Cordova 6.1.1 iOS build fail with error code 65 - ios

I am new to Cordova using Mac OS and I am just running the Mac OS in virtual machine.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When I build a project for iOS platform the build fail due to this error.
The plugin only installed is whitelist which require in new version of cordova.
Additional information may need:
- I am using Yosemite hackintosh.
- Cordova v.6.1.1.
- xcode 6.4
Thank you!

What's the version of your plugin of cordova-plugin-camera?
I sugest you
update Xcode from 6.4 to 7.0;
remove your dir, and create a Cordova project again.
then you can try "cordova build ios" again.

As you have installed only cordova whitelist plugin, this could not be a plugin issue. You can create a new project and port your code and try building iOS platform again. This solves the issue in most cases. Also ensure that you dont have any illegal or special characters in config.xml. Many a times, copy paste results in special characters addition in config.xml which causes this issue.


IONIC 5 - InAppBrowser is not installed or you are running on a browser -XCODE 13

I have an IONIC 5 / cordova project and I use InAppBrowser to open a link.
In the next code:
const browser = this.iab.create(url);
I get error "WARN: InAppBrowser is not installed or you are running on a browser. Falling back to" on execution time in IOS device and IOS emulator.
I have tried all kinds of things that I have found on the internet:
First, I have done many test with #ionic-native/in-app-browser plugin, but I always get the same result:
Remove node_modules, www, platform/ios
Re-install(remove and install) in-app-browser libraries
Recompile in dev and prod mode.
Same error..
I have tried it again with the new plugin:
$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
$ npm install #awesome-cordova-plugins/in-app-browser
I change the code to get the new native plugin
$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova build ios
$ ionic cordova build ios --prod
Same result.
I have verified that the cordova plugins are installed in the /Plugins folder of the XCode project.
I have a couple of things to comment on:
Now I use XCode 13, but In XCode 12 works fine. To upgrade the XCode I have upgrade MacOS from Catalina To Monterey.
The only difference between the two projects is that in XCode 13 "Legacy build system" is disabled since it's "deprecated".
I don't know if XCode doesn't import the libraries, I don't know if "Legacy Build System" is necessary. I know nothing... :-(
Can anybody help me?
I found the problem.
In my project I have an "Object.prototype" function that it produce a big problem to loop objects.
Referring InAppBrowser pluguin, in file inappbrowser.js:
callbacks = callbacks || {};
for (var callbackName in callbacks) {
iab.addEventListener(callbackName, callbacks[callbackName]);
Perhaps it could be improved with an Object.keys(callbacks), but I think that It was my problem.

How to fix ionic 2 Apple Mach-O Linker error?

I'm building an ionic 2 app, and I can build the app with ionic build ios and I get no erros, but on xcode when I build my application I get the following error.
Apple Mach-O Linker (id) Error
Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation).
How can I fix this?
Here is my system information
Cordova CLI: 6.5.0
Ionic Framework Version: 2.3.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.2
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.1
Ionic App Scripts Version: 1.1.4
ios-deploy version: 1.9.0
OS: macOS Sierra
Node Version: v6.9.4
Xcode Version: Xcode 8.3 Build version 8E162
You are probably opening the .xcodeproj on Xcode, try opening the .xcworkspace. This fixed this error for me.
Had the same issue, spent almost a day trying to figure out what was causing it. For me the following solved it. Everything was working fine on ios#4.3.1, but on 4.5.3, I got this annoying error.
Check if this plugin "cordova-plugin-console" is there in the plugins folder. If it is there, remove it. Then it started building without any errors.
ionic cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-console
Look for a file named libPods-AppName.a in Frameworks directory
where AppName is your app name.
Deleting it fixes it in most cases.
Take a look at the screenshot for reference.
Quick Fix
Disclaimer: My project uses Ionic v1
I had the same error and, once I had added a Android-only plugin, I thought that it was the cause of the error - I was wrong (so, ignore this cause if you think the same as I).
After some search I found the truly cause of the error: the cordova-ios version (4.5). I followed the steps suggested here and I solve this issue.
ionic cordova platform remove ios
ionic cordova platform add ios#4.4.0
ionic cordova platform
Last step is used to check if ios#4.4.0 is actually the installed version.
Hope it helps.
In your platforms folder for ios, there are both .xcodeproj and .xcworkspace files. Open the /platforms/ios/.xcworkspace.
I found the issue that was causing this error.
On the config.xml file on the tag I had the email with and you cannot have the .com on the email. I removed and it works fine now.
Thanks for the help

