Can access ActiveRecord object, but not its attributes - ruby-on-rails

I'm rendering a view in Rails using form_for and nested_form_fields. Here, #procedure_step is a record that has_many :procedure_step_actions, each of which belongs_to :error, which is a ProcedureError that has (among some relations to other models) an integer :code that I'm trying to access and print out to the page. Here's my template:
<%= form_for #procedure_step do |f| %>
<%= f.nested_fields_for :procedure_step_actions do |act| %>
<%= act.object.error.code %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
When I run this, I get undefined method 'code' for nil:NilClass. Okay, so my relations are messed up and I can't access act.object.error, right? Changing my template to display that instead yields #<ProcedureError:0x0000000ece02a8>, which is what one would expect of a functioning relation. Dumping its contents to the screen using debug shows all the attributes of the record, including code, but I still can't access it with the original template! Clearly act.object.error is not nil, so Rails telling me that act.object.error is nil doesn't make any sense to me.
Frustrated, I tried to work around the problem by using act.object.error.to_json. This printed the correct JSON for the record with all its attributes. Using JSON.load() on this gave me a correct Hash of all the attributes, but using [:code] to try to access the code gives me undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass. Again, I know that object isn't nil, but Rails still refuses to allow me to access it.
Running out of ideas, I tried to use regular expressions to pull the code out of the raw JSON string. /"code":([0-9]+)/.match(act.object.error.to_json) returned #<MatchData "\"code\":69" 1:"69">, which is right. I used [1] to try to access the code number that was matched, but again I got undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass.
Enough with ActiveRecord, I thought to myself. I decided to turn to raw SQL queries. I got the ID of the error in question using act.object.error_id, then printed that to the screen first to make sure I could access it. Luckily, I could. Then I inserted it into my SQL query with "... WHERE id = #{act.object.error_id}". I refreshed the page again and was greeted with a SQL error. It showed the final SQL query string I had generated, but it ended with WHERE id =. The ID of the error didn't get added to the string. ProcedureError.find(action.object.error_id) gave a similar error.
I'm totally out of ideas. What could possibly be preventing me from accessing one simple integer in so many different ways?

There are at least a couple of issues here. The first is that you probably want to be using fields_for, rather than nested_fields_for, if you're using 4.x.
The second is similar to what the first answer has indicated. You have a nested fields form, which allows you to nest one level in, but you are trying to nest two levels in. By addressing your law of demeter violation you should be able to make some more progress.
Debugging things like this you can get more information by throwing in a binding.pry or byebug right in your erb.
<%- binding.pry %>
Then reload the page. Your server will be stopped at that point in your code and you can play with variable values to learn more about what's going on.

One thing I can see right off the bat is you are violating Law of Demeter here
The form object obviously has to stay but you can delegate access to the subobjects by making a method on the procedure_step which can help with handling nulls, and other error cases.
Try delegating that first as I'm not sure if the scope that is created by nested_forms_for will allow the ActiveRecord::Relation object to perform properly. I'll double check locally.
A delegation might look like the following
class ProcedureStepActions
belongs_to :error
def error_code
Other things that might be helpful are the version of Ruby and Rails you are using and any other additional gems or libraries.


how to solve NoMethodError efficiently (rails)?

