tab the Root rule chain, add a script transformation node after the message filter one (you need to connect the two nodes with an Entity created tag if you want it to be done on every device).
to access the label and the description in the node you need "msg.additionalInfo.description" and "msg.label"
add the nodes to he existing root rule chain, and add an originator filter for device if you only want this to be done on devices
You can fill the Label via Data Converter ("deviceLabel" or "assetLabel" key). Description is not supported, yet.
Support was added in version 3.3.2:
// Result object with device/asset attributes/telemetry data
var result = {
// Use deviceName and deviceType or assetName and assetType, but not both.
deviceName: 'Name',
deviceType: "Type",
deviceLabel: "Label",
attributes: {},
telemetry: {}

NativeScript-Dev-Appium : UIElement.text() / UIElement.getAttribute("value") returns the automationText instead of the text displayed

I am using NativeScript-Dev-Appium#5.0.0 and wish to check for the text displayed on a label. I have automationText property assigned to the and use Driver.findElementByAccessibilityId(automationTextValue) to get the element. The element is found, but when I try to use the UIElement.text() / UIElement.getAttribute("value") on it, it returns the value of the automationText attribute instead of the actual displayed text. Is there any other method to do it because I can't find any.
Unfortunately, this is a limitation of NativeScript itself since when the automationText property is used, it will set all properties of the element like value, name, label etc. I would suggest you set the same text to automationText property and then you can access or test the element using something like this:
Using XPath:
const el = await driver.findElementByXPath("//*[#name=\"My automation text\"]");
For Android only
const el = await driver.findElementByText("My automation text");
const text = await el.getAttribute("text");
Use imageVerification types like:
await driver.compareRectangle
await driver.compareElement
await driver.compareScreen
Which is very convenient but the cons here is that this will require higher maintenance at some point.

.NET Multiline Textbox Make Shift+Enter working instead of Enter key

I have a Windows Form Multiline Textbox.
I want to use Shift+Enter Instead of using Enter key to make a new line in textbox, and the traditional Enter key will be used to focus on the next control.
I mean Shift+Enter will work exactly like Enter key on normal multiline textbox (Regard to textbox maxlength --> So you cant enter newline, or current selected text will be delete when you insert newline,...)
I've tried to override OnKeyDown, to insert newline on Shift+Enter, but it doesn't work as I expected.
you'll need to override OnKeyDown and check for enter key using the KeyDownEvent's KeyCode property.
If enter was pressed and the keydownevent's modifiers property does not equal Keys.Shift you'll need to suppress the key press. Here's the documentation on how to do that:
If shift+enter was pressed you'll need to insert Environment.NewLine at the cursor position, then move the cursor after the inserted Environment.NewLine. Here's how to do that:
How to paste text in textbox current cursor?
Here is my implementation in VB .NET.
Regard to Maxlength of the textbox and current selected text
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
If (Me.Multiline AndAlso e.KeyData = (Keys.Shift Or Keys.Enter)) Then
Dim intRemainCharCount As Integer = Me.MaxLength - Me.Text.Length + Me.SelectedText.Length
'' Check if have enough space to place NewLine
If (Environment.NewLine.Length > intRemainCharCount) Then
End If
Dim intPos = Me.SelectionStart
'' Reset selection start (Reset cusor position)
Me.SelectionStart = intPos + Environment.NewLine.Length
e.Handled = True
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
End If
End Sub
Change the property for Accept Return for the Multiline doesn't even require coding anything, unless you have an event listening to the KeyDown, in which case you can put a condition to check if the Textbox is focussed.

DynamicUpdateCommand stops working after QlikView restart

I'm using DynamicUpdateCommand inside a macro in this way:
sub addOrder
set choosen = ActiveDocument.Fields("NUMORD").GetPossibleValues
for i = 0 to choosen.Count - 1
set result = ActiveDocument.DynamicUpdateCommand("UPDATE * SET CHOOSE = 'S' WHERE NUMORD = '" & choosen.Item(i).text & "' " )
if result = false then
MsgBox result.ErrorMessage
end if
end sub
Dinamic Data Update is enabled.
It works, but, when I close QlikView and reopen it, it doesn't work anymore. Even if try reloading.
I empirically realized that to make it work again I need to click the "Save" button, even without changing anything...
How can I solve this little issue? Maybe is it connected with RAM and way of saving .qvw file to the file system?
Many thanks!
Without any other solution I ended with this workaround, which saves the document programmatically on document opening:
Document Properties... > Triggers > Document Event Triggers > OnOpen > Add Action(s)... > Add > External > Run macro > set Macro name = reactivateDynamicUpdateCommand
Tools > Edit Module...: add this subroutine:
sub reactivateDynamicUpdateCommand
' I know, it's weird
'... but needed to reactivate DynamicUpdateCommand functionality after a restart
end sub
It works, though a better solution would be preferred.
Starting from version 11 Dynamic Update can be done as Actions rather than through VB macro. It is preferable to use Actions when possible. However, sometimes even using Dynamic Update action I noticed freezes similar to what you described. I ended up adding one more dummy action right after Dynamic Update (e.g. assigning a value to dummy variable or adding Selection -> Back action to compensate triggering OnSelect).
