Touch ID Issue with Sandbox Purchases - ios

Hi I was wondering if anyone else is having the same issue or has a fix for it.
When i'm trying to make an in app purchase in the sandbox for my app and i try and use touch id, it repeats the touch id alert three times then fails, i've tried using it in apples IAP demo app as well and get the same issue. is this issue only for sandbox mode? or has someone found a way around this?
Thanks in advance!

I'm pretty certain that Touch ID is not supported in the sandbox test environement (sic)"
- Rich Kubota # Apple.
I also see the behaviour you describe, and it has been this way for at least a year or two - it seems that TouchID is only supported by the production environment. I could not find any official documentation to support this however - there is no mention of it in, for example, Apple's In-App Purchase Programming Guide.

This is an issue with iOS. If you have a contact with Apple, be sure to bump it.


AppStoreConnect Subscription Prices not showing up

I have 3 IAP already approved in AppStore Connect.
I want to edit one, to add a limited into period.
When I tap on the IAP, the "Subscription Prices" section is indefinitely buffering.
I tried Safari, Chrome, incognito, Windows, Safari on iPhone, everything.
I also checked my Agreements and both Free/Paid apps are Active and the default currency is USD.
I submitted a ticket to Apple, but from experience, they don't really help.
I don't know how much this helps, but I think there's a problem server-side for Apple.
I'm experiencing the same problem and have equally not been able to get any support from Apple around this.
My reasoning here is that 2/3 days ago I couldn't log into my portal as it kept declaring that there was no AppleID attached to that email address. Eventually, as I knew there was, I just left it and hoped it would work itself out. I came back the next day and was able to log into AppStore Connect fine with no issues.
I've seen quite a few comments that Apple have kind of f'ed up their migration over to AppStore Connect, and this fits with the weird login problems I faced. I can definitely replicate your issue and have also reported it to Apple, so I assume that this is one of those things which will magically fix itself in a day or two. (Particularly given user:elbib says it's working for them)
It worked fine for me as of this writing. I’ve used my iPad 8th gen.
Issue got solved after raising it to apple via a support ticket.
It took them 2 weeks.
For who that may face this issue.
The title, prices and details that is used to show the product coming from the In-App Purchase have to come from the store. If it comes null is because you didn't agreed or assigned the accept from Apple Developer Program and paid apps contract on the App Store Connect. So, do that and try again.
Hope it helps others.

Check subscription status in iOS app Ionic 2

I am currently developing an in-app purchasing in Ionic 2 and each time the app is run I check if a user is subscribed. For Android I use restorePurchases function. For iOS I am trying to use getReceipt() function. What I get is a long Base64 receipt string.
My question is, how am I supposed to check if a subscription exists using that string?
Thank you in advance.
I am answering the implicit question of why this error could occur:
Many things can go wrong causing this error, which most of them has nothing to do with your code actually. just your setup. for this to work in a test device
You should be logged in that device using a iTunes Connect sandbox
You should be logged in your Mac using sandbox account. (not sure why, but I read somewhere you have to, and I do it!)
The Bundle ID everywhere should match. that is in your iTunes Connect, your ionic app's Config.xml
should not have production version of the app on your device
hope others provide better answering explaining why this is so difficult to get to work!

Touch ID not showing StoreKit

I'm using StoreKit for processing In-App purchases, which works perfectly.
My only issue which I couldn't find a solution online is:
In other apps when trying to do an IAP, I'm asked for Touch ID (so it's not my device set up wrong or so) while in my App it always asks for password.
How can I get Touch ID to work for authentication with iTunes?
Thank you in advance!
So I'm not sure if this is always the case but in the AppStore version of my App you can actually use Touch ID.
Maybe Touch ID is just not supported when developing... Still a bit confusing that they have you release your App without being sure if Touch ID is going to work :/

Adding Game Center Support on iTunesConnect Broke My In App Purchasing

I had a well functioning in app purchase system in place and everything was going great. However, after managing Game Center and adding some leaderboards/achievements here on iTunes Connect (without changing anything in the code), in app purchase stopped working altogether and keeps giving me "Unable to Connect" errors. Could this have somehow messed up the sandbox environment? Anyone know what could be the problem?
I think there is a definite correlation since enabling/disabling Game Center on iTunesConnect changes behaviour on the device, but even if I disable everything it tsill won't go back to the way it was before).
I've been at this for days now. Help?
I doubt there's any correlation between Game Center and IAP, although the sandboxes are pretty unreliable. Have you checked so that your Paid Applications contract hasn't expired or is invalid in some other way? Also, have you checked that your test user is still valid?

Does the Corona SDK support iOS app subscriptions?

I see they support in-app purchases, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this.
I've never even heard of this before (incidentally, thanks for bringing it to my attention) and I've been frequently visiting their website as I work on my current project, so I would say that no they don't support subscriptions. This must be a brand new revenue model Apple just unveiled, so there hasn't been time for this to find it's way into Corona.