I am new to rails and notice a very odd pattern. I thought some error messages in Django were obscenely cryptic, but building my second app in rails I notice my errors come up NoMethodError more than 90% of the time.
How do rails people tell the difference between all these errors with the same name?
What does NoMethodError mean at it's core? It seems like what you're calling in the template is misspelled, or you're accessing attributes that don't exist?
Where can this error happen? Is the only possible cause in the template/view (the html.erb file)? Or can a bad call in the controller and whatnot cause same error?
Also, what is the best debugger gem to alleviate these issues? Reading the full trace isn't too helpful for beginners at least for a while, I;d like a first hand account of what debugger someone uses instead of reading hype
Thank you kindly
NoMethodError means you are calling a method on an object, but that object doesn't provide such method.
This is a quite bad error in the sense that is reveals a poorly designed and tested application. It generally means your code is not behaving as you are expected.
The way to reduce such errors is:
Make sure that when you are writing the code you are taking care of the various edge cases that may happen, not just the correct path. In other words, you need to take care of validating what's going on and making sure that if something is not successful (e.g. the user is not supplying all the input requested) your application will handle the case gracefully.
Make sure you write automatic test cases that covers the behavior of each method in your codebase
Keep track of the errors. When an error occurs, write a test to reproduce the behavior, fix the code and check the test passes. That will reduce the risk of regression.
This is not a Rails specific error actually. I'll try to explain what's happening at its core.
Ruby is a language that functions through message passing. Objects communicate by sending messages to each other.
The message needs to be defined as a method on the object to respond to it. This can be directly defined on the object itself, the object's class, the object's class's parents/ancestors or through included modules.
class MyObject
def some_method
puts "Yay!"
Objects can define method_missing to handle unexpected messages.
class MyObject
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
puts name
Without the method_missing handler, the object will raise a NoMethodError
class MyObject
NoMethodError: undefined method 'some_undefined_method' for #<MyObject...>
So what does this look like in Rails?
$ rails generate model User name:string
Produces this
# models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Which has the following methods implemented among others (by ActiveRecord)
def name
def name=(value)
When you do the following:
# create a new User object
> user =
#<User ... >
# call the 'name=' method on the User object
> = "name"
# call the 'name' method on the User object. Note that these are 2 different methods
> user.some_undefined_method
NoMethodError: undefined method 'some_undefined_method' for #<User...>
You'll see the same results whether you're calling it in your console, your model, your controller or in the view as they're all running the same Ruby code.
ERB view templates are slightly different in that what you enter is only evaluated as Ruby code when it's between <% %> or <%= %>. Otherwise, it gets written out to the page as text.
How do rails people tell the difference between all these errors with
the same name?
We usually look at the stack trace that comes back with the response (in development mode) as well as looking in the logs. In a dev environment, I am running my server in a console where I can scroll through the request.
What does NoMethodError mean at it's core? It seems like what you're
calling in the template is misspelled, or you're accessing attributes
that don't exist?
Due to dynamic coupling nature of Ruby. When Ruby determines that an object doesn't have a method by the name of the one that was called. It looks for a method by the name of "method_missing" within that object. If it's not defined then the super one is called which has the default behaviour of raising an exception. Rails leverages this mechanism heavily in it's internal dispatching
Where can this error happen? Is the only possible cause in the
template/view (the html.erb file)? Or can a bad call in the controller
and whatnot cause same error?
This error can happen wherever you have Ruby code, It has nothing to do with rails
Also, what is the best debugger gem to alleviate these issues? Reading
the full trace isn't too helpful for beginners at least for a while,
I;d like a first hand account of what debugger someone uses instead of
reading hype
An Invaluable tool for debugging is the gem 'pry'. It has many useful plug-able tools that greatly simplify debugging

ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError occurs after deploying and then goes away after a while