XDK (2807) ios build fails when adding admobpro plugin

when adding admobpro version 2.10.0(cordova-plugin-admobpro & cordova-plugin-admob) or admob plugin by appfeel, my ios build fails.
I h've tried a blank cordova project, and just added in plugin management the plugins one at the time. both fail.
here you can find the error log, provided by intel XDK.
one of the lines read: The following build commands failed:
ios target: 6 (I have also tried 7)
android build succeed.
thank you
It was an Xcode problem, because XDK used Xcode 6 instead of the new relied on version 7.
This is solved by Intel updating there build system.
a lot of plugins are only working with Xcode 7.
Be aware that ARM versions can make a difference.

Deployement Error for iOS in VS Cordova

VS version - 2015 with Cordova update 3Mac OS - 10.10.4iOS - 9.0 When building in release mode for iOS we get following warnings. But release folder is created with ipa and plist.
So when uploading that ipa using application loader it gives following 2 errors.
As I mentioned in this stackoverflow thread:
There appears to be an issue with Cordova's iOS implementation when publishing apps created specifically using Xcode 7.
A Cordova community member has published a "cordova-plugin-ipad-multitasking" plugin with a fix.
Install this plugin and you should be all set. A future Cordova version will resolve the problem fully.
Failing that, if you are using remotebuild you can also find the native project under ~/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds and make the modifications as described in the Cordova bug on the issue.
To resolve ITMS-90339, there is a second step you can do to patch in the near term. Grab the build.xcconfig from the 3.9.x branch of the cordova-ios repo and place this under res/native/ios/cordova
Now remove this line:
Note that you will want to remove this custom build.xcconfig file if you upgrade to the version with the full patch that is forthcoming.

Titanium SDK 3.2 [ERROR] : Invalid "--ios-version" value "7.0" 7.0.3

When I upgraded to titanium SDK version 3.2, I had an error when running on iOS says: titanium Invalid "--ios-version" value "7.0" Accepted values: 7.0.3, is there any possible way to solve this ?
I had the same issue.
I were able to solve it by changing the tiapp.xml node
Hope this helps
minimum iOS version to work with Ti sdk 3.2.0 is 7 so you need to set iOS version to 7.
you can do that by right clicking on your project root folder then choose Run As-> Run Configuration option where you can set ios sdk.
Not really a fix. I have changed my project's sdk version to 3.2.0.GA (updated) then build my application via cli and execute the following command on the project directory:
titanium build --platform ios --ios-version 7.0.3
App build successfully (no errors encountered) and it opens the iOS simulator v7.0.3.
Update: Issue no longer encountered after updating titanium-studio to 3.2
Same issue.
Work fine with ti SDK 3.2.0
Ti SDK : 3.1.3.GA
Ti: 3.2.0
Alloy: 1.4.0 or 1.3.0
OS: mac os x 10.9.1
Same issue here.
Problem seems to be solved when building with the 3.2.0 SDK, however then other issues emerge.
I figured this out by just loading the xcode project from the 'build' folder and seeing the actual error that xcode was throwing. it told me that I had a 'module' that no longer supported 'NavigationGroup' class. I also installed the latest xcode updates and the latest Ti.Studio.
You need to change your sdk version in order to make it work with 7.0.3.
From the console:
ti sdk select 3.2.0.GA
You can find more info in the CLI documentation
Also make sure you update your tiapp.xml file as #Anand suggested
An update for Titanium SDK 3.1.3 has been released, the thing is 3.1.3 only supported up to iOS simulator 7.0, but now Appcelerator added support for 7.0.3.
Open ti.xml file
Under Build Properties, find the Titanium SDK field.
Select 3.2.0.GA
If it is not an option, go to menu option
Help > Check for Titanium Updates
