WebRTC P2P stream a youtube video - youtube

I started learning about the WebRTC and interested if the API could be used for peer-to-peer streaming of a Youtube video for example. I could not find any articles on this. Would it be possible to use the API to stream and synchronize a Youtube video to two people in real-time?

No you will not be able to use YouTube as a WebRTC peer. The media stream from YouTube will not be able to perform the STUN and DTLS exchanges or setup the required SRTP stream.
What you could do is write a custom application that acted as an intermediary between YouTube and WebRTC peers. The custom application would need to be able to pull the stream down from YouTube and then forward it to any WebRTC peers that connected to it.

You need an intermediary gateway to do that.
I have read on this page you can convert WebRTC stream to RTMP H.264+AAC for YouTube Live.They use Flashphoner.


Going live in Youtube by using embedded player in the application is a violation?

I am building an app which does live streaming to Youtube channel using an embedded player. So i want to know if it violates the policy of Youtube since I am using a different application to do live to the youtube Also, all the application users will stream to a single youtube channel, so any idea in how many live streams can take place at a time?
It was stated in the Broadcast and Stream documentation of the YouTube API that "only one event is live at any given time, and the video content for each broadcast is unique". To learn more about policy, you can read the YouTube API developer policies.

Is it possible to use the YouTube Live Stream API to broadcast through my phone camera?

I want to create a basic app that allow users to simply start to broadcast a video through their phone camera (front and back) just by pressing a button.
Does the YouTube live stream API allow me to handle the video streaming process?
If so, is YouTube Live Stream API totally free of charges and will never ask me to pay something if I reach a certain amount of usage?
Creating a Live Event and Live broadcast is language and hardware agnostic, just use YouTube's Live Streaming HTTP API. Read through the Core Concepts and Life of a Broadcast guides.
Your flow might look something like this:
Authenticate the user.
Set up and schedule your Live Broadcast object.
Start your video encoder and create a Live Stream Object.
Bind your Live Stream to your Live Broadcast.
Test to verify your video is going through.
Set your Live Broadcast to Live.
At the conclusion of your event, set your Live Broadcast to Ended.
Note that setting up your encoder is on you. Asking "How do I create an RTMP or DASH video encoder for [hardware or software]" is too broad of a question for Stack Overflow.
The YouTube API is free to use within a specific quota. If you hit that quota limit, there are ways to request additional quota from Google (potentially for a fee).
I answered a similar question about integrating with YouTube's Live Streaming API on iOS here: YouTube live on iOS?

What is the role of Streaming server like Wowza?

I have been exploring on how to live stream from iPhone. I will have to publish a stream at URL to Wowza server that I came to know. Other thing is that I will require a library for iOS to encode and compress the camera output and will have to send that stream over RTMP protocol to the Wowza server. At the receiving and, there should be a player which can decode, decompress that stream comes from the Wowza to the device like iPhone (a user who wants to see live stream).
My question is, if encoding is done through particular iOS SDK, RTMP has a role as a Protocol, a player at receiving end has a role of decoding, then what is the role of Wowza ? What is its function that makes it very important in the live streaming process ?
I have been searching on the function of a Media Streaming server since 3 days, but I could not understand the exact function of Media Streaming server like a Wowza.
I am desperate to the answer..
Any explanation will be appriciated, thanks in Advance !!!
I actually did a year-long project involving media streaming on iOS and I used Wowza. The role of Wowza is to function as a media server that can receive the video that is broadcast from an iOS device over the RTMP protocol. With Wowza, you have options to send http parameters that instruct the server to begin or stop recording the live video that is being streamed. You also have the option of embedding video players in websites for live view.

you tube live streaming api not stream the video

I checked for the youtube live streaming api and it provides the facility for stream the video over the youtube.
But how can we access it in the development?
How can we use this api (youtube live streaming) and stream the video in the youtube?
You will have to enable "Live" streaming feature in your account. Looks like you will have to be eligible to have it enabled.
If its enables, you can push your pre-recorded video files/live video to the google's publishing point. For that you can use any supported media encoders. More info can be read here on how to set it up.
Once thats setup, you can stream events as if its a real live event !

How to play a RTMP stream on IPhone at websites

I'm developing a website who needs an external RTMP stream.
I'm using jwplayer to run the stream using Flash (examples and information about here).
My problem is the stream do not works at iOS.
Somebody suggests a solution?
IOS does not support rtmp protocol for that you has to use http protocols, i.e. ,http live streaming