I have a Rails 3.0.9 app that, once it is deployed, suffers from a bunch of ActiveModel::MissingAttributeErrors that crop up causing 500s. The errors occur fairly randomly, sometimes a page will load, other times it won't, but the attributes are all existing attributes in the database and should be found.
The strange part is that after a while, the errors go away. Suddenly, they stop causing an issue.
I have searched about for a solution to this, but this error mostly occurs either when someone has done Model.all(:select => 'column_x,column_y') and are calling for column_z or when they are using cache_money. I am doing neither of these things.
Can anyone help?
You probably have a query that doesn't return all the columns (i.e. uses :select) and then cache_money; or some other ActiveRecord plugin uses an after_initialize callback, which executes whenever a new ActiveRecord object is created (i.e. when fetched from the database).
In that initialize callback, something tries to access or use an attribute that wasn't included in the :select. You'd expect this to return nil for that attribute, but an ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError is thrown instead.
You can rescue ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError like the article suggests, or patch the plugin(s) to use has_attribute?(:attribute_name) before they try to access or modify the attribute.
If you have been having this issue only directly after updating your database without any deploys or server restarts following, then what worked for me may work for you:
Run heroku restart and it should be fixed. Before the dyno restarts old data sometimes remains cached on the server, so starting it up again will scrub all of that data and prevent it from causing errors of that sort. Hope this helps.
I found an interesting take on this that resulted in the same error. In an attempt to reuse code we subclasses a presenters class with a presenters class that performed grouping to use in a graph view.
To simplify, it was something like:
class PostPresenter
def query
The the aggregator did something like the following to build a table of posts per day:
class AggregatePostPresenter < PostPresenter
def group_query'count(*) as cnt, date(created_at)').group('date(created_at)')
A call to "group_query" results in an ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError since, I think, the attempt to "includes" Wombat fails because "wombat_id" wasn't in the attributes included in the "select".
This is probably not your answer, however, since it happens regardless of whether or not cache is enabled.
I encountered this issue. Make sure your select: includes all fields referenced in your view, including any relationship IDs and any attributes called within your methods.
The missing attribute can be difficult to identify whenever your views and relationships are complex. The easiest way to debug this is to remove the select portion of your where clause and see if the query/scope/method runs correctly. If so, then add all of the attributes to the select and remove unneeded attributes one-at-a-time until you find the offending attribute.
A similar problem was annoying me when I was trying to make Ajax (actually angularjs) calls to populate an edit-in-place select fields.
I just wanted an id and name attributes to_json and kept getting the MissingAttributeError.
Realised I gotcha'd myself by having an as_json method in the model which is used for the main index and show calls on the model. Basically it was the as_json that was not seeing the attributes it expected."id,name")
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #foo.to_json }
gave the error but
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => { :foo=>#foo.as_json(:only=>[:id,:name]) } }
seems to be working. I was close to sussing it myself but I found a great explanation at.
I fixed this by adding .to_json to the end of my controller render.
you need to add line
rescue ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError
in your after_initialize() method of the model

Rails - Efficient way of finding entries with specific value in model

So I am trying to find all entries in my table that have a specific value in a particular column. The only way I can think off to do this is to look at each entry and see if it has the value but I was hoping there would be a more efficient solution - this gets unwieldy once you have a sizable database.
Does anyone have a better idea?
Update - I am creating an HTML table and I want to populate the table with all the entries in my model that have a certain value in a particular column. I am trying to do:
<%= render #users.where("column_name = 'value'") %>
as the answer below recommends but I get "undefined method `where' for nil:NilClass" error.
Update 2 - I am not sure why #users would be nil but I will try to figure that out later. For now, I tried
<% #user_message = User.where("column_name = 'value'") %>
<%= render #user_message %>
but it doesn't show any entries at all.
Update 3 - When I do, User.all in rails console, I get all the users so I know the data is there. However, when I do User.where("column_name = 'value'"), I get an empty array. I double checked the column name and value to make sure that the data was present.
Update 4 - Fixed! - I'm not sure why it didn't work in rails console but I got it to work in the site. I called my partial _user_message.html.erb. Apparently it still needs to be called _user.html.erb. Thanks for the help everyone!
Sounds like you want to do a where query, i.e.
#records = Model.where(:some_column => some_value)
Rails has excellent documentation, I suggest you take a look at the ActiveRecord Query guide:

Why do I get nil objects iterating an array in an ERB template?

I am new to Ruby and currently trying a few experiments.
I am confused about these scripts:
<% id = 1 %>
#mywodrld is an instance of a model and topic is the field. When executing the first one, the program runs correctly. When I run the second script, I get the following error:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.topic
What causes the nil object?
When I try your approach, I can't replicate your problem. It works fine for me. My guess is that you might use the variable id somewhere else also and that when you call #myworlds[id+1].topic id has some other value. But as I said, only a guess.
However, I recommend that you use another syntax when looping through collections of models in Ruby. Try something like this:
<% #myworlds.each do |myworld| %>
<h1><%= myworld.topic %></h1>
<% end %>
And if you really need the value of the iterator, you could always go with:
<% #myworlds.each_with_index do|myworld, i| %>
Where i keeps track of the current index in the array. Another good thing with this is that id no longer exists in memory after the block ended.
Are you sure that you have no other differences between these two code snippets?
In your comment you say that you have #myworlds[#id+1], in the original question you say #myworlds[id+1] (local variable versus instance variable). Can you show the exact code?
Both scripts are OK. You can create variables in one <% %> block, and you can use them in another one (if they are in the same .erb file, of course).
The error message says that your array has no element with index #id+1 or id+1. You have to debug the value of the expression used for the index. I guess that there is somewhere some small mistake, like a typo.
What is the output of your debug(#myworlds[#id+1]) statement when #myworlds[#id+1].topic raises the error?
Also try to debug the value of id:
<pre>The id = <%= debug(id) %> (<%= id.inspect %>)</pre>
(Depending on your version of Rails you may want to use h( id.inspect ))
I'm guessing but for some reason id+1 is probably not equal to 2.
To check the value of id+1 you can do that :
raise (id+1).inspect
Inspect is very useful is you want to see what is in an object :)
I think I know how to solve the problem is. You are trying to each an array data from a model, but u use the parameter [#id+1]. No matter the "id" is global or local variable, but the problem is in the end of array, there are no array with index "id+1". You should add another parameter to prevent the unrecognized parameter.
Try this
if((#myworlds.length-1) > #id)
#id = #id+1
It looks like you're looping over an array, but possibly using a for or while loop to accomplish it, rather than use an [].each. Your sample code doesn't give us enough information to work from so we're shooting in the dark attempting to help you.
Manually creating your index then trying to walk the array tends to run into problems where you either miss the first or last item, or you go too far and get the error you are seeing. Because each returns only the items in the array it can't do that.
Something like this might work better:
<% #myworlds.each do |world| %>
<%= world.topic %>
<% end %>
I didn't see the answer #DanneManne gave before I wrote my response. I think he's got the right solution.

Avoiding nil in Rails views

I'm sure this has been asked already, but I can't find the answer.
I have a Project model, which has a belongs_to relationship with my Client model. A client has a name, but a project doesn't necessarily have a client.
In my view, I've got code like this:
<%=h project.client && %>
because if the project doesn't have a client then trying to access causes a NoMethodError (nil doesn't have a method called name).
The question is, is it acceptable to have this kind of nil checking in the view, or should I be looking for another way around it?
Just use
I think its perfectly acceptable - this is view logic, you are more or less deciding whether or not to show portions of your view, based on whether there is data.
I run into this all the time, and yes it's annoying. Even when there is supposed to never be a nil, dirty data that I inherited sometimes triggers it.
Your solution is one way of handling it. You could also add a method to Project called client_name that displays the client name if it exists, but then you are linking the models together more than some people recommend.
def client_name
client &&
You could also make a helper method to do it, but you can end up writing a lot of them. :)
As mentioned by Skilldrick below, this is also useful to add a default string:
def client_name
client ? : "no client"
You can use delegate in your Project class, so this way you will respect the Law of demeter which says that you should "talk only to your immediate friends".
class Project
delegate :name, to: :client, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
So this way the project object will know where to ask about the client's name:
#You can now call
See more about delegate in the Rails documentation.
my hacky solution is to yield a block and rescue the error. Many would say using rescue as logic is very bad form. Just don't use this where you would actually need to know when something is nil and shouldn't be.
In application_helper.rb:
def none_on_fail
return yield
return "(none entered)"
Then in the view:
<%= none_on_fail { } %>
Then methods can be chained as deep as needed and it can be used on any method BUT it will cover up other potential problems with models/relationships/methods if they exist. I would equate it to taking out a splinter with a flamethrower. Very effective with painful consequences if used improperly.
I think these checks can usually be eliminated with a bit of thought. This has the benefit of keeping your view code cleaner, and more importantly, keeping logic out of the view layer, which is a best practice. Some templating engines don't allow any logic in the view.
There are at least a couple of scenarios. Let's say you have a show action that depends on an instance variable. I'd say if the record is not found the controller should not render the html, by redirecting or something else. If you have a loop in the view for an array, use #array.each do |a| end so that it doesn't evaluate if the array is empty. If you truly want an application default in the view, try loading it from a config file, e.g. #page_title || #{#APP_CONFIG['page_title']} (see Railscasts #85). Remember you may want to change these strings later, for example translating the UI.
Those are a couple scenarios where presence checks and usage of try can be avoided. I'd try to avoid them if possible. If you can't avoid them, I'd put the conditional checks in a view helper and add a helper unit test for it to verify (and document) both code paths.
